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Adivinar (to guess) conjugation

109 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to divine or foretell, divine
Conjugation of adivinar
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I guess
you guess
he/she/it guesses
we guess
you all guess
they guess
Present perfect tense
he adivinado
I have guessed
has adivinado
you have guessed
ha adivinado
he/she/it has guessed
hemos adivinado
we have guessed
habéis adivinado
you all have guessed
han adivinado
they have guessed
Past preterite tense
I guessed
you guessed
he/she/it guessed
we guessed
you all guessed
they guessed
Future tense
I will guess
you will guess
he/she/it will guess
we will guess
you all will guess
they will guess
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would guess
you would guess
he/she/it would guess
we would guess
you all would guess
they would guess
Past imperfect tense
I used to guess
you used to guess
he/she/it used to guess
we used to guess
you all used to guess
they used to guess
Past perfect tense
había adivinado
I had guessed
habías adivinado
you had guessed
había adivinado
he/she/it had guessed
habíamos adivinado
we had guessed
habíais adivinado
you all had guessed
habían adivinado
they had guessed
Future perfect tense
habré adivinado
I will have guessed
habrás adivinado
you will have guessed
habrá adivinado
he/she/it will have guessed
habremos adivinado
we will have guessed
habréis adivinado
you all will have guessed
habrán adivinado
they will have guessed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I guess
(if/so that) you guess
(if/so that) he/she/it guess
(if/so that) we guess
(if/so that) you all guess
(if/so that) they guess
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya adivinado
I have guessed
hayas adivinado
you have guessed
haya adivinado
he/she/it has guessed
hayamos adivinado
we have guessed
hayáis adivinado
you all have guessed
hayan adivinado
they have guessed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have guessed
(if/so that) you have guessed
(if/so that) he/she/it have guessed
(if/so that) we have guessed
(if/so that) you all have guessed
(if/so that) they have guessed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have guessed
(if/so that) you have guessed
(if/so that) he/she/it have guessed
(if/so that) we have guessed
(if/so that) you all have guessed
(if/so that) they have guessed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera adivinado
I had guessed
hubieras adivinado
you had guessed
hubiera adivinado
he/she/it had guessed
hubiéramos adivinado
we had guessed
hubierais adivinado
you all had guessed
hubieran adivinado
they had guessed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese adivinado
I had guessed
hubieses adivinado
you had guessed
hubiese adivinado
he/she/it had guessed
hubiésemos adivinado
we had guessed
hubieseis adivinado
you all had guessed
hubiesen adivinado
they had guessed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have guessed
(if/so that) you will have guessed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have guessed
(if/so that) we will have guessed
(if/so that) you all will have guessed
(if/so that) they will have guessed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere adivinado
I will have guessed
hubieres adivinado
you will have guessed
hubiere adivinado
he/she/it will have guessed
hubiéremos adivinado
we will have guessed
hubiereis adivinado
you all will have guessed
hubieren adivinado
they will have guessed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's guess!
Imperative negative mood
no adivines
do not guess!
no adivine
let him/her/it guess!
no adivinemos
let us not guess!
no adivinéis
do not guess!
no adivinen
do not guess!
Examples of adivinar
Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" y tú me haces 20 preguntas para adivinar qué escribí.""and you get 20 questions to guess what it be."
"Con un uniforme tan enorme una tiene que adivinar el resto""In their uniforms so vast One has to guess the rest"
"Una tiene que adivinar el resto""One has to guess the rest"
"debes cambiar tu contraseña, es demasiado fácil de adivinar"."You must change your password, it's far too easy to guess."
- Ahora voy a adivinar otra.- Now I'm going to guess another.
# Mi mote adivino, que estoy de buen ver, # me llaman "Tocino", por algo ha de ser. ¡Soy más malo!¤ You can guess my nickname since I'm so handsome,... ¤ they call me "Bacon" for want of something better. I'm so bad!
# Mirándolas parece que adivino # Cuál es la que me roba el corazón, # y pido que me enseñen un camino # que lleve hasta mi estrella esta canción.¤ Looking at them I think I can guess... ¤ which one of them steals away my heart,... ¤ and ask that they show me a way... ¤ to send this song up my star.
*Así que supongo que el adivino está en lo correcto*♪ So I guess the fortune-teller's right ♪
- A ver si adivino, el tuyo es... R2-D2?-Let me guess... yours is R2-D2?
- A ver si adivino.. ¿Un "Grand"?-Let me guess, a grand.
"Hermano, ¿adivinas quién es esta señorita?""Brother, guess who's this miss?"
