Example in Catalan | Translation in English |
El braç del mestre malda fins a cansar-se, i el diposit de regles minva notablement. | The master's arm performed until it was tired and the stock of switches notably diminished. |
No t'has de cansar tant, amic meu. | Don't get too tired my dear. |
Però aviat els altres cavallers es van cansar de les seves històries sobre com de valent era i quants dracs havia matat. | But soon the other knights began to grow tired of his stories about how brave he was and how many dragons he'd slain. |
M'he cansar d'ajudar per tota la casa. | I got tired of helping around the house. |
els guerrers de l'altra tribu tiraven les llances fins que els seus braços es van cansar. | The warriors from the other tribe threw their spears until their arms were getting tired. |
I si em canso molt, ja pararé en un motel, t'ho prometo. | I mean, if I get really tired, I'll pull into a motel. I promise. |
Em canso, tio. | I'm getting tired! |
No em canso mai de parlar. | I never get tired of talking. |
No et canses? | Don't you get tired? |
Normalment en fem dos, i després et canses a la meitat i he d'acabar-la jo sola. | We usually do two, and then you get tired halfway through and I have to finish by myself. |
Et diré una cosa: si mai et canses de les lleis, faries una bona espia. | If you ever get tired of practicing law, you'd make a decent spy. |
Avisa'm si et canses. | Let me know if you get tired or something ... |
És sorprenent com de ràpid es cansa la mà. | It's amazing how quickly your hand tires. |
Estan per violar-les" . només exigim una mica de respecte cap als ja milers d'espanyols i espanyoles honrats que no hem sortit del nostre país per veure quin vent bufa en altres llocs o viure una experiència enriquidora i tornar quan ens cansem. | They are there to be violated." what we demand is a little respect towards the several thousands of honest Spanish men and women who have not left our country to see how the wind blows elsewhere, or to have an enriching experience and simply return when we tire of it. |
Vaig a Shahbag tres cops al dia, crido eslògans i quan estic cansat i reflexiono sobre el que passa, miro al meu voltant i observo amb admiració com els fanals s'han convertit en pals on penjar reivindicacions. | I go to Shahbag three times aday, shout slogans, when I am tired, I scratch my head, look around, see with wonder that the lamp posts have become hanging posts. |
Estic cansat, però em quedaré amb aquesta gent tot el temps que faça falta. | I am tired, but I would stay with these people as long as necessary. |
Per favor, que no se t'acudisca utilitzar mai més l'excusa "estic cansat". | Don’t ever think of the word “I’m tired” excuse please. |
Potser hauria d'estar una mica ressentit, però n'estic massa cansat. | Maybe I should have some resentment in me, but I am too tired. |
Estic cansat. | I am tired. |
Si us canseu de la quincalla i de les farbalàncies d'en Xaro, seria un honor rebre-us a la Casa dels Immortals. | Should you grow tired of Xaro's baubles and trinkets, it would be an honor to host you at the House of the Undying. |
- Fins i tot en Hodor es cansarà. | - Even Hodor will tire. |
S'estaven cansant. | They were tiring out. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Basque | nekatu | Danish | trætte |
English | tire | Esperanto | lacegigi |
Finnish | väsyttää | German | ermüden |
Greek | κουράζω | Hungarian | fárad |
Italian | affaticare,affaticarsi, stancare, stancarsi, straccare | Macedonian | замори, измори, умори |
Polish | ogumić, sprzykrzyć, uznoić, zmęczyć | Portuguese | cansar, fadigar |
Quechua | pisipay, sayk'uy | Romanian | epuiza, obosi |
Spanish | amodorrar, cansar | Swedish | trubba, truga, trötta, tröttna |
Vietnamese | nhọc |