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Responder (to answer) conjugation

137 examples
Conjugation of responder
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I answer
you answer
he/she/it answers
we answer
you all answer
they answer
Present perfect tense
he respondido
I have answered
has respondido
you have answered
ha respondido
he/she/it has answered
hemos respondido
we have answered
habéis respondido
you all have answered
han respondido
they have answered
Past preterite tense
I answered
you answered
he/she/it answered
we answered
you all answered
they answered
Future tense
I will answer
you will answer
he/she/it will answer
we will answer
you all will answer
they will answer
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would answer
you would answer
he/she/it would answer
we would answer
you all would answer
they would answer
Past imperfect tense
I used to answer
you used to answer
he/she/it used to answer
we used to answer
you all used to answer
they used to answer
Past perfect tense
había respondido
I had answered
habías respondido
you had answered
había respondido
he/she/it had answered
habíamos respondido
we had answered
habíais respondido
you all had answered
habían respondido
they had answered
Future perfect tense
habré respondido
I will have answered
habrás respondido
you will have answered
habrá respondido
he/she/it will have answered
habremos respondido
we will have answered
habréis respondido
you all will have answered
habrán respondido
they will have answered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I answer
(if/so that) you answer
(if/so that) he/she/it answer
(if/so that) we answer
(if/so that) you all answer
(if/so that) they answer
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya respondido
I have answered
hayas respondido
you have answered
haya respondido
he/she/it has answered
hayamos respondido
we have answered
hayáis respondido
you all have answered
hayan respondido
they have answered
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have answered
(if/so that) you have answered
(if/so that) he/she/it have answered
(if/so that) we have answered
(if/so that) you all have answered
(if/so that) they have answered
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have answered
(if/so that) you have answered
(if/so that) he/she/it have answered
(if/so that) we have answered
(if/so that) you all have answered
(if/so that) they have answered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera respondido
I had answered
hubieras respondido
you had answered
hubiera respondido
he/she/it had answered
hubiéramos respondido
we had answered
hubierais respondido
you all had answered
hubieran respondido
they had answered
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese respondido
I had answered
hubieses respondido
you had answered
hubiese respondido
he/she/it had answered
hubiésemos respondido
we had answered
hubieseis respondido
you all had answered
hubiesen respondido
they had answered
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have answered
(if/so that) you will have answered
(if/so that) he/she/it will have answered
(if/so that) we will have answered
(if/so that) you all will have answered
(if/so that) they will have answered
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere respondido
I will have answered
hubieres respondido
you will have answered
hubiere respondido
he/she/it will have answered
hubiéremos respondido
we will have answered
hubiereis respondido
you all will have answered
hubieren respondido
they will have answered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's answer!
Imperative negative mood
no respondas
do not answer!
no responda
let him/her/it answer!
no respondamos
let us not answer!
no respondáis
do not answer!
no respondan
do not answer!
Examples of responder
Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Accedió a la entrevista, luego se negó a responder las preguntas".He agreed to the interview then he refused to answer the questions.
"Estoy dispuesto a responder preguntas y no quiero un abogado.I am willing to answer questions and don't want an attorney.
"Gallagher, Vernon Francis, ha fallado en responder a una variedad de cargos relacionados al fraude de beneficios e impuestos municipales y demás cosas"."Gallagher, Vernon Francis, "has failed to answer a variety of charges "relating to benefit and council tax fraud, amongst other things."
"Habéis sido citado ante la corte para responder por los crímenes de vuestro banderizo Gregor Clegane, la Montaña""Summoned to court to answer for the crimes of your bannerman Gregor Clegane, the Mountain"...
"Hay gente ante la que tiene que responder.There's people he has to answer to.
"Los esclavos son nuestros". Así os respondo yo.You will answer, "The slaves are ours. "
"No respondo ante mi papá, Y no responderé ante ningún hombre."I don't answer to my father, I ain't gonna answer to no man.
"No respondo de Io que hagan mis tropas."I cannot answer for my troops.
"No", respondo firmemente."No!" I answer firmly.
