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Ejercitar (to exercise) conjugation

69 examples
Conjugation of ejercitar
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I exercise
you exercise
he/she/it exercises
we exercise
you all exercise
they exercise
Present perfect tense
he ejercitado
I have exercised
has ejercitado
you have exercised
ha ejercitado
he/she/it has exercised
hemos ejercitado
we have exercised
habéis ejercitado
you all have exercised
han ejercitado
they have exercised
Past preterite tense
I exercised
you exercised
he/she/it exercised
we exercised
you all exercised
they exercised
Future tense
I will exercise
you will exercise
he/she/it will exercise
we will exercise
you all will exercise
they will exercise
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would exercise
you would exercise
he/she/it would exercise
we would exercise
you all would exercise
they would exercise
Past imperfect tense
I used to exercise
you used to exercise
he/she/it used to exercise
we used to exercise
you all used to exercise
they used to exercise
Past perfect tense
había ejercitado
I had exercised
habías ejercitado
you had exercised
había ejercitado
he/she/it had exercised
habíamos ejercitado
we had exercised
habíais ejercitado
you all had exercised
habían ejercitado
they had exercised
Future perfect tense
habré ejercitado
I will have exercised
habrás ejercitado
you will have exercised
habrá ejercitado
he/she/it will have exercised
habremos ejercitado
we will have exercised
habréis ejercitado
you all will have exercised
habrán ejercitado
they will have exercised
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I exercise
(if/so that) you exercise
(if/so that) he/she/it exercise
(if/so that) we exercise
(if/so that) you all exercise
(if/so that) they exercise
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya ejercitado
I have exercised
hayas ejercitado
you have exercised
haya ejercitado
he/she/it has exercised
hayamos ejercitado
we have exercised
hayáis ejercitado
you all have exercised
hayan ejercitado
they have exercised
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have exercised
(if/so that) you have exercised
(if/so that) he/she/it have exercised
(if/so that) we have exercised
(if/so that) you all have exercised
(if/so that) they have exercised
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have exercised
(if/so that) you have exercised
(if/so that) he/she/it have exercised
(if/so that) we have exercised
(if/so that) you all have exercised
(if/so that) they have exercised
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera ejercitado
I had exercised
hubieras ejercitado
you had exercised
hubiera ejercitado
he/she/it had exercised
hubiéramos ejercitado
we had exercised
hubierais ejercitado
you all had exercised
hubieran ejercitado
they had exercised
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese ejercitado
I had exercised
hubieses ejercitado
you had exercised
hubiese ejercitado
he/she/it had exercised
hubiésemos ejercitado
we had exercised
hubieseis ejercitado
you all had exercised
hubiesen ejercitado
they had exercised
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have exercised
(if/so that) you will have exercised
(if/so that) he/she/it will have exercised
(if/so that) we will have exercised
(if/so that) you all will have exercised
(if/so that) they will have exercised
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere ejercitado
I will have exercised
hubieres ejercitado
you will have exercised
hubiere ejercitado
he/she/it will have exercised
hubiéremos ejercitado
we will have exercised
hubiereis ejercitado
you all will have exercised
hubieren ejercitado
they will have exercised
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's exercise!
Imperative negative mood
no ejercites
do not exercise!
no ejercite
let him/her/it exercise!
no ejercitemos
let us not exercise!
no ejercitéis
do not exercise!
no ejerciten
do not exercise!
Examples of ejercitar
Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Vine aquí para ejercitar mis ojos mirando chicos lindos.""I came here to exercise my eyes By looking at cute guys."
- Bueno, todos tenemos rituales diferentes, para ejercitar su ruptura.- Well, we all have different rituals... to exercise hard break.
Algún tiempo después del '44, comencé a ejercitar enérgicamente mi cuerpo y mi mente:Sometime after '44, I began to exercise vigorously my body and mind:
Ambas tienen una reclamación legítima y necesitan ejercitar sus derechos legales.You two have got a legitimate claim and need to exercise your legal rights.
Bastante para alegrarse, para ejercitar sus lenguas, para discutir patrimonio...Enough to delight them... to exercise their tongues, to discuss patrimony.
"Anoche vi el vigor desnudo de unos niños contra el ejercito la newsies, que son ... "Last night I saw naked force exercised against mere boys, the newsies, who were the--"
- Nunca me ejercito.- I don't do any exercise, ever.
Bueno, me ejercito todos los días y como bien.Well, I exercise every day and I eat right.
Charlie Snow fue retirado honorablemente del ejercito de los Estados Unidos.Charlie Snow was removed honorariamente of I exercise it of the United States.
Hago ejercicio, y ejercito mi mente.Well, uh, I exercise, and I exercise my mind.
