Example in Norwegian | Translation in English |
Hittil har noen forsøkt å sabotere vår oppdrag to ganger. | So far, someone's tried to sabotage this mission twice. |
Prøver dere å sabotere dette? | Are you trying to sabotage what we are doing here now? |
Før vi kom planla de å sabotere ting i neste uke. | Before we got involved, they planned to commit sabotage next week. |
Deltok du på noen måte, med planer om å sabotere denne stasjonen? | Were you involved, in any way, with the plans to sabotage this station? |
l frykter flere forsøk å sabotere stasjonen. | l fear more attempts to sabotage the station. |
Hittil har noen forsøkt å sabotere vår oppdrag to ganger. | So far, someone's tried to sabotage this mission twice. |
Prøver dere å sabotere dette? | Are you trying to sabotage what we are doing here now? |
Før vi kom planla de å sabotere ting i neste uke. | Before we got involved, they planned to commit sabotage next week. |
Noen vil sabotere konferansen. | So someone wants to sabotage this conference. |
Deltok du på noen måte, med planer om å sabotere denne stasjonen? | Were you involved, in any way, with the plans to sabotage this station? |
Det er flere dusin om bord som saboterer skipet ditt. | There are several dozen crewmen on board actually, and they have been working 'round the clock to sabotage your vessel. |
Lily saboterer forholdene mine. Blant annet vårt. | Turns out Lily has taken it upon herself to sabotage many of my relationships, including ours. |
Fordi du var sint på Bob, og jeg fortalte deg hvordan jeg av og til saboterer forholdene mine. Det gjorde du ikke. | 'Cause you were mad at Bob, and I told you about how I sometimes sabotage my relationships. |
Hvis du saboterer varene, må han flykte uten noe. Han vil ringe. | If you rob him, sabotage the goods, he'll have to run with nothing. |
Du saboterer ekteskapet mitt. | You're trying to sabotage my marriage. |
Jeg vet du tror det var meg, men det var Wilson og Rosener som saboterte flyene. | I know you think it was me, but it was Wilson and Rosener who sabotaged the jets. |
Du saboterte alle operasjonene. | You sabotaged the other missions. |
Han og doktoren saboterte skipet. | No. He and the Doctor sabotaged the ship. |
Han saboterte skipet. | He's the one that sabotaged the ship. |
Plantet han papirene, saboterte han nok IFF-en også. | I'm sure. If it was him who planted the documents, surely it was him who sabotaged the IFF In my Spitfire. |
Prøv å saboter maskinen. Jeg vil at du gjør det. | Try and sabotage that machine. |
Jeg hadde bevis for at Roffe ble sabotert. | I had proof Roffe was being sabotaged. |
Yueh har sabotert husets generatorer. | Yueh! He sabotaged the house generators. |
Du kunne ikke sabotert skipet på egen hånd. | I don't believe you could have sabotaged this ship alone. |
- De har blitt sabotert. | - They've been sabotaged. |
Strøm og kommunikasjon fasiliteter vil bli sabotert. | Power and communication facilities will be sabotaged. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Catalan | sabotejar | English | sabotage |
Esperanto | saboti | Finnish | sabotoida |
French | saboter | German | sabotieren |
Hungarian | szabotál | Indonesian | menyabot |
Italian | sabotare | Lithuanian | sabotuoti |
Macedonian | саботира | Polish | sabotować |
Portuguese | sabotar | Spanish | sabotear |
Turkish | sabotaj yapmak |