"¿Cómo respondo a esta pregunta?"How do I answer that question.
"Dios mío, clamo de día y no me respondes;O, my God, I cry by day, and You do not answer.
- ...y no respondes.- and you don't answer!
- Ahora le respondes a tu esposa, ¿no? - ¿Qué?- Now you answer your wife, right?
- Aún no respondes a mi pregunta.You still didn't answer my question.
- Bien, por supuesto que no podemos forzarte a estar aqui en contra de tu voluntad, pero obtendras un mejor acuerdo por parte mia si respondes a mas preguntas de la Sra. Keating.- Well, of course we can't force you to be here against your will, but you will get a better deal from me if you answer more of Ms. Keating's questions.
"Al señor a la hora de mi angustia lo llamo y me responde.To the Lord at the hour of my distress I call and he answers me.
"Dios siempre responde a nuestras plegarias, Judy."God always answers our prayers, Judy.
"En silencio el universo responde, en nuestros corazones encontramos la valentía para ir a donde se nos llama."In silence the universe answers, in our hearts we find the bravery to go where it's calling us to go."
"Es un río," responde un niño que desenmaraña el enigma."It's a river," answers a child that unriddles riddles.
"Las tres, responde Lucas Kesling, el flamante director de 'El Poseído.'""All three, answers Lucas Kesling, the flamboyant director of 'The Possessed"'.
- Aquí la Columbus 3. - ¿Como le respondemos?'This is Columbus 3.' How do we answer it?
- Como maridos no volveremos a responder preguntas locas que os pondrían en nuestra contra si respondemos honestamente incluso aunque, muy en el fondo vosotras ya conocéis la respuesta honesta.- As husbands no longer have to respond to crazy-ass questions that you'd get mad at us for answering honestly, even though, deep down, you already know the honest answer.
- Es una pregunta... que generalmente hacemos en la iglesia o en el Registro Civíl... a la cual respondemos: "Acepto. "The true question is one usually asked only in churches or registry offices and that you answer, "I do."
- No respondemos al teléfono. Pensará que salió a buscar comida.- Don't answer the phone, he thinks she went out get food, fix some lunch.
- ¿Qué respondemos, señor?- Any answer, sir?
- ¿Qué me respondéis?- What answer do you have?
Apuesta doce contra nueve. Si respondéis, se celebrará de inmediato el lance.He hath laid on twelve for nine, and it would come to immediate trial... if your lordship would vouchsafe the answer.
Cuando hablo, respondéis.When I speak, you answer.
Habéis armado reyerta en la taberna del Sr. Garth, matando indios, robando esclavas y ahora respondéis a su lícita apelación desafiándole, como un matón en el patio de un colegio.You come brawling into Mr. Garth's tavern, killing Indians, stealing bond slaves and now you answer his rightful claim by hurling challenges like a bully in a schoolyard.
Me respondéis como yo podría hacerlo...You are answering me as I could answer you.
"Cuando los dioses desean castigarnos, responden a nuestras plegarias" ."When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers."
"Cuando los dioses desean escarmentarnos responden a nuestras oraciones.""they answer our prayers. "
"DÍA 08" Estoy empezando a aprender... hacer esta película me está obligando a aprender a interesarme en las personas y a hacer una pregunta después de que responden la primera pregunta.I'm starting to learn -- making this movie is forcing me to learn to actually be interested in people and ask a question after they answer the first question.
"Los mejores viajes responden preguntas que en el comienzo, ni siquiera pensabas en preguntar""The best travel" they answer questions in the beginning, "even thought to ask"
- Los hombres responden.- Men answer.
"Los máximos posibles", respondí.I answered : "The maximum."
"Sólo respondí la llamada"."I just answered the call."
- Creo que ya respondí eso.-I believe I've answered that.
- Señora, le respondí su pregunta.- Ma'am, I answered your question.
- Sí, estoy pensando que podría ser porque sólo respondí tres preguntas.Yeah, I'm thinking That might be 'cause I only answered three questions.
- Hemos llamado, pero nunca respondiste.- We called, but you never answered.
