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Sembler (to appear) conjugation

23 examples
Conjugation of sembler
Present tense
je semble
I appear
tu sembles
you appear
il/elle/on semble
he/she/it appears
nous semblons
we appear
vous semblez
you all appear
ils/elles semblent
they appear
Present perfect tense
j’ai semblé
I appeared
tu as semblé
you appeared
il/elle/on a semblé
he/she/it appeared
nous avons semblé
we appeared
vous avez semblé
you all appeared
ils/elles ont semblé
they appeared
Past impf. tense
je semblais
I was appearing
tu semblais
you were appearing
il/elle/on semblait
he/she/it was appearing
nous semblions
we were appearing
vous sembliez
you all were appearing
ils/elles semblaient
they were appearing
Future tense
je semblerai
I will appear
tu sembleras
you will appear
il/elle/on semblera
he/she/it will appear
nous semblerons
we will appear
vous semblerez
you all will appear
ils/elles sembleront
they will appear
Past perfect tense
j’avais semblé
I had appeared
tu avais semblé
you had appeared
il/elle/on avait semblé
he/she/it had appeared
nous avions semblé
we had appeared
vous aviez semblé
you all had appeared
ils/elles avaient semblé
they had appeared
Past preterite tense
je semblai
I appeared
tu semblas
you appeared
il/elle/on sembla
he/she/it appeared
nous semblâmes
we appeared
vous semblâtes
you all appeared
ils/elles semblèrent
they appeared
Past anterior tense
j’eus semblé
I had appeared
tu eus semblé
you had appeared
il/elle/on eut semblé
he/she/it had appeared
nous eûmes semblé
we had appeared
vous eûtes semblé
you all had appeared
ils/elles eurent semblé
they had appeared
Future perfect tense
j’aurai semblé
I will have appeared
tu auras semblé
you will have appeared
il/elle/on aura semblé
he/she/it will have appeared
nous aurons semblé
we will have appeared
vous aurez semblé
you all will have appeared
ils/elles auront semblé
they will have appeared
Present subjunctive tense
que je semble
that I appear
que tu sembles
that you appear
qu’il/elle/on semble
that he/she/it appear
que nous semblions
that we appear
que vous sembliez
that you all appear
qu’ils/elles semblent
that they appear
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie semblé
that I have appeared
que tu aies semblé
that you have appeared
qu’il/elle/on ait semblé
that he/she/it have appeared
que nous ayons semblé
that we have appeared
que vous ayez semblé
that you all have appeared
qu’ils/elles aient semblé
that they have appeared
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je semblasse
that I would appear
que tu semblasses
that you would appear
qu’il/elle/on semblât
that he/she/it would appear
que nous semblassions
that we would appear
que vous semblassiez
that you all would appear
qu’ils/elles semblassent
that they would appear
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse semblé
that I had appeared
que tu eusses semblé
that you had appeared
qu’il/elle/on eût semblé
that he/she/it had appeared
que nous eussions semblé
that we had appeared
que vous eussiez semblé
that you all had appeared
qu’ils/elles eussent semblé
that they had appeared
Conditional mood
je semblerais
I would appear
tu semblerais
you would appear
il/elle/on semblerait
he/she/it would appear
nous semblerions
we would appear
vous sembleriez
you all would appear
ils/elles sembleraient
they would appear
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais semblé
I would have appeared
tu aurais semblé
you would have appeared
il/elle/on aurait semblé
he/she/it would have appeared
nous aurions semblé
we would have appeared
vous auriez semblé
you all would have appeared
ils/elles auraient semblé
they would have appeared
Imperative mood
let's appear!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie semblé
have appeared
ayons semblé
let's have appeared
ayez semblé
have appeared
Examples of sembler
Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Rlen" écrlvlt-ll dans son journal, "ne pourrait sembler moins hospltaller"."Nothing, " he wrote in his journal, "could be less inviting at first appearance. "
- Et alors? Mlle Wells, cela peut vous sembler condescendant, mais nous ne pouvons risquer inutilement votre vie.Miss Wells, I know that it must appear as if we are condescending to you but we cannot needlessly risk your life.
- Nous ne voudrions pas sembler cupides.- I say, we don't want to appear greedy.
Ca peut te sembler un peu idiot, mais il y a une explication tout à fait raisonnable.Well, it may appear silly to you... but there's a perfectly reasonable explanation.
Ce pourcentage peut sembler relativement faible mais il signifie pourtant que le nombre des astres habités serait énorme :3 C 123 appears on photographs as a blurred iittle spot of irregular shape ...that presumably represents other galaxies of the same group
Elle fut enfin vendue à un seigneur de la guerre au bout du monde et il a semblé que l'histoire s'arrêtait là.She was eventually sold off to some warlord on the edge of the world and that appeared to be that.
Et de nombreux journalistes de télévision ont rapporté que pendant que les bâtiments s'effondraient, la tour nord, la tour sud et le bâtiment 7, ... ont tous semblé s'effondrer comme au cours d'une démolition par implosion.And many television reporters reported that as the buildings collapsed both the north tower and the south tower and building 7, they all appeared to come down just like a controlled demolition.
Et j'avais filmé Tilikum sortant de l'eau en tournant de côté et il m'a semblé qu'il essayait de saisir Liz.And I had captured Tilikum coming out of the water kind of turning sideways and appeared to me to try to grab Liz.
Et où ils viennent de. Il a semblé être nécessaire Je leur ai dit qu'ils ont entendues Était impossibleIt appeared to be necessary l told them what they had in mind was impossible l told them the truth.
Franchement, votre merveilleux père, que Dieu le garde en bonne santé, m'a semblé très fatigué et faibli.To be honest with you, your great father, may Allah bless him, appeared to me weak and tired.
""II semble qu"il y ait un tigre dans Ia salle à manger."I'm sorry. There appears to be a tiger in the dining room.
"Ca semble être le... L'artefact que vous recherchez.""It appears to be the-- the artifact you're after."
"Il ne reste plus personne à habiller." Simone Lo semble partager ce principe.It appears Simone Lo believes the same.
"Il semble qu'aucun autre véhicule ne soit impliqué."No other vehicles appear to be involved in what police say... is a fatal crash.
"Je m'oppose à la violence parce que lorsqu'elle semble engendrer le bien, le bien qui en résulte n'est que transitoire, tandis que le mal produit est permanent. ""I object to violence, because when it appears to do good, "the good is only temporary. "The evil it does is permanent."
- Vous me semblez sérieusement dérangé.- You appear to be a seriously disturbed man.
- Vous semblez y croire, ça vous obsède.You appear to believe it. You´re obsessed by it.
- vous semblez aller bien.You appear to be fine.
Aujourd'hui vos intentions ne semblez pas être très bon.Today you're intentions don't appear to be very good.
C'est que vous semblez...It's just that you appear to be...
- pour faire semblant de disparaître.- when he pulled his disappearing act.
La duchesse, de déesse devenue femme, et semblant tout d'un coup mille fois plus belle, fit pleuvoir sur moi l'averse étincelante et céleste de son sourire.The Duchess, goddess turned woman, and appearing in that moment a thousand times more lovely, showered upon me the insolent celestial torrent of her smile.
Mais faire semblant de coopérer, c'est autre chose,However, appearing to cooperate is another matter.
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