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This domain may be for sale!
A CSS sticky footer that just works We've all tried to use a sticky footer one time or another, but they never seem to come out right, do they? Well, the days of a hard to understand CSS-based sticky footer are thankfully over. In just a few simple CSS classes with minimal extra HTML markup, I've fashioned a sticky footer that even beginners can get a handle on. It's been tested in IE 5 and up, Fi
Bye for NowWe're turning off the Eyejot service. This includes our web platform and both our iOS and Android mobile apps. We're grateful for the many people, throughout the world, that used Eyejot to communicate with friends, family, colleagues, students, classmates, patients and others for more than a decade.
Mobispine nominated as most promising company in Nordic September 24 2008 We're back! September 20 2008 New news reader is out! Please give us feedback September 12 2008 Mobispine skriver globalt distributionsavtal med Acision Sweden, Stockholm, September 29 2008 Mobispine selected as most promising company in Nordic Sweden, Stockholm, September 24 2008 Mobispine takes order for Scandina
こんにちはこんにちは!! CSS書いてますか!! ぼくなんか書きすぎて border: 1px solid red; が0.5秒で打ち込めそうな感じなんです>< ところで、CSSいっぱい書いてると、ぱっと見ただけでおよそ何ピクセルか、 わかったりするようになるから人間ってすごいよね! この余白は 6px だな、こっちのblockは 40px くらいかな? とか…! 大きいのは難しいけど! 最近はエラスチックなんとかレイアウト?っていう em で指定しちゃうのが流行だそうだから pxはあまり使わないのかもしれないけどね! ところで、そんなぼくがCSSを書くときに必須なツールがあります! 紹介しちゃいますね! きっと手放せなくなっちゃうよ! ひとつが、カラーピッカーだね! 画面上の好きな色を拾うやつ! これは色々なものが公開されているから省略しますね! ぼくはこれつかってるけど! もうひとつ…