- No respondiste a la pregunta...You never answered my question.
- No respondiste la pregunta.- You haven't answered the question.
- No respondiste mi pregunta.- You haven't answered my question.
"'No lo sé', respondió Alicia"."'I don't know, ' Alice answered."
"Aissouram", le respondió ella."Yassuram", answered the beauty.
"Cien sacos de trigo", respondió."one hundred measures of wheat" he answered.
"Después mi alma retorno: "y me respondió:"and answered, "I myself am heaven... and hell."
"Es lo que debe hacer un hombre", respondió el muchacho."It is what a man must do," the boy answered.
- Sí, respondimos a uno de ellos.- Yeah, we answered one of those.
6 retóricas, 2 repeticiones dejan 19 de las que respondimos 15.Six rhetorical and two repetition, leaving nineteen of which we answered fifteen.
Así que respondimos esa pregunta al aceptar esta entrevista.So we already answered the question when we took this interview.
Esa noche respondimos a la pregunta milenaria "¿Dónde están todos los tipos sensuales?"That night we finally answered the age old question. "Where are all the hot guys?"
Las respondimos educadamente y fuimos a la sala de proyecciones.We politely answered, and we went into the screening room.
Está bien, así que tú y la oficial Flynn respondisteis a una llamada de disturbio doméstico...All right, so you and Officer Flynn answered a domestic disturbance call...
Se hará la pregunta, y tenéis que tratar de recordar la forma en que respondisteis en la vida real.The question will be there, and you have to try to remember the way you answered in real life.
..porque cientos de miles de Cristianos y Musulmanes respondieron a la llamada de la Cruzada y el Jihad.....why hundreds of thousands of Christians and Muslims answered the call to Crusade and Jihad...
21 hombres de todo el mundo respondieron a mi aviso.21 men answered my advertisement, from all over the world.
A Charlie lo enviaron a un campo especial en Tule Lake... junto con los que respondieron que no en sus cuestionarios de la lealtad.Charliewassent to a special camp at Tule Lake... with all the others who had answered "no" on their loyalty questionnaires.
Alguien tenía que hacer otras en el valle y respondieron los indios.They had a few at Gila Valley. The Apaches answered 'em.
Así que empezamos a ver otra vez "Lost" desde el principio para contar cuántas preguntas nunca respondieron.Yeah. So we started re-watching lost from the beginning to count the number of questions that they never answered.
"Su ojo diserta" "Lo responderé"'Her eye discourses.' 'l will answer it.'
- Y te responderé.And I will answer. As ever.
.. veinte veces, sólo responderé una vez...twenty times, I will answer once
60 minutos, y entonces responderé a tu consulta, y creo que es posible que tenga algo más para ti.60 minutes, and then I will answer your query, And I think I might actually have something else for you.
Agente Gibbs, responderé a cualquier pregunta que tenga, pero no aquí y obviamente no con ella presente.I will answer any question that you have, - but not here and not with her.
- Bien. Walsh, hasta nuevo aviso le responderás a Chloe O'Brian.Walsh, until further notice, you will answer to Chloe O'Brian.
- Y responderás a ella antes de que me vaya.- And you will answer it before I leave this room.
- Yo haré las preguntas, tú responderás. Si no, me forzarás a comprimirte dentro de un bote de basura.'I will ask the questions, you will answer, 'otherwise I will compress you into a tie tack. '
- ¡Me responderás a mí!You will answer me!
A partir de ahora solo responderás al nombre Richard o Lord Rahl.And from now on you will answer only to "Richard" or "Lord Rahl."
- Alguien le responderá.- Someone will answer it.
- El Sr. Mascouvin le responderá.Monsieur Mascouvin will answer your questions.
- El testigo responderá a la pregunta.- The witness will answer the question.
- El testigo responderá la pregunta.The witness will answer the question.
- El testigo responderá.- The witness will answer.
En cuanto esté vestido, le responderemos.As soon as he's properly attired, we will answer.
