Category:PNG created with Gnuplot
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Media in category "PNG created with Gnuplot"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 460 total.
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600px-Bernoulli polynomials svg.png 600 × 480; 35 KB
Achibueno-en-la-recova.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Aconcagua-en-chacabuquito.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Aconcagua-en-romeral.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Aconcagua-en-san-felipe.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Alhue-en-quilamuta.png 280 × 320; 28 KB
Alicahue-en-colliguay.png 280 × 320; 26 KB
Allipen-en-los-laureles.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Allipen-en-melipeuco.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Amplitude-modulation.png 320 × 424; 20 KB
Analytic.png 1,250 × 875; 86 KB
Ancoa-en-el-morro.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Andalien-en-camino-a-penco.png 280 × 320; 28 KB
Angostura-en-valdivia-de-paine.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Arcgd.png 713 × 475; 3 KB
Arrayan-en-la-montosa.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Atan2atan.png 640 × 480; 5 KB
Aysen-en-puerto-aysen.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Azapa-en-ausipar.png 280 × 320; 22 KB
B2 optimization function.png 800 × 600; 37 KB
Baker-desague-lago-bertrand.png 280 × 320; 27 KB
Barplot001.png 651 × 488; 10 KB
Bernoulli60.png 256 × 192; 975 bytes
Bessel-butterworth-filter 2.png 640 × 1,440; 11 KB
Beta distribution cdf.png 1,300 × 975; 189 KB
Beta distribution pdf.png 1,300 × 975; 215 KB
BhaskaraSineApproximation1.png 503 × 281; 15 KB
Biobio-en-coihue.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Biobio-en-rucalhue.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Biobío en Desembocadura.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Blanco-en-curacautin.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Blanco-oeste-en-desague-lago-caro.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Blue noise spectrum.png 800 × 600; 5 KB
Boost continuous discontinuous french.png 1,500 × 1,050; 62 KB
Boost continuous discontinuous.png 1,500 × 1,050; 38 KB
Boost resistance french.png 1,500 × 1,050; 62 KB
Boost resistance.png 1,500 × 1,050; 73 KB
Box orbit full.png 640 × 480; 7 KB
Box orbit resonance.png 640 × 480; 2 KB
Brown noise spectrum.png 800 × 600; 5 KB
Buck continuous discontinuous french.png 1,500 × 1,050; 35 KB
Buck continuous discontinuous.png 1,500 × 1,050; 39 KB
Buck resistance french.png 1,500 × 1,050; 65 KB
Buck resistance.png 1,500 × 1,050; 76 KB
Buck-boost continuous discontinuous.png 1,500 × 1,050; 39 KB
Buckboost resistance fr.png 1,500 × 1,050; 64 KB
Buckboost resistance.png 1,500 × 1,050; 76 KB
Bueno-en-bueno.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Bureo-en-mulchen.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Butamalal-en-butamalal.png 280 × 320; 29 KB
Butterworth filter bode plot ru.png 1,250 × 875; 82 KB
Butterworth filter bode plot.png 1,250 × 875; 110 KB
Butterworth filter bodediagram.png 717 × 584; 5 KB
Butterworth orders.png 1,229 × 872; 93 KB
Butterworth plain.png 1,296 × 954; 58 KB
Butterworth response.png 1,240 × 880; 86 KB
Bv rdson.png 1,500 × 1,050; 82 KB
C luft.png 653 × 496; 9 KB
Cachapoal-en-puente-arqueado.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Cadena-antes-junta-con-cachapoal.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Calcurrupe-en-desembocadura.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Calle-calle-en-balsa-san-javier.png 280 × 320; 33 KB
Camisas-en-desembocadura.png 280 × 320; 28 KB
