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Concluir (to conclude) conjugation

81 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to overwhelm, silence, overwhelm, to silence
Conjugation of concluir
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I conclude
you conclude
he/she/it concludes
we conclude
you all conclude
they conclude
Present perfect tense
he concluido
I have concluded
has concluido
you have concluded
ha concluido
he/she/it has concluded
hemos concluido
we have concluded
habéis concluido
you all have concluded
han concluido
they have concluded
Past preterite tense
I concluded
you concluded
he/she/it concluded
we concluded
you all concluded
they concluded
Future tense
I will conclude
you will conclude
he/she/it will conclude
we will conclude
you all will conclude
they will conclude
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would conclude
you would conclude
he/she/it would conclude
we would conclude
you all would conclude
they would conclude
Past imperfect tense
I used to conclude
you used to conclude
he/she/it used to conclude
we used to conclude
you all used to conclude
they used to conclude
Past perfect tense
había concluido
I had concluded
habías concluido
you had concluded
había concluido
he/she/it had concluded
habíamos concluido
we had concluded
habíais concluido
you all had concluded
habían concluido
they had concluded
Future perfect tense
habré concluido
I will have concluded
habrás concluido
you will have concluded
habrá concluido
he/she/it will have concluded
habremos concluido
we will have concluded
habréis concluido
you all will have concluded
habrán concluido
they will have concluded
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I conclude
(if/so that) you conclude
(if/so that) he/she/it conclude
(if/so that) we conclude
(if/so that) you all conclude
(if/so that) they conclude
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya concluido
I have concluded
hayas concluido
you have concluded
haya concluido
he/she/it has concluded
hayamos concluido
we have concluded
hayáis concluido
you all have concluded
hayan concluido
they have concluded
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have concluded
(if/so that) you have concluded
(if/so that) he/she/it have concluded
(if/so that) we have concluded
(if/so that) you all have concluded
(if/so that) they have concluded
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have concluded
(if/so that) you have concluded
(if/so that) he/she/it have concluded
(if/so that) we have concluded
(if/so that) you all have concluded
(if/so that) they have concluded
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera concluido
I had concluded
hubieras concluido
you had concluded
hubiera concluido
he/she/it had concluded
hubiéramos concluido
we had concluded
hubierais concluido
you all had concluded
hubieran concluido
they had concluded
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese concluido
I had concluded
hubieses concluido
you had concluded
hubiese concluido
he/she/it had concluded
hubiésemos concluido
we had concluded
hubieseis concluido
you all had concluded
hubiesen concluido
they had concluded
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have concluded
(if/so that) you will have concluded
(if/so that) he/she/it will have concluded
(if/so that) we will have concluded
(if/so that) you all will have concluded
(if/so that) they will have concluded
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere concluido
I will have concluded
hubieres concluido
you will have concluded
hubiere concluido
he/she/it will have concluded
hubiéremos concluido
we will have concluded
hubiereis concluido
you all will have concluded
hubieren concluido
they will have concluded
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's conclude!
Imperative negative mood
no concluyas
do not conclude!
no concluya
let him/her/it conclude!
no concluyamos
let us not conclude!
no concluyáis
do not conclude!
no concluyan
do not conclude!
Examples of concluir
Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Los hechos expresados arriba me hacen concluir eso"."The above-stated facts have led me to conclude that..."
"Y para concluir estos despachos el general de campo desea mencionar y alabar el valor del Teniente W. L. S. Churchill que fue muy útil en un momento crítico"." And to conclude these despatches, the general in the field wishes to mention and commend the courage of Lieutenant W L S Churchill, who made himself useful at a critical moment".
"Y, para concluir, quiero expresar mis más enérgicas protestas por la interferencia indebida de Estados Unidos, una flagrante violación de la soberanía de nuestra Madre Patria".[in English] "And to conclude, I want to express my most energetic protest over the improper interference of North America in a way that entails the most flagrant violation of the sovereignty of our Motherland."
- ¿Lo cual lo lleva a concluir...?Which leads you to conclude...?
...si puede permitirse tiempo para dar tan generosamente ¿por qué no tuvo tiempo para concluir nuestro negocio? Todo está bajo control....if you can afford the time to give so generously, why you haven't had time to conclude our business?
"Tras mi encuentro con lo que ahora concluyo que es un Grausen, me quedo con una certeza innegable."After my encounter with what I now conclude to be a Grausen, "I'm left with one undeniable certainty.
- usted concluyo que fue un accidente.- You concluded it was an accident.
Amnistia internacional investigo la masacre y concluyo que, aunque el gobierno fue responsable por la matanza,Amnesty international investigated the massacre and concluded that, although the government was responsible for the killings,
Así es, y después de eso un reporte del congreso concluyo, y cito:That's right, ahh in fact after that near miss, a congressional report concluded. Quote..