Abuelo, si te ejercitas así todos los días, ¡pronto podrás correr!Grandfather, if you exercise like this everyday, soon you could start to run!
Aparentemente, si comes menos y te ejercitas 2 horas al día puedes perder el peso causado por el Sindrome de Cubiculo Cronico.Apparently, if you eat less and exercise two hours a day, you can lose the weight caused by chronic cubicle syndrome.
Es un mito que beber agua mientras te ejercitas te hace bien.It's a myth that drinking water when you exercise is good for you.
Excepto por el hecho de que las paredes de tu corazón están más densas... y cuando te ejercitas intensamente comprometes el flujo de sangre.Except for the fact that the walls of your heart are thickened, and when you exercise intensely, you compromise the blood flow.
Haces algo bueno trabajas duro, te ejercitas y terminas oliendo muy mal.Do something good hard work, exercise, you smell very bad.
Cuando el Sr. Mellish saca el cajón... verán que levanta la pesa que está instalada encima del escritorio... lo cual ejercita sus brazos y los músculos de su espalda.When Mr Mellish pulls the drawer out, a weight has to be lifted on top of the desk which exercises his arms and his back muscles.
Dilata los pulmones, libera la tensión, ejercita los ojos, y suaviza el carácter.It opens the lungs, washes the countenance, exercises the eyes and softens down the temper.
Durante una hora al dia sale de su celda y lo llevan a hacer ejercicio, donde se ejercita con otros dos prisioneros al aire libre y dandole el sol bajo la mirada de siete guardias de seguridad armados. - ¿Satisfecha?For one hour each day he is removed from his cell and taken to an exercise yard, where he exercises with two other prisoners in the fresh air and sunshine under the safe watch of seven heavily armed guards.
El Papi se ejercitaThe Daddy exercises even.
Ella ejercita la misma gracia, integridad y corazón en la oficina como en casa.She exercises the same grace, integrity and heart in the office, as she does in the home.
Capitán... ¿y si ejercitamos los dedos?Captain. What if we went and exercised our fingers?
Cuanto nos ejercitamos, si fumamos, que comemos, que grasas saturadas, carbohidratos, sal y alcohol.How we exercise, if we smoke, what we eat, that's saturated fats, carbohydrates, salt and alcohol.
En el gimnasio nosotros ejercitamos el músculo y se pone grande y fuerte.In bodybuilding, we exercise the muscle and it grows bigger and stronger.
Y se negó a hacer algo al respecto así que ejercitamos nuestros derechos legales.He refused to do anything about it, so we exercised our legal rights.
Batallones de infanteria se ejercitan con sus armas, esperando el momento de usarlas de verdad, en la guerra real.Infantry battalions exercise with their weapons, awaiting the moment for their use in actual warfare.
Los CPA nunca ejercitan lo suficiente.CPAs never get enough exercise.
Los ejercicios de memoria con tarjeta sólo ejercitan el músculo, para que no vaya demasiado lejos.The flash card exercises just work the muscle, Keep it from getting too serious.
Me alegra ver que algunos de mis oficiales se ejercitan después del almuerzo.I'm glad to see that some of my officers take some energetic exercise in the afternoons.
Notarán que todas las partes del cuerpo se ejercitan adecuadamente.Every part of the body receives an adequate exercise work-out.
Entrené, trabajé, ejercité toda mi vida... nunca tuve una cita, nunca bebí, nunca tomé cerveza... hacía flexiones cuando era feto, volé alrededor del mundo... todos los que conozco están aquí, la pistola disparó...I trained, I worked out, I exercised my entire life, I never had a date, I never had a drink, I never had a beer, I was doing push-ups since I was fetus, I flew halfway around the world, everybody I knew in my whole life was there, the gun was shot...
Pero más tarde, durante quince años ejercité mis piernasBut later, for fifteen years I exercised my legs
La última vez que ejercitaste, tuviste un incidente cardíaco.Last time you exercised, you had a cardiac incident.
Dile... dile que bebió, no comio,se ejercitó energicamente y ponerlo en un riesgo bajo.Uh, tell... tell him he drank, he didn't eat, and he exercised vigorously and put himself into a dangerous low.
El ejercitó ese musculoHe exercised that muscle.
Entiendo que en el pasado usted ejercitó reclamos sobre artefactos similares.I understand that in the past you've exercised similar claims to items like this?
Iban ejercitó el poder absoluto mediante atrocidades a una escala insana.Ivan exercised absolute power through atrocities on an insane scale.
No se ejercitó auto-control en la habitación de Michael.Self-control wasn't exercised in Michael's hotel room.
