Background: Coronavirus is one of the pandemic diseases that was first diagnosed inWuhan, China, Hubei Province, and then spread throughout China to other countries suchas Thailand, Japan, Korea, the United States and even Iran. It is a beta-coronavirus, anorthocronavarine virus, and an RNA virus that infects the respiratory tract and hassymptoms similar to the common cold, flu, SARS, and measles. The main symptoms ofthis disease are fever, cough, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, chest pain andaccumulation of fluid in the pleural space (space between the lungs and ribs), butsymptoms such as chills, body aches, sore throat, headache, runny nose, hypoxemia(Decreased oxygen delivery to the arteries on average) and other symptoms have alsobeen observed. Given that the elderly are one of the high-risk groups, it was decided toexamine the clinical symptoms of the elderly with Cronab.Material and Methods: In this study, which is a kind of systematic review, for receivingthe necessary information and downloading the required Persian articles, the sites werereferred to SID, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, ISC and for English language articles to googlescholar, pub med scopus, ISI sites and Among the received articles, we collected relevantand necessary information and presented it as a review article.Results: The results showed that the elderly due to physical weakness, immune systemproblems and underlying diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, kidneydisease; There may be several symptoms. Studies show that the onset of symptoms todeath was lower in the elderly than in the middle-aged and young (less than 14 days).Elderly people are also more likely to have multiple lobes of the lung than others. Butinvolvement lesions in the lobes are no different from other groups. They may also presentwith symptoms of sputum, headache, bleeding, diarrhea, and indigestion for a variety ofreasons. Affected elderly also show more severe pneumonia than middle-aged and youngpeople. Also, in terms of paraclinical findings, elderly people with coronary heart diseasehave lower lymphocyte counts and higher CRP levels than other groups, but in terms ofneutrophil count, hematocrit Hemoglobin, platelets did not change significantly.Conclusions: The results showed that in the elderly with coronary heart disease withdifferent underlying diseases, symptoms, diagnosis, course of treatment and prognosis aredifferent from other groups, so that they need more accurate and different care.