The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1988-1991)
showing 783 posts tagged #me
You kinda just say things don't you
Its My Blog Stupid Fuck
Every time I hear a Hozier song in public I feel like a sleeper agent activating
I love blocking people I've never interacted with based off their replies on some random popular post. Wow random user on a post with 50k notes with the worst take ever, I hope I never meet you and will make sure we never do
I'm not ignoring you, I'm overwhelmed. (a memoir)
I am very tired and I want to be held by someone who loves me
Heard something new in a song I've listened to 200 times
Don’t feel bad if you’re sensitive to negative feedback because apparently after one particular bad review Hans Christian Andersen was found just sobbing while lying face down in the dirt