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Recruter (to recruit) conjugation

25 examples
Conjugation of recruter
Present tense
je recrute
I recruit
tu recrutes
you recruit
il/elle/on recrute
he/she/it recruits
nous recrutons
we recruit
vous recrutez
you all recruit
ils/elles recrutent
they recruit
Present perfect tense
j’ai recruté
I recruited
tu as recruté
you recruited
il/elle/on a recruté
he/she/it recruited
nous avons recruté
we recruited
vous avez recruté
you all recruited
ils/elles ont recruté
they recruited
Past impf. tense
je recrutais
I was recruiting
tu recrutais
you were recruiting
il/elle/on recrutait
he/she/it was recruiting
nous recrutions
we were recruiting
vous recrutiez
you all were recruiting
ils/elles recrutaient
they were recruiting
Future tense
je recruterai
I will recruit
tu recruteras
you will recruit
il/elle/on recrutera
he/she/it will recruit
nous recruterons
we will recruit
vous recruterez
you all will recruit
ils/elles recruteront
they will recruit
Past perfect tense
j’avais recruté
I had recruited
tu avais recruté
you had recruited
il/elle/on avait recruté
he/she/it had recruited
nous avions recruté
we had recruited
vous aviez recruté
you all had recruited
ils/elles avaient recruté
they had recruited
Past preterite tense
je recrutai
I recruited
tu recrutas
you recruited
il/elle/on recruta
he/she/it recruited
nous recrutâmes
we recruited
vous recrutâtes
you all recruited
ils/elles recrutèrent
they recruited
Past anterior tense
j’eus recruté
I had recruited
tu eus recruté
you had recruited
il/elle/on eut recruté
he/she/it had recruited
nous eûmes recruté
we had recruited
vous eûtes recruté
you all had recruited
ils/elles eurent recruté
they had recruited
Future perfect tense
j’aurai recruté
I will have recruited
tu auras recruté
you will have recruited
il/elle/on aura recruté
he/she/it will have recruited
nous aurons recruté
we will have recruited
vous aurez recruté
you all will have recruited
ils/elles auront recruté
they will have recruited
Present subjunctive tense
que je recrute
that I recruit
que tu recrutes
that you recruit
qu’il/elle/on recrute
that he/she/it recruit
que nous recrutions
that we recruit
que vous recrutiez
that you all recruit
qu’ils/elles recrutent
that they recruit
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie recruté
that I have recruited
que tu aies recruté
that you have recruited
qu’il/elle/on ait recruté
that he/she/it have recruited
que nous ayons recruté
that we have recruited
que vous ayez recruté
that you all have recruited
qu’ils/elles aient recruté
that they have recruited
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je recrutasse
that I would recruit
que tu recrutasses
that you would recruit
qu’il/elle/on recrutât
that he/she/it would recruit
que nous recrutassions
that we would recruit
que vous recrutassiez
that you all would recruit
qu’ils/elles recrutassent
that they would recruit
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse recruté
that I had recruited
que tu eusses recruté
that you had recruited
qu’il/elle/on eût recruté
that he/she/it had recruited
que nous eussions recruté
that we had recruited
que vous eussiez recruté
that you all had recruited
qu’ils/elles eussent recruté
that they had recruited
Conditional mood
je recruterais
I would recruit
tu recruterais
you would recruit
il/elle/on recruterait
he/she/it would recruit
nous recruterions
we would recruit
vous recruteriez
you all would recruit
ils/elles recruteraient
they would recruit
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais recruté
I would have recruited
tu aurais recruté
you would have recruited
il/elle/on aurait recruté
he/she/it would have recruited
nous aurions recruté
we would have recruited
vous auriez recruté
you all would have recruited
ils/elles auraient recruté
they would have recruited
Imperative mood
let's recruit!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie recruté
have recruited
ayons recruté
let's have recruited
ayez recruté
have recruited
Examples of recruter
Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Ta mission sera de les recruter.'Your mission is to recruit them, ok?
- Après, ce sont les employeurs qui décident de recruter, pas nous.-After,what are employers who decide to recruit,not us.
- Bien, vous pouvez dire Évêque qui l'hôpital est interdit pour recruter.- Well, you can tell Bishop that the hospital is off-limits for recruiting.
- Il a utilisé l'école pour recruter des gens.- He's been using the school to recruit guys.
- Il nous faut recruter.- We need to recruit.
- C'est moi qui l'ai recruté.- l recruited him myself.
- C'était un de mes profs de fac, puis il m'a recruté pour le projet naquadria.- He was one of my teachers at university and then he recruited me into the naquadria project.
- Hydra a recruté Gill ?- Hydra recruited Gill?
- J'ai été recruté par la League Stellaire pour... défendre la frontière.- I've been recruited by the Star League... to defend the frontier.
- J'ai été recruté par le programme...-l was recruited into the Stargate...
- C'est eux que Jimmy recrute ?- That's who Jimmy is recruiting? - Aye, that's them.
- Elle recrute pour un poste dans sont équipe de recherche à Oxford.- She's recruiting for an open spot on her project research team at Oxford.
- Il recrute son ancien pote d'armée pour l'aider à voler un tableau que sa femme possède déjà.- He recruits his old army buddy to help him steal a painting his wife already owns.
- Il recrute.- He's recruiting.
- Il se trouve que je recrute.- Just so happens, I'm recruiting.
- Vos messages... les gens que vous recrutez...The messages, the recruits...
- Vous l'avez lu ? - Vous recrutez des guerriers.And that you're recruiting warriors.
-Comment vous les recrutez ?- How do you recruit them?
-Où est-ce que vous recrutez?- Where do you get your recruits?
C'est comme ça que vous recrutez vos agents?Is this howyou recruit your operatives? .
A partir d'ici, tu seras en France, recrutant des résistants tout seul jusuqu'à ce que nous arrivions.From here on, you'll be in France, recruiting resistance on your own until the rest of us land.
Au moment convenu, ils convergeront vers l'intérieur, tuant et recrutant.At the appointed time, they will start to move inland killing and recruiting.
Cet homme a sauvé d'innombrables vies, britanniques et étrangères, en recrutant cet atout.This man saved countless lives, British and foreign, by recruiting that asset.
En recrutant.I'm talking about recruiting.
Ils agrandissent leurs rangs en recrutant des jeunes, souvent des adolescents troublés.They grow their ranks by recruiting young, usually troubled teens.
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