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The impact of ECB policies on Euro area investment. (2016). Labondance, Fabien ; Creel, Jerome ; Hubert, Paul ; Blot, Christophe.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. . Δ ℎ With I the investment, VA the value-added, Marge the margin rate, Shadow the indicator of monetary policy calculated by Wu and Xia (2016) and that takes into account the unconventional monetary policy measures. The bank spread is the gap between the interest rate on loans for non-financial corporations and the EONIA rate. CUR stands for the rate of capacity utilization. In the long term, an increase in margins has a significant positive impact on the investment rate. The cost of funding (measured by the indicator of monetary policy and the bank spread) affects negatively and significantly the investment rate. The model is estimated by OLS for the euro area. The sample period for estimation is 1999Q1 / 2015Q4. Data are taken from Eurostat, ECB and Datastream.
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  2. Economics Letters, forthcoming  Pesaran H. and R.P. Smith, 2016. Counterfactual Analysis in Macroeconometrics: An Empirical Investigation into the Effects of Quantitative Easing. Research in Economics, forthcoming.

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