Example in Finnish | Translation in English |
- Ei pidä erottua missään asiassa. | Right. Don't stand out in any way. |
- Haluatte selvästi erottua. | I think you're keen to stand out. Yes. |
- Miksi erottua kun voi sulautua? | I'm saying, why stand out when you can blend in? You've already shown him Johnny the amazing. |
- Tarve erottua joukosta on synnynnäinen. | The need to stand out from the crowd is innate. |
En halua erottua massasta. | Oh, well, don't want to stand out. |
- Sitten erotun joukosta. | Good, then I stand out. |
-Kyllä erotut. | You stand out. |
Heiluta Brasilian lippua, jotta erotut väkijoukosta. | Wave a Brazilian flag so you stand out in the crowd. |
Kuinka erotut joukosta? | How do you stand out from the pack? |
Tai erotut joukosta. | Be like everybody else or you'll stand out. |
Tiedäthän, että erotut aika lailla naapureistasi. | You know you stand out amongst your neighbors. |
- Hän erottuu joukosta. | She stands out. |
- Niin, väri erottuu mukavasti. | ~ Yeah, the colour stands out well. |
Aikuinen mies huppu päässä erottuu hieman joukosta. | A grown man in an outfit and a hood that kind of stands out a little, doesn't it? |
Heistä kuitenkin yksi erottuu joukosta. | But there is one person that stands out among them. |
Hän erottuu muista. | He stands out from the others. |
-Me molemmat erotumme. | - I think we both stand out a bit. |
Mutta erotumme silti joukosta. | But even if we're not giving off em, we're still going to stand out like a sore thumb. |
Mutta tuon vihreän asusi ansiosta erotumme joukosta. | But in that green getup of yours, we're gonna stand out like a hooker in a church. |
Nobusaton suosituksen mukaan, - olemme värjänneet, kaikki haarniskat, kypärät ja liput punaisiksi. Silloin, erotumme vihollisistamme, samoin kuin liittolaisistammekin! | Acting on Nobusato's recommendation we've painted all our armor, helmets and flags red so that we'll stand out to all our enemies, as well as to our allies! |
- Te erotutte porukasta. | You stand out. |
Te erotutte joukosta. | You stand out in a crowd. |
Te kyllä erotutte muista. | You do sort of stand out in a town like this. |
Kesällä on idyllistä, mutta talvella - oksat ja rungot erottuvat. | In the summer, everything is green and idyllic, but in the winter, the branches and the trunks, they all stand out. |
Majuri käski maalaamaan pyrstön punaiseksi, jotta ne erottuvat. | The Major says paint their tails bright red, so they stand out. |
Monet asiakkaani erottuvat joukosta vaikka mitä tekisi. | Some customers, no matter what I do, still stand out. |
Ne erottuvat joukosta. | They do rather stand out. |
Hän ajatteli, että häntä siedettäisiin - paremmin täällä - koska hän sekoittuisi joukkoon - mutta aina hän erottui. | He figured that most people would tolerate him... a little more over here, down here... because he'd just blend in with the crowd... which he still didn't, because he always stood out. |
Hän oli kahden kaverin kanssa Hän erottui joukosta mystisesti. | he was with these two other guys, but for some mysterious reason, he really stood out. |
Jos isä tai äiti imuroi, hämähäkki erottui. | That was, that...it was Typex so that when me dad was vac-ing up, or me mum was vac-ing up, it stood out. |
Joukosta erottui taiteilijapari Søren ja Marie Krøyer. | The exceptional light attracted the artist couple Søren and Marie Krøyer - who stood out thanks to Søren's expert talent and international fame. |
Joukosta erottui vain... | I vetted a bunch of these. No one really stood out, except for... |
Kukaan ei oikeasti tiedä mitä he siellä tekivät... mutta erottuivat kyllä joukosta. | Nobody really knows what they were doing there, but hell, they stood out like cotton balls. |
Muutama kirjain ja numero erottuivat, mutta... | A few letters and numbers stood out but... |
- Kaikki pukeutuvat noidiksi, - etkä sinä erotu joukosta. Älä huoli. | Because everyone will be dressed as wenches, and you won't stand out. |
- Malli ja manageri eivät erotu joukosta. | And a model and her manager won't stand out. Oh, please, nobody's gonna believe that I'm a model. |
-Kirkossa en erotu. | - Al and I met at church. - Church is impossible. You can't stand out in that crowd of harlots. |
Ampuja ei erotu joukosta. | Our shooter is not gonna stand out. |
Et erotu muista mitenkään. | You will not stand out in any way. |
Se on erottumista. | It's standing out. |
En ole koskaan erottunut. | I never stood out. |
Minä en erottunut muista, ulkoisesti. Sisimmässäni minun oli vaikea olla kelvollinen. | I never stood out, on the outside... but inside, it was hard for me to pass. |
Olet aina erottunut muista, - erityisesti silloin, kun sinä ja Amanda karkasitte - kaikki pappilan viinipullot mukananne. | No, you've-you know, you've always stood out from the rest, particularly the time that you and Amanda ran off with all that wine from the rectory. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Catalan | destacar | Dutch | opvallen |
English | stand out | German | auffallen |
Greek | εξέχω | Hungarian | eláll |
Indonesian | menonjol | Italian | risaltare,segnalarsi, stagliarsi |
Japanese | 際立つ, 目立つ | Russian | выделиться, выделяться, красоваться |
Spanish | campar, descollar, destacarse, distinguirse |