Example in Danish | Translation in English |
Jeg er måske ikke konge i mit slot, men jeg vil bestemt ikke tillade at min kone går med bukser. | I may not be king of my castle, but I certainly wouldn't allow my wife to wear any pants. |
Og I må ikke tillade at denne ide vokse indenfor jer. | And you must not allow these ideas to grow within you. |
Det ville guvernøren aldrig tillade. | The Governor would never allow it. |
Jeg kan ikke tillade det. | I can't allow it. |
Jeg kan ikke tillade dig, at eksperimentere med... | I can't allow you to experiment with... |
Vi tillader ikke, at folk bærer våben i Dodge City. | We don't allow anybody to wear guns in Dodge City! Hadn't you noticed? |
Jeg vil gerne hvis Deres Majestæt tillader fortælle om det skønneste ved Ungarn. | If Your Majesty allow me... I wanted to tell you about the beauty of Hungary. |
Jeg vil tillader Hendes Majestæt i dag at forlade sengen mindst en time. | I will allow Her Majesty to get out of bed today for at least an hour. |
Testamentet tillader dig at have penge fra boets kommende opgarelse. | The will allows you to draw money from the estate pending settlement. |
Agathon, loven tillader, atjeg tager 300 mænd. | Agathon, the law allows me to take 300 men. |
Deres Nåde husker nok, at hun løslod Thorpe... efter hans angreb på mit skib... og at hun derefter tillod Albatros at sejle... antageligt for at handle i Egypten. | Your Grace will recall she released Thorpe... after his attack upon my ship... and that on the heels of this offense she allowed the Albatross to sail... presumably to trade in Egypt. |
Nej, det tillod herren ikke. | Oh, no, sir. The Master wouldn't have allowed that. |
- Mor tillod ikke alkohol i huset. | My mother never allowed liquor at home. |
Jeg voksede op i en verden, der tillod ting som denne ret og det var folk som disse, der reddede mig fra den. | - Tasha, no! - I must! I grew up in a world that allowed things like this court. |
Du tror at jeg tillod at det her skete for mig? | You think I allowed this to happen to me? |
Deres Majestæt, tillad mig at... | Your Majesty, allow me to... |
Kære Sissi, tillad mig, at overrækker dig din yndlingsblomst. | Dear Sissi, allow me to present you with your favorite flowers. |
Mr. Toynbee, tillad mig at oplyse Dem. | Mr. Toynbee. Sir, allow me to enlighten you. |
Toldinspektør, tillad mig at præsentere min søn... | Chief inspector, allow me to present my son... |
General, tillad mig at gore det godt igen. | General, allow me to redeem myself in your eyes. |
- Det er ikke tilladt. | - It isn't allowed. |
"Men der tilskyndes til gymnastik, og sang er tilladt efter kl. 18.00." | "though callisthenics are encouraged by management and singing is allowed after 6.00pm. The end. |
De sætter mig på græs til august, men Gud har i sin godhed tilladt mig at høste frugterne af mit virke. | They'll put me out to grass in August but God in his goodness has allowed me to gather the fruits of my years. |
Det er mig ikke tilladt. | I am not allowed. |
Ingen trafik tilladt. | No traffic allowed. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Arabic | جوز | Azeri | icazə vermək |
Catalan | permetre | Dutch | permitteren,toestaan, veroorloven |
English | allow | Esperanto | allasi, permesi |
Estonian | lubama | Faroese | loyva |
Finnish | mahdollistaa, sallia | French | autoriser, permettre |
German | erlauben | Greek | επιτρέπω |
Hungarian | enged, engedélyez, megenged | Indonesian | memperbolehkan, memperkenankan, mengizinkan, merelakan |
Italian | permettere, riconcedere | Latvian | atļaut, laist |
Macedonian | дозволи, дозволува | Malay | memperbolehkan, perbolehkan |
Norwegian | tillate | Polish | dopuszczać, dozwolić, pozwalać, umożliwić |
Russian | позволить, позволять | Spanish | permitir |
Swedish | medge, tillbakavisa, tillåta, unna | Turkish | olanak sağlamak |
Vietnamese | cho phép |