CHM has something for everyone, from docent-led tours to demonstrations to self-guided visits.
Public tours and demonstrations are available without reservations for groups of less than 10 people. For groups of 10 or more, reservations must be made for a private tour or to set up a self-guided visit. Please go to Group Visits.
Docent-led tour. Open to the public for groups less than 10.
The story of computing is epic. It’s driven by creativity, where accidents and luck can be as important as brilliant engineering. Explore the revolution that’s changed our world in this docent-led tour.
Wednesday through Sunday, noon and 2 p.m.
Docent-led demo. Open to the public for groups less than 10.
The IBM 1401 transformed data processing, becoming one of history’s most popular computers. Journey to 1959 and experience the sights and sounds of a business computer center.
Wednesday, 3 p.m.
Saturday, 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Docent-led demo. Open to the public for groups less than 10.
Discover the 1959 machine and game that captivated an early generation of hackers and made Rolling Stone magazine rave, “Ready or not. Computers are coming to the people.”
First and third Saturday every month, 2:30 p.m. and 3:15 p.m.
PDP-1 Spacewar! Tournament every fifth Saturday of the month, 12 noon
Docent-led demo. Open to the public for groups less than 10.
The heart of the world’s first disk drive, the RAMAC 350 storage unit has 50 24-inch spinning disks and holds 5 million characters (about 3.75 MB) of information. Experience this “high speed” unit in action.
Wednesday, 1:00 p.m.
For more Museum resources, visit our Activities & Resources page.
Become part of the movement transforming how people understand our computing history, digital present, and future impact on humanity by donating today.