This is the second part of AngularJS Token Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2 and Owin middleware, you can find the first part using the link below: Token Based Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin middleware, and ASP.NET Identity – Part 1. Enable OAuth Refresh Tokens in AngularJS App using ASP .NET Web API 2, and Owin – Part 3. ASP.NET Web API 2 external logins with Facebook and Goog
Read it now on the O’Reilly learning platform with a 10-day free trial. O’Reilly members get unlimited access to books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O’Reilly and nearly 200 top publishers. AngularJS: Novice to Ninja is your fast track route to mastering AngularJS, the superheroic JavaScript framework. AngularJS provides the fastest, most efficient way to build single pag
Mark Meyer Mark Meyer is a full stack software developer with over a year of production angular.js experience. Mark is a polyglot with experience ranging from building server apps in C to web applications in Rails to iOS applications in Swift. Introduction AngularJS is one of the most popular Javascript frameworks available today. One of AngularJS's goals is to simplify the development process whi
The Netherlands knows a relatively active AngularJS community, with regular meetups and a helpful Google+ group. Last week I had the opportunity to speak at one of these meetups. Since pretty much all of the applications I build require authentication of some sort, I’ve implemented various forms of authentication in AngularJS. I decided to share some of these approaches in my talk, and I’m sharing
Hello! I'm Tero Parviainen. I'm a software developer in music, media, design, and the arts. Find Me I run Counterpoint, a creative technology studio, together with Samuel Diggins. You can reach us through our website. On other matters, message me at You can also find me on Twitter, GitHub, CodePen, LinkedIn, and Goodreads. Things I've Done All of my recent work is through Counter
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All Things Distributed Werner Vogels' weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. As some of you may remember I was pretty excited when Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) released its website feature such that I could serve this weblog completely from S3. If you have a largely static site you can rely on the enormous power of S3 to make serving your content highly scalable and stor
Web component experts Web components let you extend HTML with new capabilities. Component Kitchen are experts on this transformational technology. We design, develop, and customize web components so you can accelerate your work and improve your user experience. Elix is our open source collection of common user interface patterns like lists, menus, popups, and carousels.
tldr: steal our gulpfile.js. It’s at the bottom. We build a lot of AngularJS apps that sit in front of JSON APIs. Sometimes they’re deployed together, sometimes they’re not. I think there’s a benefit to treating the HTML + JS as just the first of many potential clients of your API, so I want to decouple its development / deployment as much as is possible. Above and beyond the benefits for treating
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Stay Relevant and Grow Your Career in TechPremium ResultsPublish articles on SitePointDaily curated jobsLearning PathsDiscounts to dev toolsStart Free Trial7 Day Free Trial. Cancel Anytime. Dealing with code created by other people is a fundamental skill for a developer. Give it a year and other people’s code could even be your own. Today I’m going to look at some of the best approaches for how to
What is Jank? Modern browsers try to refresh the content on screen in sync with a device's refresh rate. For most devices today, the screen will refresh 60 times a second, or 60Hz. If there is some motion on screen (such as scrolling, transitions, or animations) a browser should create 60 frames per second to match the refresh rate. Jank is any stuttering, juddering or just plain halting that user
For the most part, email marketing design is about the actual appearance of your emails more than the content. There are lots of different ways you can lay out text, images, and other important information, and the way you design your emails determines how quickly they catch the eye, how readable they are, and more. There are tons of benefits of learning email marketing design, especially if you h