"Vos nunca adivinas"# You'll never guess #
- ...¿adivinas qué trabajo elegiría?- ...guess what job he'd pick?
- A que no adivinas a dónde va esta noche.- Give you one guess where he's going tonight.
- A que no adivinas quién está con él .- You'll never guess who's with him.
- Ella lo adivina.- She guesses.
A que no adivina con quién está casado en el estado de Massachusetts.Three guesses who he's married to in the state of Massachusetts?
Adivina adivinador.Two sweet guesses.
Adivinador adivina, adivina, adivinador.Guess, the one who guesses... The one who guesses,
- Lo adivinamos, ¿no?- Did we guess right?
-Nos das una pista y nosotros adivinamos.- You give us a clue and we guess
A través de una ventana, adivinamos las cosas que pasan dentro.Through a window, we guess the family goings-on inside.
Bien, Max, Penny y Brad, escribid vuestro color favorito, y nosotros adivinamos.Okay, Max, Penny, and Brad, you write down your favorite color, and we guess.
Bueno, ¿pero si adivinamos?Ok, what if we guess? Then will you tell us?
- Y vosotros adivináis quién es.- Then you have to guess who I am.
- ¿A que no adivináis qué ha pasado?- You won't guess what's happened.
A que no adivináis qué.Eh! You'll never guess what.
A ver si adivináis... qué soy ahora.See if you can guess... what l am now.
A ver si adivináis...See if you can guess...
- Al principio, solo adivinan.Now, at first they're just guessing.
- Booth, ellos no adivinan. - ¿Quiénes son ellos?Booth,they don't guess.
- ¿Por qué no adivinan?- Why aren't you guys guessing?
A que no adivinan a quién vi hoy.You guys will never guess who I saw today.
A que no adivinan lo que tengo.You'll never guess what I got.
- Lo adiviné os parecéis.I could have guessed.
- No sé, lo adiviné.- I don't know, I guessed.
- No, adiviné que habías fracasado.- No, I guessed you'd failed.
- No. Sólo lo adiviné.I just guessed.
- Yo adiviné.I guessed.
"¡Lo adivinaste, es Bachchan!"You guessed it, it's Bachchanm!
- Lo adivinaste, Loschek.- You guessed it, Loschek.
- Lo adivinaste.- You guessed.
- Parece que adivinaste bien.- Looks like you guessed it right.
"Un secreto que el Alférez probablemente ya adivinó."A secret that you probably already guessed.
- Ben lo adivinó, pero no cuenta.- Ben guessed, but that doesn't really count.
- Caray, lo adivinó.Oh, shucks, you guessed it.
- Dijo que adivinó quién era.Said she guessed who it was.
- El Sheriff adivinó nuestro plan.The Sheriff's guessed our plan.
Lo adivinasteis.You guessed.
# Supongo que ya adivinaron #♪ I guess you'd have guessed ♪
- A lo mejor ya lo adivinaron.Maybe you've already guessed?
- No se lo dije, lo adivinaron.I didn't tell them, honey. They guessed.
- Sí, adivinaron #- Yeah, you guessed it
- Ya lo adivinaron.- They've already guessed.
Aquel que tú nunca adivinarás♪ And that is the name That you never will guess
El teniente me pidió que pensara en un número del 1 al 4. Él adivinaría el número y lo probaría sin la menor duda.The Lieutenant asked me to think of a number between one and four, and then he would guess the number that I was thinking and prove it.
Es para revelar algo que nadie adivinaría sobre usted.It is to reveal something that no one would guess about you.
Nadie adivinaría que has pasado el día cambiando pañales y jugando al "cu-cú" con un equipo de niños salvajes.Nobody would guess that you spent the day changing diapers and playing peek-a-boo with a pack of wild toddlers.
Necesitamos una contraseña que usted adivinaría.We just need a password that you would guess.
Nunca imaginé que alguien adivinaría.I never imagined anyone would guess.
Pensé que lo adivinarías.I thought you would guess.
Algunos me convencieron de meterme en una cabina donde adivinarían mi peso e intentarían ganar un oso de peluche.And they ... some of them convinced me to be in a booth, where they would guess my weight, try to win a ... a Teddy Bear.
! y ahora adivine porque!And now guess why!
"Hágame el favor, no adivine qué pensaba Susan respecto al queso."Do me a favor, don't second-guess Susan's thoughts on cheese.
- Bueno, adivine.-Well' have a guess.
- Bueno, entonces adivine.-Well, then guess.
- De todos modos, no creo que lo adivine.- I'm unlikely to guess it correctly anyway.
- Dejaré que lo adivines.- Can't you guess fortune teller ?
- Pero no adivines.But don't just guess.
