Example in Polish | Translation in English |
-Mówisz tak tylko, żeby mi schlebić. | - Divine. - You're just saying that to flatter me. - Why, is that a compliment? |
A Ty wiesz, jak schlebić swojemu. | And you know how to flatter yours. |
Czy to ma mi schlebić? | Is that supposed to flatter me? |
Mary, jeśli chcesz mi schlebić, to umów się ze mną na kolację. | Hey, you want to flatter me, have dinner with me. |
To miało mi schlebić? | Is that supposed to flatter me? |
Bardzo mi to schlebiło. | "watching the next 12 hours." And I was flattered by that. |
Corey zaprosił mnie na randkę i schlebiło mi to. | Corey asked me out and I was flattered. |
Kiedy to usłyszałem, nawet mi to schlebiło. | Yeah, I was kind of flattered when I heard. |
Super mi to schlebiło. | M super flattered. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Dutch | flatteren,pletten, vleien | English | flatter |
Esperanto | flati | French | aduler, flatter, se flâner, se flâtrer, se flatter, se fleur-bleuiser |
German | schmeicheln | Italian | adulare, lusingare, sviolinare |
Japanese | 阿る, 阿諛, 煽てる | Lithuanian | meilikauti |
Portuguese | adular, bajular, lisonjear | Romanian | linguși |
Russian | льстить, польстить | Spanish | adular, halagar, lisonjear, lisonjearse, requebrar |
Turkish | gururunu okşamak, kompliman yapmak, pohpohlamak, yağ yakmak |