<BODY> <P>草木図譜は植物図鑑のサイト。雑草から鉢花、観葉植物、切り花まで幅広くご紹介します。カラスウリの花やゼラニウムの種子など、ちょっと珍しい植物の写真もあります。</P> </BODY>
<BODY> <P>草木図譜は植物図鑑のサイト。雑草から鉢花、観葉植物、切り花まで幅広くご紹介します。カラスウリの花やゼラニウムの種子など、ちょっと珍しい植物の写真もあります。</P> </BODY>
First published Sat Aug 16, 2008; substantive revision Mon Sep 30, 2024 Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition that – very broadly – understands knowing the world as inseparable from agency within it. This general idea has attracted a remarkably rich and at times contrary range of interpretations, including: that all philosophical concepts should be tested via scientific experimentation, that a c
「Yahoo!百科事典」は、小学館提供の日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ)を無料で検索・参照可能なサービスですロック・ギターの革命児ジミ・ヘンドリックス生まれる 1942年11月27日、アメリカのロック・ギタリストで歌手のジミ・ヘンドリックス生まれる。12歳でギターを手にし、ロバート・ジョンソン、マディ・ウォーターズ、B・B・キングらのブルースを聴いて学んだ。60年代前半はアイズレー・ブラザーズなどリズム・アンド・ブルース・アーティストの伴奏バンドで働いた。66年ロンドンに移住し自らのバンド、ジミ・ヘンドリックス・エクスペリエンスを結成、演奏活動を始めるや一晩で時の人となり、エリック・クラプトン、ザ・フーのピート・タウンゼンドらのギタリストはその年のジミのクラブ出演すべてに通い詰めたといわれる。ギターを背中に回して弾いたり、歯で弾いたりといった曲芸的奏法や、エスカレートしたすえに舞台上でギターを
First published Fri May 6, 2005; substantive revision Wed Jan 10, 2024 “Implicature” denotes either (i) the act of meaning or implying one thing by saying something else, or (ii) the object of that act. Implicatures can be determined by sentence meaning or by conversational context, and can be conventional (in different senses) or unconventional. Figures of speech such as metaphor and irony provid
First published Thu Apr 10, 2008; substantive revision Wed Sep 13, 2023 Definitions have interested philosophers since ancient times. Plato’s early dialogues portray Socrates raising questions about definitions (e.g., in the Euthyphro, “What is piety?”)—questions that seem at once profound and elusive. The key step in Anselm’s “Ontological Proof” for the existence of God is the definition of “God,
First published Mon Nov 7, 2005; substantive revision Mon Jun 17, 2019 Concepts are the building blocks of thoughts. Consequently, they are crucial to such psychological processes as categorization, inference, memory, learning, and decision-making. This much is relatively uncontroversial. But the nature of concepts—the kind of things concepts are—and the constraints that govern a theory of concept
First published Fri Jul 26, 1996; substantive revision Tue Jul 30, 2019 The idea of a private language was made famous in philosophy by Ludwig Wittgenstein, who in §243 of his book Philosophical Investigations explained it thus: “The words of this language are to refer to what only the speaker can know — to his immediate private sensations. So another person cannot understand the language.” This i
First published Thu Apr 8, 2004; substantive revision Mon Aug 17, 2020 Anything that deserves to be called a language must contain meaningful expressions built up from other meaningful expressions. How are their complexity and meaning related? The traditional view is that the relationship is fairly tight: the meaning of a complex expression is fully determined by its structure and the meanings of
First published Tue Jul 3, 2007; substantive revision Thu Sep 24, 2020 We are attuned in everyday conversation not primarily to the sentences we utter to one another, but to the speech acts that those utterances are used to perform: requests, warnings, invitations, promises, apologies, predictions, and the like. Such acts are staples of communicative life, but only became a topic of sustained inve
First published Tue Mar 27, 2001; substantive revision Mon Apr 26, 2021 This article is concerned with social and political equality. In its prescriptive usage, ‘equality’ is a highly contested concept. Its normally positive connotation gives it a rhetorical power suitable for use in political slogans (Westen 1990). At least since the French Revolution, equality has served as one of the leading id
Note that the Nash solution does not always select an equal distribution. If \(A\)’s utility increased linearly with his monetary gain, while \(B\) placed greater weight on the first $10 than she did on the next $10, a different distribution would result. Nash argued that his solution was the rational solution to bargaining problems because it is the only solution that satisfies four axioms that,
First published Mon Sep 22, 2008; substantive revision Wed Mar 18, 2020 Health and disease are critical concepts in bioethics with far-reaching social and political implications. For instance, any attempt to educate physicians or regulate heath insurance must employ some standards that can be used to assess whether people are ill or not. Concepts of health and disease also connect in interesting w
First published Tue Aug 6, 2002; substantive revision Tue Apr 28, 2020 The term ‘homosexuality’ was coined in the late 19th century by an Austrian-born Hungarian psychologist, Karoly Maria Benkert. Although the term is new, discussions about sexuality in general, and same-sex attraction in particular, have occasioned philosophical discussion ranging from Plato’s Symposium to contemporary queer the
First published Mon Feb 11, 2008; substantive revision Wed Apr 1, 2015 Nominalism comes in at least two varieties. In one of them it is the rejection of abstract objects; in the other it is the rejection of universals. Philosophers have often found it necessary to postulate either abstract objects or universals. And so Nominalism in one form or another has played a significant role in the metaphys