昔からサイト自体も考え方も好きで何かの機会に使ってみたいと思っていた「HTML5 Boilerplate」を、ようやく触ってみました。出来る事とか内容を解説します。 http://html5boilerplate.com/ HTML5 Boilerplateは、web上で利用者が必要な機能を選択した上で、その要件を満たすHTML、CSS、.htaccess、favicon等の各種ファイルをダウンロードできるHTML5のフレームワークです。 実はポップ?なデザイン(いまはそうでもなくなっていますが、前は★マークの目立つデザインとレトロな配色で、親近感を持っていましたw)と考え方がすごく気に入っていて常々使ってみたいと思っていたんですが、全く使い機会がなくてですね…w HTML5 Boilerplateの特徴 何も考えずにサイトトップのダウンロードボタンをダウンロードするだけでも全然良いと思い
Being online is the new and thing and whether you are a professional, a student or a work-at-home guy, you need to have internet. The thing about internet these days is that there are various ways for you to express yourself and that is all the more better if you are a professional and trying to establish your business. Things have become so easy for you; that’s how interactive internet is. Most o
ゼロからあなた自身のページを作る時のガイドとして利用されることを目的とし、最小限の要素で構成されたHTML5の基本に忠実に作成したテンプレートを紹介します。 HTML5 Bones HTML5 Bones -GitHub HTML5 Bonesの構成 HTML5 Bonesは非常にシンプルで、jQuery, Modernizeなどは含まれていません。含まれている外部のライブラリは、クロスブラウザ用にNormalize.css、IE8以下用にHTML5をレンダリングさせるためのhtml5shivだけです。 使用している要素もページを作成する最小限の要素で構成されており、テンプレートを利用するにあたり各要素をどのように使うべきか、インラインでコメントで細かく説明されています。 下記に、そのインラインコメントを翻訳しました。 年末年始をまたいで制作者のIanさんとやり取りをしていたので、公開に時
While developing a website first thing web developers consider when they need to create an extremely stylish and trendy website is CSS3 and HTML5 at prior. By keeping in mind the trends and needs of web design, Today we are going to share round-up free HTML5 Templates. These all templates are really amazing and responsive as well. Below You will find a series of free responsive HTML5 templates. S
Finding of high-quality and beautiful templates are available out there. These templates make creating an eye-catching website an easy and quick task. Some templates are free of cost, while others are paid – it totally depends on the template itself. Thanks to all the web designers out there who spend their precious time and talent in creating these templates to help us all out and allow us to mak
Easy to Install Simply download a CSS file and replace the one in Bootstrap. No messing around with hex values. Customizable Changes are contained in just two SASS files, enabling further customization and ensuring forward compatibility. Tuned for 5.3.3 Themes are built for the latest version of Bootstrap. Version 4, version 3, version 2, and other releases are also available to download.
Tips 8 Code Snippets for New Website Projects Jake RocheleauOctober 24, 201224 Comments04k Working as a web developer often requires compromise and trying out new systems. Some of your code will turn out to be a flunk, and other codes will become staples in your development process. I have learned a lot about useful code snippets and how greatly these can affect your development process. In this a
No doubt HTML5 is the most dramatic step in the evolution of web standards. It is the latest and advanced version of Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) supported by all major browsers with its functionality. HTML5 has some new and awesome features like the incredible ways to add videos <video> and audios <audio> by minimizing the lookup of external source that make it most popular among web designe
Responsive HTML website templates are very much in demand nowadays because of the fact that they are responsive, flexible and fluid. It is the latest trend but is slowly becoming an essential requirement for websites, as now users visit websites from a plethora of different devices, be it mobile phones, tablets or computers. These users find it very tough to navigate non-responsive websites throug
If you need a new website or want to give your current site a modern update, this collection of 50 free responsive web and HTML templates is an excellent place to start. These templates are easy to use and fully customizable, making it simple to create a professional-looking website without breaking the bank. With a responsive design, your website will look great on any device, from desktop comput
Professionally designed and neatly coded templates always make life easier for developers, not only because they save time, but also for the effort they save. Since web development is an ever expanding field, it is important for developers to keep their work up to date with the latest changes. HTML5 and CSS3 templates are there to make your websites future proof and make them even more accessible.
For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser.
What is HTML5? HTML5 is the fifth version of HyperText Markup Language, which is also known as HTML. It is not only the fifth version, but it is also the latest version of this crucial for all web projects out there programming language. Much like the predecessors, it provides developers with tools to create solid structures, present content, and build web pages and web applications. It works perf
If you want to take your design skills to the next level, save time when setting up sites, and simply look more professional right out of the box, you need to invest in a high-quality and responsive HTML template. Everyone’s running around trying to hop on the newest trend: flat design, but before flat, there was responsive web design. Responsive web design has, of course, become the standard. Eve
Lies: you’ve got to be some sort of artistic genius or coding wizard with high tech tools to design a website that looks and feels mind blowing. Facts: With tools like website builders, themes/templates, a basic understanding of website design principles and a bit of practice, it’s pretty darn easy for just about anyone (you included) to design a website that drops jaws. Especially when you’re arm