Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
Ma urineerin pidevalt. | I urinate constantly. |
Ma urineerin umbes 12 korda öö jooksul. | I urinate roughly 12 times a night. |
Teeb haiget, kui urineerin. | It hurts when I urinate. Well, you're not gettin' enough water. |
Kas sa urineerid? -Sisestan enesehävitusprogrammi. | Badly want to urinate! |
Mõnikord, kui mees urineerib on see teistele lihastele kui roheline tuli lõdvestumiseks. | Sometimes when a man urinates other muscles see that as a green light to relax. |
Umbes 2-5 päeva pärast tunneb mees kohutavat valu... eriti veel kui ta urineerib... | From two to five days later, the guy feels a painful burning, particularly when he urinates... |
"Kas ma sain õigesti aru, teil on põletav tunne, kui te urineerite?" | "Let me get this right. So you're getting a burning sensation "when you urinate?" |
Kas te urineerite ebanormaalse sagedusega? | So, do either of you guys urinate with abnormal frequency? |
Üsna sageli nad urineerivad õues. | Quite often th ey will urinate outdoors |
Ma urineerisin Lorreaine Kelly taga otseülekande ajal. | I urinated behind Lorraine Kelly during a live outside broadcast. |
Mu enda ema ütles, et urineerisin oma esivanemate pärandile. | My own mother said that I urinated on the legacy of my ancestors. |
Nad oksendasid, urineerisid ja roojasid end täis. | They vomited, urinated and defecated themselves. |
Sa urineerisid mu hane peale! | - You urinated on my goose! |
Sa urineerisid mu hane peale. | - I thought it was the powder room. - You urinated on my goose. |
- Ta urineeris äsja oma kannu sisse. | I believe he just urinated in the pitcher. |
Ma usun, et ta urineeris just kannu. | I believe he just urinated in the pitcher. |
Nad usuvad kõike, isegi seda, et ta räägib delfiinidega ja ei urineeri ega rooja. | They'll believe anything he tells them, including that he can speak to dolphins or he doesn't urinate and defecate. |
Ära urineeri oma enda paganama... | Hey, don't urinate on your own bloody -- Okay. Back up. Back up. |
- Issi peab urineerima. | Daddy needs to urinate. |
Ma ei tea, mis värk nende suurte väljas söömistega on, et see paneb kõiki urineerima igale poole. Aga paneb. | I don't know what it is about big outdoor gatherings that makes everyone want to urinate all over everything, but it does. |
Ma pean urineerima. | I have to urinate. |
- Vähemalt ühte imelistest lilleseadetest tuleb urineerida. | - At least one of the wonderful floral centerpieces must be urinated upon. |
Hr. Gaulke, kas te urineerida saate? | Mr. Gaulke, can you urinate? |
Jää seisma, et saaksin urineerida. | That means pull the truck over so I can urinate. |
Kavatsen urineerida 23 minuti pärast. | I plan to urinate in 23 minutes. |
Mitmed nädalad tagasi, pani ta doktor kirja, et Carl koges sagedast iiveldust, ebamugavust urineerides, peapööritust. | Now several weeks back, his doctors recorded that Carl was experiencing frequent nauseous, discomfort while urinating, dizziness. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Afrikaans | water | Albanian | urinoj |
Arabic | بال,تبول | Catalan | orinar |
Dutch | piesen, urineren, wateren | English | urinate |
Finnish | kuseksia, virtsata | French | uriner |
German | mikturieren, strullern, urinieren | Greek | κατουρώ |
Hungarian | vizel | Italian | mingere, orinare, pisciare, urinare |
Japanese | 小便, 排尿, 放尿 | Lithuanian | nusišlapinti, šlapintis |
Norwegian | urinere | Portuguese | urinar |
Quechua | ispay | Romanian | urina |
Russian | мочиться | Spanish | orinar |
Swedish | urinera | Thai | ปลดทุกข์, ปัสสาวะ |
Vietnamese | tiểu, tiểu tiện |