En protesta de nuestro arresto por los poder que hay no responderemos a los ¡periodistas blancos!In protest of our arrest by the powers that be, we will answer no questions from the white media! - Let's go.
le responderemos su conspiración en especie.And we will answer your conspiracy in kind.
Ahora responderéis por ello.Now you will answer for it.
Cuando tengan una pregunta, la responderéis.When they have a question, you will answer.
O lo encontráis, o responderéis ante el Sr. Browning y el alto consejo.You will find him, or you will answer to Mr. Browning and the high council.
Aquellos que no lo hagan responderán ante mí.Those who don't will answer to me.
Entonces los justos le responderán: ' "Señor..."Then the righteous will answer him: 'Lord...'
Le diréis que él y sus hombres responderán ante mí, porque hoy yo soy el rey.You will tell him that he and his men will answer to me, because today I am king.
Les demando y les exijo a ambos, como lo responderán en el día el juicio final, cuando se desvelarán todos los secretos del alma, que si cualquiera de ambos conoce algún impedimento por el cual no debieran unirse legalmente,PRIEST: I require and charge you both, as you will answer at the dreadful Day of Judgment, when the secrets of all hearts shall be revealed, that if either of you do know of any impediment why you may not be joined together lawfully,
Los Sres. Morris y Collins no responderán preguntas hasta llegar al hotel.Everyone, Mr. Collins and Mr. Morris will answer questions at the press conference at the Palace Del Sol.
"No un profesor, un crítico," respondería él."Not a teacher, a critic," he would answer.
Además, no tenía medio de saber quién respondería al otro lado.Besides, I had no way of knowing who would answer on the other end.
Así, comencé a llamar hospitales en Boston y pidiendo Dr. Gris solo para ver si alguien respondería.So, I started calling hospitals in Boston and asking for Dr. Grey just to see if anyone would answer.
Aunque, Joseph sí dijo que el epilogo respondería todas las preguntas de los lectores.Joseph did say, though, that the epilogue would answer all of the readers' questions.
Cuando llamó al celular del juez Thompson sabía que respondería la policía y tendría una excusa para venir a Los Ángeles a pagarle.So when you called judge Thompson's cell phone, you knew that the police would answer and you'd have an excuse to come to L.A. to pay him.
Algunos responderían señalando a los millones de personas alrededor del mundo para quienes la muerte aún actúa como la entrada al cielo o a algún otro lugar muy, muy lejano. Narrador:Some would answer by pointing to the billions around the world for whom death still acts as a gateway to Heaven... or somewhere else far, far away.
Si se comportaran como personas de 13, 14 o 15 años responderían las preguntas en 1 minuto, y no se hablaba más de eso.If you if they held as people of 13, 14 or 15 years they would answer to the question in one minute and if he/she didn't speak more in this.
! Por favor, responda la pregunta.Please answer the question.
"Lea estas instrucciones, y no responda estas preguntas"."Read the following directions, then don't answer the following questions."
"Por favor responda a estas preguntas por el correo de vuelta:"Please answer these questions by return mail:
"Queremos que la CIA nos responda.""We want the CIA answering to us."
## Y deja que el río responda #### She lets the river answer ##
"Si quieres saber lo que sucedió después, entonces es mejor que respondas a mi carta.""If you want to know what happened next, then you had better answer my letter."
"voy a por Liz", cuando respondas tu teléfono."go for Liz," when you answer your phone.
# No te pido que respondas #I'm not asking you to answer
*Y será mejor que respondas a esa llamada*♪ And better answer that phone ♪
, ¡No le respondas!Don't answer it!
"Roma cayó por culpa de vuestra fe"... respondamos... que la doctrina de Cristo... no nos fue dada... para acumular bienes terrenales... sino para reformar nuestra vida... y llevarnos... hacia los bienes invisibles.When the pagans told us Rome fell because of your faith We answered
Así que, los ingleses vienen sobre nosotros con todas sus fuerzas, y es más que importante que les respondamos realmente con nuestra defensa.Thus comes the English with full power upon us, and more than carefully it us concerns to answer royally in our defences.