Canal-azapa-en-bocatoma.png 280 × 320; 19 KB
Caracarani-en-humapalca.png 280 × 320; 27 KB
Caramavida-en-caramavida.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Carihueico-en-piruquina.png 280 × 320; 29 KB
Carmen-en-el-corral.png 280 × 320; 27 KB
Carmen-en-puente-la-majada.png 280 × 320; 27 KB
Cartesian transport.gif 600 × 600; 592 KB
Casablanca-sal-del-valle.png 280 × 320; 19 KB
Catemu-en-puente-santa-rosa.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Cato-en-puente-cato.png 280 × 320; 29 KB
Cauer response.png 749 × 544; 32 KB
Cauquenes-en-el-arrayan.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Cautin-en-almagro.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Cautin-en-cajon.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Cautin-en-rari-ruca.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Centers8.png 1,000 × 797; 781 KB
Changaral-camino-a-portezuelo.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Chebyshev response.png 732 × 527; 34 KB
Chebyshev type I order 3 bandstop filter 2023 228 1.gif 640 × 480; 662 KB
Chebyshev type I order 3 bandstop filter 2023 228 2.gif 640 × 480; 909 KB
Chillan-en-camino-a-confluencia.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Chimbarongo-en-convento-viejo.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Chimbarongo-en-santa-cruz.png 280 × 320; 33 KB
ChinaDemography-ar.png 512 × 320; 11 KB
Chinas-antes-desembocadura-en-el-toro.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Chinas-en-cerro-guido.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Choapa-aguas-arriba-estero-la-canela.png 280 × 320; 28 KB
Choapa-en-cuncumen.png 280 × 320; 28 KB
Choapa-en-puente-negro.png 280 × 320; 27 KB
Choapa-en-salamanca.png 280 × 320; 28 KB
Chol-chol-en-chol-chol.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Chorrillos-tres-pasos-ruta-9.png 280 × 320; 29 KB
Circle transport.gif 600 × 600; 595 KB
Circle2cardioid.png 1,000 × 500; 7 KB
Circle2heart.png 1,000 × 500; 8 KB
Circular polarization schematic.png 162 × 410; 4 KB
Cisnes-antes-junta-rio-moro.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Cisnes-en-estancia-rio-cisnes.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Claro-de-talca-en-camarico.png 280 × 320; 29 KB
Claro-del-tinguiririca-en-el-valle.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Claro-en-camino-a-yumbel.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Claro-en-los-quenes.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Claro-en-montegrande.png 280 × 320; 26 KB
Claro-en-rivadavia.png 280 × 320; 26 KB
Claro-en-talca.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Cochiguaz-en-el-penon.png 280 × 320; 27 KB
Cogoti-en-fraguita.png 280 × 320; 27 KB
Cogoti-entr-emb-cogoti.png 280 × 320; 25 KB
Coihueco-antes-junta-pichicope.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Colina-en-peldehue.png 280 × 320; 29 KB
Collileufu-en-los-lagos.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Colorado-antes-de-junta-con-olivares.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Colorado-antes-junta-rio-maipo.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Colorado-del-aconcagua-en-colorado.png 280 × 320; 28 KB
Colorado-del-lontue-en-junta-palos.png 280 × 320; 33 KB
Colorado-del-maipo.png 280 × 320; 25 KB
Colpitas-en-alcerreca.png 280 × 320; 27 KB
Combarbala-en-ramadilla.png 280 × 320; 25 KB
Comparing normal distributions 001.png 745 × 500; 50 KB
Copiapo-despues-del-lautaro.png 280 × 320; 26 KB
Copiapo-en-ciudad-copiapo.png 280 × 320; 29 KB
Copiapo-en-la-puerta.png 280 × 320; 26 KB
Copiapo-en-mal-paso.png 280 × 320; 27 KB
Copiapo-en-pastillo.png 280 × 320; 25 KB
Cortaderal-extrapol.png 280 × 320; 26 KB