El ejército denunció que McCarthy y Cohn ejercitaron la presión indebida para obtener trato especial de Schine.The Army's charging that McCarthy and Cohn exercised undue pressure to get preferential treatment for Schine. - Who's the source?
Con el tiempo ejercitarás ambos porque yo te he dado mi corazón.In time, you will exercise both because I've given you my heart.
Te ejercitarás con el protocolo de castigo 9-alfa.You will exercise Punishment Protocol 9 - Alpha.
Un oficial cuidadoso ejercitará su ingenio buscando la manera de superar tales dificultades.A careful officer will exercise his wits in finding a way round such difficulties.
Nos ejercitaremos en silencio.We will exercise in silence.
Se ejercitarán con el protocolo de castigo 9-alfa.You will exercise Punishment Protocol 9 - Alpha.
- Pídele que ejercite contigo.- Pídele that exercises with you.
Al menos le has dado la oportunidad de que ejercite su ego.At least you've given him a chance to exercise his ego.
Bueno, no lo ejercite mucho.Well, don't exercise it too hard.
Cariño, se supone que me ejerciteHoney, I'm supposed to exercise.
En el futuro, Sra. Hewes, ejercite una mayor discreción cuando traiga otra moción semejante.In the future,ms. Hewes,exercise greater discretion when you bring another such motion.
Te pediría que sea respetada la confidencialidad y ejercites la discreción respecto a tu período en mi oficina.I would ask that confidentiality be respected and discretion exercised regarding your time in my office.
Y quiero que ejercites una reflexión sobria antes de contestarme, porque si dices lo que creo que vas a decir, bueno, las cosas son susceptibles a ponerse mucho más difíciles.And I want you to exercise some sober reflection before you answer me, because if you say what I think you're gonna say, well, things are liable to get a whole lot rougher.
Bueno, ejercitemos la confianza.Well, then, let's try a trust exercise.
En lugar ejercitemos nuestros cerebros... y tratemos de resolver este enigma.Let's instead exercise our brains... and try to solve this enigma.
Entonces ejercitemos la mejor parte del valor. ¡Sáquenos de aquí, warp 6!Then let's exercise the better part of valor. Get us out of here, warp 6.
Sea quien sea el candidato al que apoyéis, es más importante que nunca que ejercitemos nuestro deber civil.Whichever candidate you support, it is more important than ever that we exercise our civil duty.
Creo que llegó la hora de que nuestros partidarios ejerciten sus derechos de la Primera Enmienda.I think it's time for our supporters to exercise their first amendment rights.
Dado que la Universidad no me permitió traer el equipo real que usaremos a la Fabrica de las Tartas, porque aparentemente, soy "ridículo," Les he dado sustitutos para que ejerciten sus habilidades motoras finas.As the university did not permit me to bring the equipment we'll be using to the Cheesecake Factory, because apparently, I'm ridiculous I've provided substitutes which will exercise your fine motor skills.
Desalientan a los sanos... a que se ejerciten apropiadamente al usar las escaleras.They discourage our able-bodied students... from getting their proper exercise by using the stairs.
Dos, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ejerciten las piernas.Two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, leg exercise.
Es bueno que se ejerciten.It's nice they're getting exercise.
Aunque has sido ejercitado regularmente, los ligamentos se han acortado un poco.Although you've been exercised regularly, the ligaments have shortened a little.
Bueno, entonces debe haber ejercitado una gran restricción nasal.Well, then she must have exercised remarkable nasal restraint.
Donde el poder es ejercitado.Where power is exercised.
Estás algo ejercitado para un tipo que piensa capturar a un homoxesual solo por beberse su cerveza.You're somewhat exercised for a guy who thought he'd catch a limp wrist just by drinking their beer.
Me he ejercitado tanto como se supone que tenía que ejercitar.I have exercised as much as I'm supposed to exercise.
-Esta afuera ejercitando a Leaky.-He is out exercising Leaky.
A veces en el auto... patinando, ejercitando en la bicicleta del gimnasio.Sometimes in the car, rollerblading, maybe exercising on the bike at the gym. Really whenever the muse strikes.
Además, hay Alzheimer en mi familia, así que tengo que seguir ejercitando mi tallarín.Plus, there's Alzheimer's in my family, so I have to keep exercising my noodle.
Así que si usted quema calorías al dormir, o si quema una caloría ejercitando, sigue siendo una caloría quemada.So if you burn a calorie sleeping, or you burn a calorie exercising, it's still a calorie burned.
Dave, eh.. después de la operación, Este dispositivo va a ayudar a prevenir problemas de pulmón ejercitando los músculos que utilizas para respirar.Dave, um, after the surgery, this device is gonna help prevent lung problems by exercising the muscles you use to breathe.
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