Bien, pero aunque adivines, quizá no te lo confirme.- Okay, but even if you do guess it, I might not tell you.
Bueno, Mike, tres oportunidades para que adivines cuál es.Okay, Mikey, three guesses what it is.
Bueno, adivinemos cada uno cuánto tiempo pasará Antes de que el almuerzo sea servido?Now, shall we all take turns guessing how long it will be before lunch is served?
Si nos pide que adivinemos quién es usted, gritaré.If you ask us to guess who you are I shall scream.
¡Sólo se supone que adivinemos!We're just supposed to guess!
¿Quieres que adivinemos?So... do you want us to guess?
¿Qué quieres que adivinemos?No, what should we guess?
Os daré una oportunidad para que adivinéis de qué color es.I'll give you one guess what color it is.
Tres intentos para que adivinéis quién es el cliente.Three guesses who the customer is.
"Fumar me molesta". Bueno, adivinen qué."Well smoking bothers me." Well guess what?
"Te voy a desmayar, ¿adivinen qué."you going to pass out, guess what.
# ¿Y adivinen quién estaba dentro de ella?♪ And guess who was inside it?
- ...¿adivinen dónde estaba?- 'cause guess where I was.
- Bueno, ¿adivinen qué, la paja?- Well, guess what, jerk off?
Esperaba que lo adivinara antes, igual que el móvil del crimen.I'd hoped you would have guessed the motive of his crime earlier.
No había modo alguno de que alguien adivinara que se trataba de eso a menos que lo supieras de antemano.There was no way in the world anyone could have guessed that it was about that, if you didn't already know.
No se hacía mención a Fermat, ni a Taniyama-Shimura. No había modo alguno de que alguien adivinara que se trataba de eso a menos que lo supieras de antemano.Didn't mention Fermat, didn't mention Taniyama-Shimura, there was no way in the world anyone could have guessed that it was about that if you didn't already know.
Qué raro para mí que no lo adivinara."How unlike me not to have guessed.
Nuca adivinaras que su pashmina es de MS.You'd never have guessed her pashmina was from MS.
*Creía que las cosas no podían ir a peor* *pero adivinad qué, lo hicieron* *Golpeó mi corazón con una bola demoledora* *pero esto es lo que conseguí*ï½♪ I thought things couldn't get much worse ï½♪ ï½♪ but guess what, they did ï½♪ ï½♪ he hit my heart upside with a wrecking' ball ï½♪
- Bien, adivinad que, entonces.- Okay, I guess that's that, then.
- Bueno, adivinad un poco.- Well, try to guess a little.
Acelerad vuestro parloteo, porque adivinad quién está aquí.- Gimmie. Quit your yakkin', 'cause guess who's packin'!
Además, adivinad qué voy a hacer cuando acabe el partido.Plus, guess what I get to do after the game now.
"Me imagino que has adivinado... "que nuestro reencuentro ha sido demorado.I guess you've guessed that my joining you has been delayed a little bit.
"Pero nunca podría haber adivinado mi verdadero propósito."But he could never have guessed my true purpose.
# ¿Has adivinado ya quién es el mejor?♪ Have you guessed yet who's the best yet? ♪
(LL oficial) Ahora bien, como lo has adivinado, el juego de hoy es pospuesto, Pero nuestro meteorólogo local, ha asegurado nosotros un buen día para el béisbol mañana.(LL official) Now as you guessed, today's game is postponed, but our local weatherman has assured us a good day for baseball tomorrow.
*El Sr. Brainwash es un fenómeno de la naturaleza, y no lo digo en el buen sentido* Pero Banksy nunca hubiera adivinado lo que Thierry tenía en mente para su modesta contribución.But Banksy could never have guessed what Thierry had in mind for his modest contribution.
"Todo el mundo está adivinando acerca de nuestro destino."Everyone is guessing about our destination.
"¿Estás seguro o estás adivinando?""Were you sure, or are you guessing?"
# Nos mantiene adivinando a él o yo #¶ Keeps us guessing him or me ¶
* Yo solo estoy adivinando *♪ I was just guessing ♪
- - Estoy adivinando que tienes que ducha?- I'm guessing you gotta shower?
A ver, adiviná un poquito.C'mon, guess a little.
Ah, ¿y adiviná qué voy a hacer después de eso?Ah! and guess what I do after that?
Bien, adiviná que, amigazo.Well, guess what, pal.
Es domingo a la mañana y adiviná dónde estoy.It's Sunday morning and guess where I am.
Y adiviná a quién le van a creer.And guess who they're gonna believe.
- A que no adivinás lo que me pasó.You'll never guess what just happened to me.
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