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Ensenyar (to teach) conjugation

44 examples
Conjugation of ensenyar
Present tense
I teach
you teach
he/she teaches
we teach
you all teach
they teach
Present perfect tense
he ensenyat
I have taught
has ensenyat
you have taught
ha ensenyat
he/she has taught
hem ensenyat
we have taught
heu ensenyat
you all have taught
han ensenyat
they have taught
Future tense
I will teach
you will teach
he/she will teach
we will teach
you all will teach
they will teach
Conditional mood
I would teach
you would teach
he/she would teach
we would teach
you all would teach
they would teach
Past perfect tense
havia ensenyat
I had taught
havies ensenyat
you had taught
havia ensenyat
he/she had taught
havíem ensenyat
we had taught
havíeu ensenyat
you all had taught
havien ensenyat
they had taught
Past impf. tense
I was teaching
you were teaching
he/she was teaching
we were teaching
you all were teaching
they were teaching
Imperative mood
let him/her teach!
let's teach!
let them teach!
Imperative negative mood
no ensenyis
don't teach!
no ensenyi
don't let him/her teach!
no ensenyem
let's not teach!
no ensenyeu
don't teach!
no ensenyin
don't let them teach!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria ensenyat
I would have taught
hauries ensenyat
you would have taught
hauria ensenyat
he/she would have taught
hauríem ensenyat
we would have taught
hauríeu ensenyat
you all would have taught
haurien ensenyat
they would have taught
Future perfect tense
hauré ensenyat
I will have taught
hauràs ensenyat
you will have taught
haurà ensenyat
he/she will have taught
haurem ensenyat
we will have taught
haureu ensenyat
you all will have taught
hauren ensenyat
they will have taught
Preterite past tense
I taught
you taught
he/she taught
we taught
you all taught
they taught
Past anterior tense
haguí ensenyat
I had taught
hagueres ensenyat
you had taught
hagué ensenyat
he/she had taught
haguérem ensenyat
we had taught
haguéreu ensenyat
you all had taught
haguéren ensenyat
they had taught
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) teach
(so that you) teach
(so that he/she) teaches
(so that we) teach
(so that you all) teach
(so that they) teach
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was teaching
(so that you) were teaching
(so that he/she) was teaching
(so that we) were teaching
(so that you all) were teaching
(so that they) were teaching
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi ensenyat
(so that I) have taught
hagis ensenyat
(so that you) have taught
hagi ensenyat
(so that he/she) has taught
hàgim ensenyat
(so that we) have taught
hàgiu ensenyat
(so that you all) have taught
hagin ensenyat
(so that they) have taught
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués ensenyat
(so that I) had taught
haguessis ensenyat
(so that you) had taught
hagués ensenyat
(so that he/she) had taught
haguéssim ensenyat
(so that we) had taught
haguéssiu ensenyat
(so that you all) had taught
haguessin ensenyat
(so that they) had taught
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi ensenyar
(so that I) taught
vagis ensenyar
(so that you) taught
vagi ensenyar
(so that he/she) taught
vàgim ensenyar
(so that we) taught
vàgiu ensenyar
(so that you all) taught
vagin ensenyar
(so that they) taught
Periphastic past tense
vaig ensenyar
I taught
vas ensenyar
you taught
va ensenyar
he/she taught
vam ensenyar
we taught
vau ensenyar
you all taught
van ensenyar
they taught
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver ensenyat
I had taught
vas haver ensenyat
you had taught
va haver ensenyat
he/she had taught
vam haver ensenyat
we had taught
vau haver ensenyat
you all had taught
van haver ensenyat
they had taught
Examples of ensenyar
Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Satanàs ha usat Martin Ssempa per entretenir la gent que havia anat a alabar el seu creador, i ha usat el pastor per educar la gent en el sexe gai enlloc d'ensenyar-los la paraula de Déu.Satan has used Martin Ssempe to entertain people who came to praise their creator, He has also used the pastor to educate people on bedroom gay instead of teaching God's word.
Com és que Ilià Ponomariov no va ensenyar a Baronova a menjar p***es?Why didn’t Ilya Ponomarev teach his assisant Baronova to suck d**k?