Así que concluyo que aun esta libreTherefore, I must conclude that it is open season.
Bien, acabemos. Abuelo, tú concluyes.- Grandpa, you conclude.
¿Cómo concluyes que es culpable?How can you conclude he's guilty?
"El informe toxicológico concluye que las víctimas murieron de una dosis excesiva de neurotoxinas e inhibidores de enzimas asociados con la familia Buthidae, siendo el más parecido"..."Toxicity report concludes the victims died "from an excessive dose of neurotoxins "and enzyme inhibitors associated with the family Buthidae, the closest match being"...
"Por lo tanto, concluye, no comentaré más sus estrenos,...""Therefore," he concludes, "l wont review his openings any further,..."
'El reporte concluye que muchos cientos de tropas que regresaban de Irak y Afganistán...''The report concludes that several hundred troops returning from Iraq... '
- Aquí concluye la conferencia...- This concludes our press conference.
- Bueno, esto concluye esta reunión.- Okay, that concludes this meeting.
- Bien, en resumen, y para terminar, concluimos diciendo que hemos observado un nuevo bosón con una masa de 125'3, con un margen de más o menos 0'6 GeV con una desviación típica de 4'9.Okay, so, to wrap up, in summary: we conclude by saying that we have observed a new boson with a mass of 125.3 plus or minus 0.6 GeV at 4.9 standard deviations.
... razón por la cual concluimos que el hielo negro no fue la causa probable.OFFICER: ...which is why we concluded that, uh, black ice was not a likely cause.
A Holly le encantaba la música, así que concluimos con la que aparentemente era su canción favorita.Holly loved music, so we'll conclude with what was apparently her favorite song. * Ooh, car wash * [Laughter]
Alameida y yo concluimos que este es un evangelio... de Jesucristo, en sus propias palabras... en arameo.AIameida and I concluded that it is a gospel... of Jesus Christ, in his own words... Aramaic.
Anoche supimos que puedes mover sólidos, por ello concluimos Que tu poder telequinético trabaja sobre los tres estados de la materia.Now, we know from last night that you can move solids, so we conclude that your telekinetic power works on all three states of matter.
- Se concluyen los juegos de guerra.- The war games are concluded.
Al reflexionar sobre esta catástrofe, escritores posteriores de la Biblia concluyen que este es un castigo de Yahweh para el pueblo que adora a otros dioses.In reflecting on this catastrophe, later writers of the Bible conclude that this is a punishment from Yahweh for the people worshipping other gods.
Ambos concluyen que la voz en la grabación fue grabada a través del teléfono, sin interferencias.They both conclude that the voice on the tape... was recorded over the phone, with no tampering.
Así concluyen las Cien Historias.This concludes the One Hundred Stories.
Así concluyen nuestras actividades televisivas por otro día Lo invitamos a sintonizarnos de nuevo mañana.[ TV: ] This concludes our television activities for another day, we invite you to join us again tomorrow.
"Luego de darme cuenta de que nuestra derrota en Oriente... y que el poder militar de Inglaterra y EE.UU... hacían imposible que saliéramos victoriosos,... concluí que sólo había una manera... de evitar más víctimas... y de mantener la idea de Europa de acortar la guerra."With the military failure in the East, And with the enormous increase in American and British forces, I concluded that we could not win this war, and that the only way to avoid further bloodshed, and to keep a European community, lies in finding a way to shorten this war.
Anoche me quedé despierto pensando, y concluí que debo estar enamorado de ti.Last night I stayed awake thinking... And I concluded that I must be in love with you.
Así que concluí mi experimento y continué con mis negocios.So I concluded my experiment and resumed my business.
Correcto, el cual ya concluí que probablemente era de la víctima.Right, which I already concluded was probably the victim's.
Entonces concluí que eres el segundo KiraThen I concluded that you are the Second Kira.
"Etanol" Antes que nada, un científico brillante, David Pimentel, tomó el concepto de energía neta, la cantidad de energía que uno invierte contra la cantidad de energía que obtienes a cambio, y concluyó hace más o menos una década creoFirst of all, a very brilliant scientist, David Pimentel, took the concept of net energy, how much energy do you invest, versus how much do you get in return, and he concluded about a decade ago, I guess,
A pesar que se investigaron más de 12.000 informes en un lapso de 20 años, el gobierno concluyó públicamente que muchos casos fueron fenómenos naturales malinterpretados.Though more than 12,000 reports were investigated over a span of 20 years, the government publically concluded that most cases were misunderstood natural phenomena.
Al final, Jonathan concluyó que para estar en armonía con el universo... debemos poseer una fe inmensa en lo que los antiguos llamaban "fatum".Ultimately, Jonathan concluded that if weare to live life in harmony with the universe, we must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call "fatum,"
Al final, se concluyó que en realidad, el universo realmente no es la desaceleración, en realidad está acelerando en su expansión.At the end, we concluded that actually, the universe really isn't slowing down, it's actually speeding up in its expansion.
