Example in Catalan | Translation in English |
No hi ha cap formulari per emplenar, ni tampoc cap model imposat per a la redacció de la vostra petició. | There are no forms to fill in and there is no standard format to be followed. |
Gràcies per mantenir-nos units. Per estimar-nos i emplenar-nos d'amor. | Thank you, Lord, for keeping us together, for filling us with love... and for giving us this meal. |
Per començar, ens haurien d'emplenar aquests formularis. | Now, if you can begin by just filling out those forms. |
Gràcies per mantenir-nos units. Per estimar-nos i emplenar-nos d'amor. Beneeix els nostres aliments, amén. | Thank you, Lord, for keeping us together, for filling us with love and for giving us this meal. |
Tot home, dona i nen que pugui disparar una arma o emplenar un sac de sorra serà avisat en cas d'atac. | Every man, woman, and child who can fire a weapon or fill a sandbag is spoken for. |
No li empleno el cap de res. | I don't fill his head with anything. |
Havia emplenat els papers necessaris i, fins i tot, havia trobat un grup de gent que havia promès al govern canadenc que ajudaria la família Kurdi quan arribessin. | She filled out all the necessary paperwork. She even assembled a team of people to pledge to the Canadian government they would support the Kurdi family when they moved. |
Però podrien haver emplenat una mica més la tassa. | They could've filled the bowl a little more. |