Example in Spanish | Translation in English |
"Lo mandaron a Palermo para librarse de él. | "They sent him to Palermo to get rid of him. |
"¿Por qué estaba tan ansioso por librarse de ella?" | "Why was he so anxious to get rid of her?" |
- Debe librarse de este perro. | - You'll have to get rid of this dog. |
- Ellos... sabían que nos acercábamos, así que tuvieron que librarse de nosotros. | They-They knew we were closing in on him, so they had to get rid of us. |
- Habrá mucho sentimiento popular para librarse de Vito. Phil solamente... | There's gonna be a lot of popular sentiment to get rid of Vito. |
- Pues líbrate de ellos. | - Then get rid of them. |
- Y líbrate de Michael. | Oh, and, get rid of Michael. |
- ¡Por el amor de Dios, Guy, líbrate de él! | - For God's sake, Guy, get rid of him! |
-Pues líbrate de ella. | -Well, then get rid of her. |
Ah, y... líbrate de tu compañera de cuarto. | Oh, and... get rid of your roommate. |
"Sea quien sea, ¡líbrese de él!" | "Whoever he is, get rid of him!" |
- Que hagan pocas fotografías, y líbrese de ellos rápidamente. | - Let's keep the photos to a minimum, and get rid of them quickly. |
Lleve esto a tierra y líbrese de ello. | Take this to shore and get rid of it. |
líbrese de él. | You've got to get rid of him. |
Ahora, librémonos de esta pajarita y disfrutemos con un baile inaugural. | Now, let's get rid of this bow-tie and have ourselves an inaugural ball. |
Poned la carga en la escalera, y libraos de ellos. | Set your charges in the stairwell, and get rid of them. |
libraos de el. | Just get rid of him. |
- Sí, bueno, líbrense de ellos. | -Yeah, well, get rid of them. |
Atrápela y líbrense de ella. | Catch her and get rid of her. |
- A menos que se haya librado de él. | - Unless he got rid of it. - We know he didn't. |
- Al menos nos hemos librado de ella. | - At least we got rid of her. |
- María ha librado de su mecánico y Edith no está casado todavía. | - Mary has got rid of her mechanic and Edith is not married yet. |
- Me he librado de todos los periodistas. | - I got rid of all those reporters. |
- Me he librado en el caso de allanamiento. | - I got rid in case the Feds raided... |
Aquí Carl, librate de las pruebas Podemos guardar esto para el fin de semana | Here, Carl, get rid of the evidence. Eww! Guess we can save this for the weekend. |
Bueno, librate de ella. | Well, get rid of her. |
No tenías más opción que librate de ellas a la vieja usanza. | You had no choice but to get rid of 'em the old-fashioned way. Cccchhhh! |
Señora, antes de que alguien se entere, librate rapidamente del niño. | Miss, while no one has noticed yet, quickly get rid of the child. |
Solo librate de un par. | Just get rid of a couple. |
En vez de intentar encerrarme... por llevar un negocio, deberían estar... librándose de los rojos y bolcheviques... que intentan absorbernos. | Instead of trying to put me away for running a business, they ought to be getting rid of the Reds and Bolsheviks who are trying to take us over. |
Se libran del problema librándose de las personas. | You're saying you got rid of the problem by getting rid of the people. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Lithuanian | atsikratyti | Russian | изживать,изжить, отделаться, отделываться |