Podem unir sinergies, deixar-nos idees, copiar models que funcionen a altres països i adaptar-los a la nostra realitat local, podem ensenyar-nos mútuament, podem aportar quelcom a la construcció de coneixement col·lectiva i podem modificar les agendes polítiques gràcies al ressò de les accions a les xarxes socials.We can create synergies, lend each other ideas, copy models that work in other countries and adapt them to our local realities, we can teach each other, we can contribute to the construction of collective knowledge, and we can modify political agendas thanks to the echo that actions have in social media.
El Ministeri d'Educació va declarar al setembre del 2013 que es plantejava d'ensenyar-les a les escoles de primària.The Ministry of Education declared in September 2013 that it plans to expand the teaching of national languages into all primary schools.
Això es ensenyar als nens el costat oposat a la moralitat.That’s like teaching her child the exact opposite of morality.
Pregunta 3: En una classe de ciència ensenyo: La Terra gira al voltant del sol i ja que he sentit dir al Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Jazaeri que és el sol el que gira al voltant de la Terra, aquells que ensenyen aquesta matèria haurien de témer a Al·là.Question 3: In a science class I teach: The Earth rotates around the Sun and since I have head from Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Jazaeri that the sun is the one which rotates around the Earth, those who teach this subject should fear Allah.
Cada vegada que té un malson, li ensenyo una cançó de les meves.- I know. But every time he has a nightmare, I teach him one of my old songs.
Així és com ensenyo els meus alumnes:And that is how I teach my students; that instead of copying me in a patterned fashion,
No, no els hi ensenyo a matar.No, I don't teach murder.
Sé que ensenyes als teus homes el teu amor per l'esport.I'm sure you're teaching your young soldiers the joy you have of the sport.
Però el joc t'ensenya sempre a jugar amb les probabilitats.But gambling teaches you to always play the odds.
El goril·la ens ensenya a veure el problema des d'un altre punt de vista.Gorilla teaches to see the problem from another angle.
La bona església ensenya que l'Església Cristiana no ensenya això, l'Esglèsia Catòlica no... Podem els hòmens estimar a dues dones alhora, o sia, estar enamorat de les dues?The good church teaches that the Christian church does not teach that, the Catholic church does not-- Hey. Mm-hmm?
- Sí, sí. I ensenya a temps parcial a la universitat.And he teaches part-time at the university.
Jorah l'Àndal, li ensenya a un... ell ensenya a mi aquesta paraula.Jorah the Andal, he teaches I-- he teaches me this word.
Nosaltres els ensenyem a viure, gent!We teach life, world!
Si Masha hagués escrit que el llibre li havia ensenyat a cosir una camisa de blonda , segurament tothom estaria entendrit.Probably, if Masha had written that the book taught her how to sew a lace shirt , everyone would just melt for her.
No vull saber què li ha ensenyat.I don’t want to know what he taught him.
Tal com ha escrit avui Evgeni Feldman: “Limónov va ensenyar a Baronova a menjar p***es, però Putin n'ha ensenyat a tot el país".It’s like Evgeny Feldman wrote today: “Limonov taught Baronova to suck d**k, but Putin taught the whole country.”
La cançó m'ha ensenyat que hi ha una verdadera connexió entre la violència masclista i la violència racista.I am mostly familiar with how the song has taught me there is a true connection between gendered violence and racist violence.
Aquesta persona només ha repetit allò que se li ha ensenyatThis man just repeated what he was taught
També ensenyen a fer i reparar les màquines de pedals, una necessitat quan es troben en àrees allunyades.They also teach people how to make and repair the bike machines, a necessity when taking them to remote areas.
Pregunta 3: En una classe de ciència ensenyo: La Terra gira al voltant del sol i ja que he sentit dir al Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Jazaeri que és el sol el que gira al voltant de la Terra, aquells que ensenyen aquesta matèria haurien de témer a Al·là.Question 3: In a science class I teach: The Earth rotates around the Sun and since I have head from Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Jazaeri that the sun is the one which rotates around the Earth, those who teach this subject should fear Allah.
Aquests vídeos, que duren entre vuit i deu segons, ensenyen als espectadors a pronunciar paraules en anglès amb un fort i atractiu accent iranià.These eight-to-ten-second videos teach viewers how to pronounce words with a thick and delectable Iranian accent.
Quina clase de lliçons són les que ensenyen a la gent?What kind of lessons do they teach people?
Vint anys a la legió t'ensenyen a estar sempre preparat.Twenty years a legionary teaches you to be ready for the day.
