Alaska elections, 2015

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The state of Alaska held elections in 2015. In Alaska, school board elections were held on April 7 for three seats in the Anchorage School District, as well the municipal election for Mayor of Anchorage. School board elections were held for four more seats in two school districts, all of which featured among America's largest school districts by enrollment, in October. This was a lighter year for Alaska as 2014 saw elections for U.S. House, U.S. Senate, state executives, state senate, state house, statewide ballot measures, local ballot measures, school boards and state courts.

Below are the dates of note:
2015 elections and events in Alaska
Candidate filing deadline for municipal elections February 13, 2015 Red padlock.png
Anchorage Municipal election
School board elections
April 7, 2015 Red padlock.png
Voter registration deadline September 6, 2015 Red padlock.png
Absentee application deadline September 28, 2015 Red padlock.png
School board elections and local ballot measures October 6, 2015 Red padlock.png

Eye glasses.jpg Races to watch

School boards

Anchorage School District

See also: Anchorage School District elections (2015)

Three seats on the Anchorage School District School Board were up for general election on April 7, 2015. Seat E incumbent Kathleen Plunkett and Seat F incumbent Tam Agosti-Gisler‌‌ both sought re-election against one challenger each. The Seat G race featured two newcomers, Starr Marsett and Elisa Snelling, who competed for the vacant seat. Marsett previously ran unsuccessfully for the same seat in 2012. The Seat F challenger, David Nees, also campaigned for the board unsuccessfully in both 2012 and 2013.

Anchorage School District was the largest school district in Alaska and served 48,765 students during the 2011-2012 school year.[1]

Elections by type

School boards

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See also: School board elections, 2015 and Alaska school board elections, 2015

A total of three Alaska school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections in 2015 for eight seats. One election was held April 7, 2015, and two were held October 6, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Alaska's school board elections in 2015:

The districts listed below served 80,652 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Alaska School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Anchorage School District 4/7/2015 3 7 48,790
Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 10/6/2015 2 7 14,378
Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District 10/6/2015 3 7 17,484

Ballot measures

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See: List of Alaska ballot measures

Municipal elections

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See: Anchorage, Alaska municipal elections, 2015

Local ballot measures

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Defeatedd Houston, Alaska, Commercial Marijuana Ban Initiative, Proposition No. H-1 (October 2015)
Approveda Palmer, Alaska, Commercial Marijuana Ban Initiative, Proposition No. P-1 (October 2015)

Voting information

Links related to voting in Alaska:

Primary information

  • Alaska uses a top-four primary for congressional and state-level offices. Under Alaska's top-four primary system, all candidates for a given office run in a single primary election. The top four vote-getters, regardless of partisan affiliation, then advance to the general election.[2][3]

For information about which offices are nominated via primary election, see this article.

Historical voter turnout


In 2014, Alaska saw 54.4 percent of eligible voters turn out to vote in the November general election.[4]


In 2012, Alaska saw 58.9 percent of eligible voters turn out to vote in the November general election.[5]

See also

Recent news

This section links to a Google news search for the term "Alaska + elections + 2015"
