dots summit 2015にて。
Jon Cairns You may have heard the expression "fat model, skinny controller" when talking about MVC frameworks. I'm going to try and convince you that why that's a misleading and potentially dangerous rule to follow. Problems working with MVC MVC frameworks provide a pretty good way of separating the various concerns of your application. Presentation goes in the view, business logic goes in the mod
What We Know Our key takeaways from partnering with enterprise-level engineering teams. Details How We Ensure Success Our unique and personalized approach to help you achieve your business goals. Details Your SEI Platform Get to know your custom-designed Software Engineering Intelligence (SEI) platform. Details
There are many kinds of complexity that you have to deal with developing software and different kinds of applications will have very different sets of problems you need to solve. If you are building the next Twitter, scalability and fault-tolerance are the problems you are probably fighting. On the other hand, these problems are almost never an issue when working on enterprise applications. The co
You know that Domain Driven Design, Hexagonal Architecture, and the Single Responsibility Principle are important but it’s hard to know how to best apply them to Rails applications. Following the path of least-resistance will get you in trouble. In this session you will learn a way out of the “fat model, skinny controller” hell. You will leave with a roadmap to guide your design based on concepts
Object-oriented programming was supposed to unify the perspectives of the programmer and the end user in computer code: a boon both to usability and program comprehension. While objects capture structure well, they fail to capture system action. DCI is a vision to capture the end user cognitive model of roles and interactions between them. Objects are principally about people and their mental mode
As your Ruby/Rails codebase grows, it’s important to take note of patterns that are or are not working. As we move into 2014 here at Reverb, with a year of experience in building and maintaining a large marketplace at breakneck velocity, here are our learnings. These tips assume you are growing a sizeable Rails codebase with a domain layer living outside of Rails. If you need help getting started
In the weeks since I started talking about the need to clean up our architecture, I’ve noticed a surprising resistance to the idea. Apparently the notion that it’s a good idea to hide the framework, UI, or database from the application code is not universally accepted. I first blogged about this topic here , I did a whole episode on the topic. I’ve also done several keynotes on the
Imagine that you are looking at the blueprints of a building. This document, prepared by an architect, tells you the plans for the building. What do these plans tell you? If the plans you are looking at are for a single family residence, then you’ll likely see a front entrance, a foyer leading to a living room and perhaps a dining room. There’ll likely be a kitchen a short distance away, close to
February 7, 2015 みんなこういうのはどういう対応しているんだろう @kenjiskywalker PEERDNS=noを/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethXに書くとか — TSUNEMATSU Shinya (@tnmt) February 7, 2015 常松先生が一瞬で解決方法を教えてくれました。 ありがとうございます! resolv.confが圧倒的暴力によって上書きされる場合 対応としてresolv-updateみたいな雑なサービス定義をして、サーバ起動時に実行させるようにした。 ポイントはcloud-initとかそれ系のヤツが実行される前に上書いてもその後に上書きされるのでタイミングが大切。 ここの # chkconfig: 2345 49 49 49 49の最初の数字が起動時に実行される順番で、後ろの数字が終了時に実
You've read about building Domain Specific Languages with Ruby but it can be hard to make sense not only of the metaprogramming but of the myriad of opinions and approaches. How do you get started and how can you make it all work? It can make your head spin when you dive in to try it. Jump to the packages and get started... You know writing DSLs in Ruby is powerful and flexible, but aren't sure ex