Coscaya-en-saitoco.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Cr orbit 3.png 640 × 480; 4 KB
Cr6spiral.png 1,000 × 1,000; 22 KB
Cr6spiral3d.png 1,000 × 1,000; 12 KB
Critical Orbit 0;3,2,1000,1....png 800 × 800; 24 KB
Critical orbit 3d.png 2,000 × 1,000; 19 KB
Critical orbit f(z) = z*z+c and c=-0.749413589136570+0.015312826507689*i.png 1,500 × 1,500; 49 KB
Cruces-en-rucaco2.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Cuadro-comparativo-de-caudales-de-rios-de-chile.png 700 × 500; 33 KB
Curaco-en-colico.png 280 × 320; 33 KB
Curipeumo-en-lo-hernandez.png 280 × 320; 29 KB
Damas-en-tacamo.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Daubechies4-functions.png 360 × 252; 9 KB
Dba plot.png 1,200 × 1,200; 170 KB
Delta PWM.png 1,500 × 1,050; 84 KB
Derecho-alcohuaz.png 280 × 320; 25 KB
Desaguadero-en-cotacotani.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Diode mosfet.png 1,500 × 1,050; 72 KB
Distributors income in Japan.png 640 × 480; 46 KB
Donguil-en-gorbea.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Double exponential moving average weightings N=10.png 1,300 × 975; 5 KB
Dumo-en-santa-ana.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Duqueco-en-cerrillos.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Duqueco-en-villucura.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Duty cycle general.png 1,500 × 525; 14 KB
Dutycycle.png 1,500 × 525; 12 KB
Efeito do plano real sobre a inflacao.png 1,023 × 657; 35 KB
Eliptická polarizace.png 591 × 300; 9 KB
Elliptical polarization schematic.png 162 × 410; 4 KB
Elqui-en-algarrobal.png 280 × 320; 27 KB
Elqui-en-almendral.png 280 × 320; 25 KB
EMA of EMA weightings N=10.png 1,300 × 975; 8 KB
Emperador-guillermo-antes-de-junta-con-manihuales.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Encuestas electorales presidenciales de 2010 en Colombia (1ª vuelta).png 1,500 × 1,050; 113 KB
Estacion-blanco-antes-de-junta-con-huemules.png 280 × 320; 33 KB
Estacion-blanco-chico-antes-de-junta-con-obscuro.png 280 × 320; 30 KB
Estacion-coyhaique-en-tejas-verdes.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Estacion-nirehuao-en-villa-manihuales.png 280 × 320; 31 KB
Euler-Cauchy equation solution curves complex roots.png 640 × 480; 7 KB
Euler-Cauchy equation solution curves double root.png 640 × 480; 6 KB
Euler-Cauchy equation solution curves real roots.png 640 × 480; 7 KB
Euro exchange rate to USD, JPY, and GBP.png 1,000 × 600; 23 KB
Exemple d'utilisation de gnuplot.png 640 × 480; 2 KB
Exp -logx.png 640 × 480; 4 KB
Exp e-2.png 640 × 480; 4 KB
Exp e2.png 640 × 480; 4 KB
Exp fabs(e2).png 640 × 480; 4 KB
Exp log-x.png 640 × 480; 4 KB
Exp logfabs(x).png 640 × 480; 5 KB
Exponential distribution cdf.png 1,300 × 975; 120 KB
Exponential distribution pdf.png 1,300 × 975; 119 KB
Exponential function x^2.png 1,009 × 437; 14 KB
Exponential function x^3.png 1,009 × 437; 11 KB
Exponential moving average weights N=15.png 1,300 × 975; 8 KB
Exponentialchirp.png 1,250 × 875; 87 KB
Factorial plot.png 640 × 480; 14 KB
Forrahue-en-aromos.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Gamma distribution cdf.png 1,300 × 975; 175 KB
Gamma distribution pdf.png 1,300 × 975; 159 KB
GaussFkt2D.png 960 × 720; 22 KB
Gnuplot tcp analysis.png 800 × 600; 9 KB
Gnuplot x**2.png 480 × 360; 4 KB
Gnuplot-Ayuda2.png 640 × 480; 4 KB
Gnuplot-ayuda3.png 280 × 320; 14 KB
Gnuplot-ayuda4.png 280 × 320; 22 KB
Gnuplot-ayuda5.png 640 × 480; 13 KB
Gnuplot-ayuda6.png 500 × 500; 6 KB
Gnuplot-ayuda8.png 280 × 320; 27 KB
Gnuplot-ayuda9.png 300 × 500; 9 KB
Gnuplot-in-action.png 866 × 618; 76 KB
Golgol-en-desemboca.png 280 × 320; 32 KB
Grande-en-carretera-austral.png 280 × 320; 32 KB