3. terurouです。 • Web・GUI・分散処理を手広くやってます – Windows 8(Metro Style Apps), Silverlight, JavaScript, Android, … – Cassandra, 自作KVS, AWS, … – DataGridの自作に定評があるらしいです • フロントエンド寄りのアーキテクチャの設計が 割と得意です – MVC/MVVM, Client-side Cache, 通信, … 3
This document discusses module patterns in JavaScript and asynchronous module definition (AMD) using RequireJS. It introduces the module pattern as a way to encapsulate code and expose public APIs. AMD and RequireJS are presented as solutions for asynchronously loading JavaScript modules and managing dependencies. Key advantages of the module pattern, AMD and RequireJS include maintaining encapsul
2. はじめに 前回までのあらすじ 2012/4/6〜~4/24 ニコニコ超開発 http://www.slideshare.net/koizuka/ss-‐‑‒12766279 ニコニコ超デザイン http://www.slideshare.net/VoQn/metro-‐‑‒12761898 3. はじめに 前回までのあらすじ 2012/4/6〜~4/24 ニコニコ超開発 http://www.slideshare.net/koizuka/ss-‐‑‒12766279 ニコニコ超デザイン http://www.slideshare.net/VoQn/metro-‐‑‒12761898 → 4/25 WDD 実況チェック / NicoNicoMetro 社内レビュー 4. はじめに 前回までのあらすじ 2012/4/6〜~4/24 ニコニコ超開発 http://www.sli
The document discusses product architecture and its role in manufacturing firms. It defines product architecture as the scheme by which the function of a product is allocated to physical components. Product architecture impacts a firm's ability to achieve strategic goals like innovating new products, responding to market changes, and lowering production costs. The author argues that understanding