Moslavačka gora - Vrh Vis
- Distància
- 8,32km
- Desnivell +
- 570m
- TrailRank
- 36
We start hiking near Kutinica (village Čaire) uphill towards peak Vis and then up to highest peak of Moslavačka gora where ther is small forestry Humka and monument.
We start hiking near Kutinica (village Čaire) uphill towards peak Vis and then up to highest peak of Moslavačka gora where ther is small forestry Humka and monument.
From Hrastovica towards peak Cepeliš over one side of track, and then returning over other side down, but first we visited one nice viewpoint near by peak. There was much mud and a little snow. The trail is short and eas...
Forest path to Hrastovačka gora highest peak, Cepeliš. Very family friendly. On the top is nice mountain house "Matija Filjak" with food and drinks. Perfect for a weekend getaway like other peaks in near vicinity.
20. novogodišnji pohod Vrijeme početka: 01/14/2018 09:14Vrijeme završetka: 01/14/2018 14:41Udaljenost: 20,1 km (05:27)Vrijeme kretanja: 04:21Prosječna brzina: 3,68 km/hPros. brzina kretanja: 4,62 km/hMaks. brzina: 8,1...
Deixa que qui tu decideixis sàpiga on et trobes mentre segueixes o graves una ruta des de l'app.
Passa't a Wikiloc Premium Passa't a Premium per eliminar els anuncisAs usual , be aware of the secrets which can be found in the mountains and prepare yourself with GPS, map and compass. Be careful and do not walk alone! Enjoy. Use of this track is on your own responsibility. Thanks for ...
Vrijeme početka: 11/25/2017 11:44Vrijeme završetka: 11/25/2017 15:28Udaljenost: 5,8 km (03:43)Vrijeme kretanja: 02:08Prosječna brzina: 1,57 km/hPros. brzina kretanja: 2,73 km/hMaks. brzina: 8,11km/hNajmanja nadm. visina:...
Gornja Jelenska - Humka - Vis - Franjevački samostan - Humka Bijela staza kraj potoka je stvarno lijepa - isplati se ići po njoj...
obilaznica / wanderweg / transverzala
Izvid staze Nas 3 06:50 Polazak iz Zagreba 08:30 Prijevoj Vratnik 08:40 Start 10:45 vrh Dikavac 11:30 početak spištamja 13:30 Početna točka
Opš 7G četvrti izlet. HPD Runolist
Korte landelijke wandeling achter de guesthouse, eindigend in een groot open veld met half wilde paarden. Er lopen er honderden in dit nationaal park Lonsko Polje. Soms niet echt een pad maar een strook om de akkers waar...
La mitad del camino la Encontré cerrada
Hiking trip to Moslavacka gora in Croatia, ending in Jelengrad ruins.
Nemarkiranim šumskim stazama Zrinske gore
Vilenjak - Kozara - Bršljanac - Ferenčić brdo - Gornja Garšnica - Podgarić - Djed - Humka - Vis - Vilenjak
Explora rutes amb més fidelitat visual, des dels cims fins a les valls. Embarca't en una ruta virtual per a una vista 3D realista.
Passa't a Wikiloc Premium Passa't a Premium per eliminar els anuncis