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Monero (XMR) price stats and information

Total Moneros18,533,965 XMR
Monero Logo Market Capitalization$3,517,562,737
Monero Price1 XMR = 189.79 USD (2024-12-26 09:35:31 UTC)
kraken: 190.49 USD (2024-12-26 09:50:01 UTC)
bitfinex: 189.86 USD (2024-12-26 09:51:02 UTC)
hitbtc: 190.51 USD (2024-12-26 09:49:01 UTC)
kucoin: 0.002 BTC (2024-12-26 09:48:02 UTC)
bitmart: 0.002 BTC (2024-12-26 09:30:04 UTC)

1 USD = 0.0053 XMR
1 BTC = 501 XMR
1 EUR = 0.0055 XMR
1 USDT = 0.0052 XMR
1 ETH = 17.7 XMR
1 UST = 0.0052 XMR
all time1 year1 month
Transactions last 24h19,463
Transactions avg. per hour 811
Avg. Transaction Fee0.00037 XMR ($0.071)
Block Time 2m 2s
Blocks Count 3,311,316 (2024-12-26 09:47:24 UTC)
Block Size71.39 KBytes
Blocks last 24h707
Blocks avg. per hour (last 24h)29
Reward Per Block0.6000+0.00952 XMR ($115.68)
Reward (last 24h)424.20+6.73 XMR ($81,786.66)
Fee in Reward
(Average Fee Percentage in Total Block Reward)
Difficulty403.65 G -3.97% in 24 hours
Hashrate3.3 Ghash/s -3.01% in 24 hours
Monero Mining Profitability0.0248 USD/Day for 1 KHash/s
First Block2014-04-18
Blockchain Size63.75 GB
Reddit subscribers332,922
Tweets per day #Monero328
Github releasev0.18.3.4 (2024-08-22)
Github stars9104
Github last commit2024-12-23
BitcoinTalk42520 posts
2024-12-26 09:53:58 UTC
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