サービス終了のお知らせ いつもYahoo! JAPANのサービスをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 お客様がアクセスされたサービスは本日までにサービスを終了いたしました。 今後ともYahoo! JAPANのサービスをご愛顧くださいますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。
Stage6 Is No More We created Stage6™ to empower content creators and viewers like you to discover a new kind of video experience. However, the continued operation of Stage6.com was prohibitively expensive, and ultimately we had to shut it down. We appreciate the millions of global users who supported us and made Stage6 such a successful online video destination. Thanks for a wild ride. — The DivX
Stage6 Is No More We created Stage6™ to empower content creators and viewers like you to discover a new kind of video experience. However, the continued operation of Stage6.com was prohibitively expensive, and ultimately we had to shut it down. We appreciate the millions of global users who supported us and made Stage6 such a successful online video destination. Thanks for a wild ride. — The DivX
ちょっとした流行に乗って、2006年内のてきとうなもの的お気に入りエロゲ・ギャルゲームービーを考えてみました。 範囲は2006年発売するエロゲもしくはエロゲより移植されたゲームです(ムービーは2006年内に公開されても発売が2007年以降予定のものは除いて考えています)。 んでは、早速BEST10の発表といきます。 しつこいけどこれ以外にもいいムービーはたくさんあります。あくまで私的ランキングですので〜。 せっかく無駄に時間かけて作ったので数日ほど一番上に置いておきます。 一応、莫煩悩さんを見習ってYouTube貼っておきます。消されてても責任持てないのでそこはあしからず。efとうたわれ以外はHolysealで落とせるので落としてください。 10位 こんな娘がいたら僕はもぅ…(あかべぇそふとつぅ) ・発売日2006年9月29日 ・ムービー作者 神月社/歌(Vo) Be_Natural(N
Stage6 Is No More We created Stage6™ to empower content creators and viewers like you to discover a new kind of video experience. However, the continued operation of Stage6.com was prohibitively expensive, and ultimately we had to shut it down. We appreciate the millions of global users who supported us and made Stage6 such a successful online video destination. Thanks for a wild ride. — The DivX
Stage6 Is No More We created Stage6™ to empower content creators and viewers like you to discover a new kind of video experience. However, the continued operation of Stage6.com was prohibitively expensive, and ultimately we had to shut it down. We appreciate the millions of global users who supported us and made Stage6 such a successful online video destination. Thanks for a wild ride. — The DivX
Stage6 Is No More We created Stage6™ to empower content creators and viewers like you to discover a new kind of video experience. However, the continued operation of Stage6.com was prohibitively expensive, and ultimately we had to shut it down. We appreciate the millions of global users who supported us and made Stage6 such a successful online video destination. Thanks for a wild ride. — The DivX