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Cards in set
Set number
Release date
Fall, 2003
Jamboree would have been the last main expansion of cards from Wizards of the Coast and was intended to be the first “Wizards’ designed” set. However, it was never released.
Jamboree's release was prevented by Pokémon USA following business disputes over the Pokémon TCG license.[1]
This set would have been the 17th English expansion had it released. It would be the first set of cards developed by Wizards of the Coast instead of Creatures, Inc. and would include a mix of Owner's Pokémon, Dark Pokémon, and Expansion Series ("Vending Promos"). Ideas for Jamboree cards included new Trainer cards to fix perceived balance issues, previously rejected Pokémon and Magic the Gathering card ideas from Wizards, and goofy cards with essentially meaningless effects, such as "Flip a coin as many times as you want."[2] The art for Jamboree would have included original art by Western artists to compliment Wizards’ original cards. Nick15, a well-known artist from the Create a Card forums, was approached for art. Additionally, many promotional cards that hadn't yet been released outside of Japan were to be included to catch up Western audiences.
The set was first introduced to the public as the Unnamed Wizards Set, which was Jamboree's alpha name. Jamboree was the beta name for the set. However, since the set was never released, a final name was never stated.
Multiple theme decks were finished before cancellation. However, their themes and contents are not currently known.
Set list
The full set list is still unknown. Estimates have around 60 new Pokémon cards with around 12 new Trainer cards.
Release date
The set was meant to be released after Skyridge and Legendary Collection 2, but was prevented from being released by Pokémon USA.[3] Since Wizards of the Coast commented that final kits before license expiration would be released in August, it's likely that Jamboree's intended release date was August 2003.[4]
Although Jamboree's release was cancelled, former Wizards of the Coast playtesters alleged that Nintendo took the contents of Jamboree and secretly released them in EX Sandstorm and possibly other sets.[2]
Jolteon Jamboree (TCG) from former Wizards of the Coast employee's collection.