A estar en comunió amb ell t'ensenyaré.How to commune with him I will teach you.
Malgrat tot hi han altres opcions que us ensenyaré tot seguit.But there are some steps I will teach you well.
Alguns al·leguen, però, que no hi haurà guerra encara que es modifiqui la Constitució perquè pel·lícules com La Tomba de les Lluernes ens ensenyaran a estar en contra de la guerra igualment.Some people say that a war will not happen even if the constitution is amended because films such as "Grave of the Fireflies" will teach us to be anti-war anyway.
Tots els savis d'Orient li ensenyaran els seus coneixements.All sages of the Orient will teach him the world.
El meu mentor m'ho ensenyà tot sobre la Força.My mentor taught me everything about the Force.
I mai no us ha de doldre el treball que us heu donat per apendre'ls; perque el saber val més que cap altra cosa del món; aixo és el que fa que els homes es tornin bons i grans; sereu un gran home i un home bo algun dia, Tom, i aleshores mirareu enrera i direu: «-Tot és degut als beneficis de la preada escola dominical de la meva infantesa; tot és degut a mos benvolguts professors, que m'ensenyaren a apendre; tot és degut al bon superintendent, que m'encoratja i vetlla per mi i em dona una bella Bíblia, una Bíblia esplendida i elegant, per servar-la i tenir-la per al meu ús, per a sempre més; tot és degut a la recta educació!»And you never can be sorry for the trouble you took to learn them; for knowledge is worth more than anything there is in the world; it's what makes great men and good men; you'll be a great man and a good man yourself, some day, Thomas, and then you'll look back and say, It's all owing to the precious Sunday-school privileges of my boyhood--it's all owing to my dear teachers that taught me to learn--it's all owing to the good superintendent, who encouraged me, and watched over me, and gave me a beautiful Bible--a splendid elegant Bible--to keep and have it all for my own, always--it's all owing to right bringing up!
D’aquesta manera, hauria de ser del tot normal contractar un professor britànic perquè ensenyi anglès a Roma o que un jove belga que acabi de llicenciar-se es presenti a oposicions a l’Administració francesa.Indeed, what could be more natural than recruiting a British teacher to teach English in Rome, or encouraging a young Belgian graduate to compete in a civil service exam in France?
Però com que veig que els demèntors tenen un interès molt especial en tu... ...potser valdrà més que te n’ensenyi.But as the dementors seem to have developed an interest in you... ...perhaps I should teach you.
No, no necessito que l'Oliver m'ensenyi com ser la teva mare.No, I don't need Oliver to teach me how to parent you.
I si em mostres una mica de respecte, potser t'ensenyi com fer-les.And if you show me just a modicum of respect, maybe I'll teach you.
I llavors els podràs explicar per què creus que és una mala idea que la Suprema els ensenyi.And then you can explain to them why you think it's a bad idea for the Supreme to teach them.
Tradicionalment al Senegal, els pares confien els seus fills als erudits perquè aquests els ensenyin, en primer lloc, a memoritzar l'Alcorà i després, a mesura que es fan grans, les ciències religioses.In Senegal, parents would traditionally entrust the care of their children to scholars who would teach them to memorize the Quran and then, as the children grew older, theology.
Tindré por dels dothraki el dia que ensenyin els seus cavalls a córrer per les aigües.I'll fear the Dothraki the day they teach their horses to run on water.
M'està ensenyant a Ser una millor màquina.He's teaching me to be a better machine.
I sigui el que sigui el que tinguéssim, tu i jo, la confiança que construïm durant una dècada en la que jo et protegia, ensenyant-te tot el que sé,And whatever we had, you and I, whatever trust we built up over a decade of me protecting you... teaching you everything I know... you destroyed it when you lied to me and you treated me like "them"...
sereu capaços de seguir ensenyant als alumnes?Will you be able to keep on teaching pupils?
I sigui el que sigui el que tinguéssim, tu i jo, la confiança que construïm durant una dècada en la que jo et protegia, ensenyant-te tot el que sé, la vas destrossar quan em vas mentir i em vas tractar com a un d'ells,And whatever we had, you and I, whatever trust we built up over a decade of me protecting you, teaching you everything I know, you destroyed it when you lied to me and you treated me like "them,"
T'està ensenyant xinès. Que bonic.She's teaching you Chinese.
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