Arthur Posnansky fue un investigador que tenía parte boliviana, y trabajó en el lugar por varias décadas, y concluyó que el sitio debía haber sido construido hace alrededor de 17.000 años al estudiar la arqueoastronomía de ese sitio particular.Arthur Posnansky was a researcher who was part Bolivian, and he worked at the site for many decades, and he concluded that the site must have been built about 17,000 years ago by studying the archeoastronomy of that particular site.
Así que los astrónomos concluyeron de forma natural que las estrellas estaban hechas de los mismos elementos que la Tierra y aproximadamente en las mismas proporciones.So astronomers naturally concluded that the stars were made of the same elements as the Earth and in roughly the same proportions.
Basándose en esas pruebas hasta los más escépticos concluyeron que Lance estaba limpio.Based on those findings, even the most skeptical observers concluded that Lance was riding clean.
Como no tenía motivos concluyeron que estaba loco.If we didn't find a reason we concluded he's insane!
Cuando observaron la conexión entre el movimiento de las estrellas y los ciclos estacionales de la vida en la Tierra concluyeron, naturalmente, que lo que ocurre arriba debe estar dirigido hacia nosotros aquí abajo.When they observed the connection between the motions of the stars and the seasonal cycles of life on Earth they concluded, naturally, that what happens up there must be directed at us down here.
Damas y caballeros, ¿concluyeron sus deliberaciones?Have you ladies and gentlemen concluded your deliberations?
Me habría gustado poder decirles lo que tanto querían escuchar... pero como no pude, sólo concluiré diciendo... lo que el prisionero dijo cuando el verdugo no encontraba la soga:l wish l could have given you the news that you were so anxious to hear, but since l could not, l will conclude with what the prisoner said when the hangman couldn't find the rope,
Si es cierto que el Sr. Waters está sujeto a la jerarquía del ejército, concluiré que él y Martinel son inmunes a una demanda.If it's true that Mr. Waters is subject to the military hierarchy, I will conclude that he and Martinel are immune to lawsuit.
El Sr. Horace P. Hemingway, nuestro vicepresidente concluirá la reunión.Mr. Horace P. Hemingway, our vice president will conclude the meeting.
La Cumbre Internacional sobre Derechos Infantiles... se concluirá el sábado en el Palacio de Buckingham.The International Summit on Children's Rights... will conclude on Saturday at Buckingham Palace.
La policía concluirá que Alma se cayó del tejado y cuando mi madre la encontró, sufrió un colapsoThe police will conclude that Alma fell from the roof, and when my mother found her, she suffered a stroke.
Las pruebas de laboratorio, estoy seguro, concluirá que es la sangre de la víctima, y ? sólo podría haber sido dejó allí después de que el asalto había tenido lugar.Lab tests, I'm certain, will conclude it's the victim's blood, and could only have been left there after the assault had already taken place.
Nuestra cobertura concluirá después del sepelio de Superman esta noche.Our all-day live coverage will conclude following Superman's ceremonial interment later this evening.
Entonces concluiremos este acuerdo de la forma tradicional.Then we will conclude this deal in our traditional manner.
Finalmente, concluiremos el viaje... con galletas de la fortuna y sushi dulce.So, finally, we will conclude our journey with some fortune cookies and dessert sushi.
Y cuando hayan visto toda la evidencia cuando todas estas piezas encajen, concluirán sabrán que Alexander Cullen es culpable de asesinar a tres personas a sangre fría con premeditación y alevosía.And when all that evidence is laid before you when all these pieces weave together, you will conclude you will know that Alexander Cullen is guilty of murdering three people in cold blood and with malice aforethought.
Paul Briggs tiene una puntuación mayor que la mía, así que por eso, concluiría que...Paul Briggs got a higher score than I did, so from that, I would conclude that...
Por el ángulo de entrada, concluiría que los dos estaban arrodillados.From the angle of entry, I would conclude they were both kneeling.
Primero, concluiría que eres demasiado precavido.First of all, I would conclude that you're overly cautious.
Si vieran nuestro álbum de fotos concluirían que vivimos una existencia feliz, calmada libre de tragedias.Someone looking through our photo album would conclude that we had led a joyous, leisurely existence free of tragedy.
Ahora vuelva a trabajar... antes de que concluya... que ya no requiero sus servicios.Get back to work before I'm forced to conclude that your services are no longer required.