Buenos días a todos... Ahora que nos hemos tomado el café hemos hablado del tráfico y hemos tomado más café, respondamos a esta pregunta, Sally.Good morning to you and now that we've had our coffee and traffic and more coffee let's get an answer to this question, Sally.
Como último acorazado de Japón respondamos a las esperanzas de toda nuestra nación.As Japan's last battleship, let us answer the hopes of our entire nation.
Cuando respondamos eso, sabremos por qué fue asesinada.Well, we answer that, we'll find out why she was killed.
- Un interrogatorio que respondáis con verdad a vuestro nombre.- To make you answer truly to your name.
Ahora, viendo las hojas que tenéis delante, necesito que respondáis a tres simples preguntas.Now, as you'll see on the sheets in front of you, I need you to answer three simple questions.
Cuando lo haga público, quiero que respondáis de manera sencilla a lo que serán unas preguntas simples.All right now. After I break the news, I want you to start slowly with simple answers to what will be simple questions.
Es importante que conozcáis la zona, la gente espera que les respondáis.It's important that you know the area, people expect answers from you.
Hasta que respondáis esa pregunta, solo estamos perdiendo el tiempo.Until you guys answer that question, I'm just spinning my wheels.
"A hacer que esas personas respondan por sus crímenes"."make these people answer for their crimes."
- Hasta que nos respondan. - Está bien.- Till we get the answer.
- Primero respondan una pregunta.Not before you answer me one question.
- Vamos, respondan.- Come on, answer.
Ahora leeremos algunos auto-retratos, quiero que ustedes lo repasen a fondo, esperando que respondan las preguntas que hicimos al comienzo de la clase:Now that we read some self-portraits, he/she would like that you they redrafted them and they improved them, assuring that you/they answered to the questions that we did in the beginning of the class:
Pero ya le he respondido la única pregunta que dijo que deseaba que le respondiera.But I have answered the one question you said you wanted me to answer.
Ahora responded a mis preguntas:That's right and now answer to my questions:
Ahora, si sois doncella, responded.Now, if you are a maid, answer to this.
Aunque caigan los castillos sobre sus guardianes, hasta saciar a la propia destrucción, - responded a mis preguntas.Though castles topple on their warders' heads; Even till destruction sicken, - answer me to what I ask you.
Cuando os nombre, responded con voz fuerte.When I call your name, answer in a loud voice
Entonces responded a la pregunta.So answer the question.
"A", eso no sucederá, y "B", Izzie ya ha respondido tres veces tus preguntas."A," that's not gonna happen,and "b," izzle's already answered all of your questions three times.
"Ha respondido a mi carta.- You have answered my letter.
"Le he preguntado si estaba segura y ha respondido que sí.""Then I asked 'Are you sure? '. She answered: 'Yes'."
"Tu has respondido a mis oraciones.""You've answered my prayers."
"¿el acusado es culpable?"... la corte ha respondido que sí.Raw question of the accused 's obligations - has the right, after individual deliberation, answered yes.
! - ¿Qué haces respondiendo a la puerta?- What are you even doing answering the door?
"Considero que estoy respondiendo"."I feel I'm answering the question."
"El gobierno está respondiendo a las preguntas, mediante acciones legales en los juzgados.""The government is answering the questions through enforcement actions in the courts. " This is a very chilling remark on the government's use of brute force instead of civility and logic.
"La pluma y lengua, respondiendo a coro quieren al cielo espléndido subiros, donde están los espíritus más puros...The quill and the tongue, answering in unison long to rise to the splendid sky where the purest spirits lie.
"la alteración de la distribución de mamíferos en el pacífico del norte... respondiendo a cuestiones genéticas..""the alteration of the distribution "of north pacific mammals, answering genetic questions."
- Fosca te hicieron una pregunta, respondé por educación // ...He asked you a question, good manners dictate an answer. Doyou wantthem? Yes.
Y si no me respondés te lo voy a meter por la garganta, tan porfundo que vas a sonar cada vez que alguien llame.If you don't answer every one, I'll shove this so far down your throat, it's gonna make you take a tinkle every time it goes off.
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