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Trembloter (to flicker) conjugation

3 examples
Conjugation of trembloter
Present tense
je tremblote
I flicker
tu tremblotes
you flicker
il/elle/on tremblote
he/she/it flickers
nous tremblotons
we flicker
vous tremblotez
you all flicker
ils/elles tremblotent
they flicker
Present perfect tense
j’ai trembloté
I flickered
tu as trembloté
you flickered
il/elle/on a trembloté
he/she/it flickered
nous avons trembloté
we flickered
vous avez trembloté
you all flickered
ils/elles ont trembloté
they flickered
Past impf. tense
je tremblotais
I was flickering
tu tremblotais
you were flickering
il/elle/on tremblotait
he/she/it was flickering
nous tremblotions
we were flickering
vous tremblotiez
you all were flickering
ils/elles tremblotaient
they were flickering
Future tense
je trembloterai
I will flicker
tu trembloteras
you will flicker
il/elle/on tremblotera
he/she/it will flicker
nous trembloterons
we will flicker
vous trembloterez
you all will flicker
ils/elles trembloteront
they will flicker
Past perfect tense
j’avais trembloté
I had flickered
tu avais trembloté
you had flickered
il/elle/on avait trembloté
he/she/it had flickered
nous avions trembloté
we had flickered
vous aviez trembloté
you all had flickered
ils/elles avaient trembloté
they had flickered
Past preterite tense
je tremblotai
I flickered
tu tremblotas
you flickered
il/elle/on tremblota
he/she/it flickered
nous tremblotâmes
we flickered
vous tremblotâtes
you all flickered
ils/elles tremblotèrent
they flickered
Past anterior tense
j’eus trembloté
I had flickered
tu eus trembloté
you had flickered
il/elle/on eut trembloté
he/she/it had flickered
nous eûmes trembloté
we had flickered
vous eûtes trembloté
you all had flickered
ils/elles eurent trembloté
they had flickered
Future perfect tense
j’aurai trembloté
I will have flickered
tu auras trembloté
you will have flickered
il/elle/on aura trembloté
he/she/it will have flickered
nous aurons trembloté
we will have flickered
vous aurez trembloté
you all will have flickered
ils/elles auront trembloté
they will have flickered
Present subjunctive tense
que je tremblote
that I flicker
que tu tremblotes
that you flicker
qu’il/elle/on tremblote
that he/she/it flicker
que nous tremblotions
that we flicker
que vous tremblotiez
that you all flicker
qu’ils/elles tremblotent
that they flicker
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie trembloté
that I have flickered
que tu aies trembloté
that you have flickered
qu’il/elle/on ait trembloté
that he/she/it have flickered
que nous ayons trembloté
that we have flickered
que vous ayez trembloté
that you all have flickered
qu’ils/elles aient trembloté
that they have flickered
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je tremblotasse
that I would flicker
que tu tremblotasses
that you would flicker
qu’il/elle/on tremblotât
that he/she/it would flicker
que nous tremblotassions
that we would flicker
que vous tremblotassiez
that you all would flicker
qu’ils/elles tremblotassent
that they would flicker
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse trembloté
that I had flickered
que tu eusses trembloté
that you had flickered
qu’il/elle/on eût trembloté
that he/she/it had flickered
que nous eussions trembloté
that we had flickered
que vous eussiez trembloté
that you all had flickered
qu’ils/elles eussent trembloté
that they had flickered
Conditional mood
je trembloterais
I would flicker
tu trembloterais
you would flicker
il/elle/on trembloterait
he/she/it would flicker
nous trembloterions
we would flicker
vous trembloteriez
you all would flicker
ils/elles trembloteraient
they would flicker
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais trembloté
I would have flickered
tu aurais trembloté
you would have flickered
il/elle/on aurait trembloté
he/she/it would have flickered
nous aurions trembloté
we would have flickered
vous auriez trembloté
you all would have flickered
ils/elles auraient trembloté
they would have flickered
Imperative mood
let's flicker!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie trembloté
have flickered
ayons trembloté
let's have flickered
ayez trembloté
have flickered
Examples of trembloter
Example in FrenchTranslation in English
On voit cette image qui tremblote, c'est presque abstrait.And you see this almost flickers maybe like an abstract of action.
Tu as l'ombre et la lumière tremblotant sur le mur.You got shadow and light flickering on a wall.
Vous vous effacez comme un néon tremblotant.You're fading like a flickering fluorescent light.
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