Aunque la policía aún no ha confirmado una conexión, el siniestro hecho de que un arma similar estuviera involucrada en los cuatro asesinatos, lleva a que este reportero concluya que un único maníaco está atacando a los ciudadanos del pueblo de Jupiter.Although police have not yet confirmed a connection, the grim fact that a similar weapon was involved in all four killings leads this reporter to conclude a single maniac is preying upon the citizens of Jupiter township.
Bueno, no pueden hacerlo hasta que la maternidad concluya.Well, they can't do that until the surrogacy is concluded.
Cuando el testimonio concluya y se entregue el veredicto de culpable,When the testimony's concluded and a guilty verdict rendered,
Cuando la Agencia concluya, como así lo hará, que Lauren es la responsable la presión por capturarla crecerá exponencialmente.When the agency concludes, as they will, that Lauren was responsible, the pressure to capture her will rise exponentially.
Mac, cuando concluyas tus servicios de enfermería... espero verte de regreso en el chalet.Mac, when you've concluded your nursing services, I expect to see you back at the chalet.
No puedes preguntarme y yo no puedo decirte pero no concluyas por lo que digo que es lo que tú piensas.You can't ask me and I can't tell you, but don't conclude from what I'm saying, it's what you think.
Al final de "Cuenta regresiva" Ahora, cuando concluyamos... con un cuento salvaje de qué mentiras ahi debajo.To the top of the Countdown now, and we conclude with a wild tale of what lies beneath.
"Deseo que los sueños sin fin un día concluyan perfectamente"♫ I wish that the unending dreams will one day conclude perfectly ♫
El tendal de cadáveres ha hecho que las autoridades concluyan...A trail of mangled bodies has finally led local authorities to conclude...
Es posible que los líderes del Congreso concluyan que no hay nada en lo que puedan obtener una mayoría y vean qué pueden hacer Hank Paulson y el gobierno.It is possible that the leadership of the Congress would conclude that there's nothing that can get a majority of support and see what Hank Paulson can do and the administration can do.
Trata de persuadirla para que se coja unas vacaciones o algo hasta que concluyan las negociaciones.Try and persuade her to take a long holiday until this is concluded.
Una vez que concluyan que la bala mágica no pudo producir las siete heridas concluirán que hubo un cuarto disparo y un segundo tirador.And once you conclude the magic bullet couldn't create all seven wounds you must conclude there was a fourth shot and a second rifleman.
Derrumbad aplastad concluid y...Quail, crush, conclude, and quell!
Como debio llegar de Bruselas por tren, conclui que... dejo sus pertinencias en la Estacion Victoria.And since she must've arrived from Brussels... by the boat train, l concluded that she had... checked her belongings at Victoria Station.
"Al volver a la ciudad, el matrimonio estaba concluido."Upon returning to the city, the marriage was concluded.
- Al siguiente ciclo de noticias, cuando haya concluido la cumbre del G8, y nuestros líderes mundiales hayan regresado a casa.The next news cycle, when the G8 summit has concluded, and our world leaders have returned home.
- Estoy experimentando vértigo visión doble, después de considerar todos los potenciales factores genéticos y ambientales he concluido que estoy sufriendo del síndrome de Albright Salzman.- I'm experiencing dizziness... double-vision, after considering all potentional environmental and genetic factors... I've concluded that I'm suffering from Albright Salzman Syndrome.
- Los arreglos han concluido le di mi palabra porque el me ha dado la suya. ahora dime porque.The arrangements have been concluded. I gave them my word because he gave me his word. Tell me why.
- Nuestro negocio ha concluido.- Our business is concluded.
- Arthur, despierta, está concluyendo.- Arthur. wake up. she's concluding.
Cuando el estado le acusó, teníamos un 302 fichado concluyendo que es Quinn O'Hallohan.When the State charged him, we had a 302 on file concluding he's Quinn O'Hallohan.
El 302 es lo que tenemos, concluyendo que él es Quinn O'Halloran, sin ésto, estás más que enterrado mañana en el juicio.The 302 that we have, concluding he's Quinn O'Halloran, without it, you're pretty much buried at trial tomorrow.
El Forense de Charleston, hizo un examen superficial... concluyendo que a ambos Freddy Barlow y Pam Shore les dispararon... con una .22, a quemarropa.The Charleston M.E. made a cursory examination, concluding that both Freddy Barlow and Pam Shore were shot with a .22, close range.
Era el final de un largo día y Emerson, Chuck y el Pastelero habían interrogado a 28 granjeros descontentos concluyendo que ninguno era culpable del homicidio de Roland Stingwell pero como Lila le había dicho a Emerson que si probaba su inocencia podría ver a su hija de nuevo siguieron con el granjero número 29.It was the end of a long day and Emerson, Chuck and the Pie-Maker had interviewed 28 disgruntled farmers concluding that none were guilty of the murder of Roland Stingwell but as Lila had told Emerson if he proved her innocence he could see his daughter again. They moved on to farmer number 29.
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