Example in Japanese | Translation in English |
この子といること [泣く] | Well... you're looking at her. |
泣く? | Cried? |
[泣く] 男: | [crying] man: |
泣かない | They don't cry |
そうとも 私は... 昨日殺された男の為に 泣いた... | And yes, I did cry... because a man was killed yesterday. |
ほら 泣いた! 悲しみに出会った 子供みたいに | You'd like to cry like a very sad little girl. |
電話を何本か掛けて 泣いた... | I made some calls, I cried... |
粘着して たかって 泣いて・・・ | - Clingy, needy, whiny. |
泣いて 呼びかけた | You weep, you call. |
泣け | Cry. |
泣けば 気にしないから | Go ahead. I won't judge. |
ジンと くるなァ 泣ける | It's so sweet. |
殺人の被害者では なく | Never a murder victim. |
"この決定は我々全てを 含むものでは なく ..." | This decision does not resolve all of us ... Thank you. |
なく したら困るわ | That's pretty risky. I mean, what would you do if you lost it? |
眠れ そ う な場所は なか っ た | Those devils won't get it! Nowhere did he seem to be comfortable. |
ついに理解でき なか っ た なぜな ら 彼 の行 為は あ ま り に も真理に反 し 一切の 人 間性か ら かけ離れ て いたか ら であ る | of truth, of the significance of his own acts, which were too far opposed to truth and goodness, too remote from everything human for him to be able to grasp their significance. |
世界の半数が称賛す る 自分 の行 為 を 彼には否定でき なか っ た 必然的に 彼は 真理 善な ど一切の—— | He could not disavow his own acts, that were lauded by half the world, and so he was forced to disavow truth and goodness and everything human. |
彼には否定でき なか っ た 必然的に 彼は 真理 善な ど一切の—— 人 間性を否定 し た の であ る | He could not disavow his own acts, that were lauded by half the world, and so he was forced to disavow truth and goodness and everything human. |
我々 には 戦 う 理由が なか っ た のだ | There's no such thing. |