Hungarian Walk of Friendship 2023 Day 6 Pinkamindszent to Örimagyrósd
- Distància
- 22,15km
- Desnivell +
- 89m
- TrailRank
- 48
HWF 2023 Pinkamindszent to Örimagyrósd
HWF 2023 Pinkamindszent to Örimagyrósd
Day 7 HWF
Day 5 HWF
Day 4 HWF
Explora rutes amb més fidelitat visual, des dels cims fins a les valls. Embarca't en una ruta virtual per a una vista 3D realista.
Passa't a Wikiloc Premium Passa't a Premium per eliminar els anuncisday 1. Behind Szentgotthard a difficult section: numerous trees in the riverbed and overgrown shores. A lot of whirlpools, rapids. The current very strong. Before the dam the river slightly slows down, then speeds up ag...
17 de octubre de 2016 Distancia: 31,66 km. Ascenso total: 180 m. Descenso total: 92 m. Altura máxima: 225 m. Altura mínima: 107 m. Valoración: 6,5 Tiempo de marcha: 8 h. 40 m. Velocidad media: 3,8...
16 de octubre de 2016 Distancia: 40,57 km. Ascenso total: 333 m. Descenso total: 267 m. Altura máxima: 217 m. Altura mínima: 107 m. Valoración: 6 Tiempo de marcha: 9 h. 40 m. Velocidad media: 4,3 ...
15 de octubre de 2016 Distancia: 24,03 km. Ascenso total: 47 m. Descenso total: 94 m. Altura máxima: 200 m. Altura mínima: 144 m. Valoración: 6 Tiempo de marcha: 6 h. 15 m. Velocidad media: 4,1 km...
14 de octubre de 2016 Distancia: 36,83 km. Ascenso total: 243 m. Descenso total: 339 m. Altura máxima: 340 m. Altura mínima: 166 m. Valoración: 8 Tiempo de marcha: 8 h. 50 m. Velocidad media: 4,3 ...
Day 5 HWF
It was about time to explore this part of the country. The road is OK, traffic is very light, there are some parts where there's no asphalt, so I recommend a trekking bike for the trip.
We got a lift for the first 13kms as it was just forest and fields and we didn’t want to do a 31km day. We passed through many towns with beautiful buildings and gardens, crossing the Austrian and Hungarian border many t...
DON’T USE THIS ROUTE There is an updated one that ends in Csesztreg. This one ends in Szentgyorgyvolgy. Lucky for us the host from Csesztreg came to pick us up.
Had Agata from Pinkamindszent drop us 2 km in to cut down Kms a bit. Nice stop at Csákánydoroszlò at bowling alley cafe. Long, hot, hard walk for the rest of the way. Last 4km through forest - very overgrown and very we...
National blue trail (OKT 1) from Kőszeg to Írott-kő and back, passing through the historical center of Kőszeg and by Kálvária hegy, Pintér tető, Hétforrás, Óház tető, Büdös kút, Ciklámen forrás, Hörmann forrás, and Kendi...
National Blue Trail between Sárvár and Kőszeg (OKT 1), touching Csényemajor, Csénye, Bögöt, Szeleste and Tömörd.
Muddy, runs parallel to small stream, some wonderful views. Subtract 6 km from this total because it was in car. Route ends at the start point about 12 km so the distance on this is very inaccurate.
A TET (Trans Euro Trail egy Európat átszelő off-road úthálózat. Mo-on belül több szakasza is van, ez a szakasz a Szentgotthárd - BP vonal egy pici része. Jól járható útvonal, viszonylag fényez...
Idei nyaralásunk Kőszegi hegység túrák és Fertő-tó kerülés bringával 2013-07-27-től 08-06. A forróság végig nagy 37-40 fok... Ez az írottkői túra. Ezen a napon ezenkívül Velem Szent Vid is sorrakerült (a régi Kéktúra...
Az én Kéktúrám 60.
Day 6 HWF Amended route - don’t use 2023 map (unless you wear your gum boots!)
Kenyeri - Rédeymajor
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