こんにちは(・∀・) CSSだけで作ってみましたシリーズです。今回はドロップダウンメニューをご紹介します。通常のドロップダウンメニューとtransitionプロパティで動きのあるドロップダウンメニューの横バージョンと縦バージョンの4タイプです。 transitionプロパティはdisplayでの制御をサポートしていないため、子孫メニューの制御はoverflowで行っております。displayでの制御も可能ですが、その場合動きはなくなり、表示している矢印も表示されなくなります。 1. 横並びドロップダウンメニュー 横並びで表示するドロップダウンメニューのサンプルです。 ① 通常のドロップダウンメニュー HTML <ul class="nav"> <li><a href="#">Home</a> </li> <li><a href="#">Strategy</a> <ul> <li><a hr
CSSでできる事がどんどん増えてます。JavaScriptを使って実装するようなレイアウトやUIも、CSSだけで作れちゃうほど、便利なプロパティがじゃんじゃか増えましたね。ここでは、要素にアニメーション効果をつけるためのCSSを使ったエフェクトについて、まとめてゆこうと思います:)。 CSSで動かす 「動く」といっても、自由自在にぐにゃぐにゃ動かせるわけではなくて、CSSアニメーションでは、プロパティの数値をスムーズに増減させることで、要素のスタイルを滑らかに変化させます。 例えば、下のサンプルでは、p要素にカーソルを合わせた時に、font-sizeの値を、1emから2emに、スムーズに変化するように指定しています。 p { transition: font-size 1s; } 動かすためのマストプロパティ CSSでアニメーションさせるために必要不可欠なのがtransitionプロパティ
In this tutorial, we look at four different ways of styling CSS buttons that will add a little extra flavour to your site. Each button will have an appearance by default, on hover, and when active. Get Source View Demo Out with the old, in with the new. We’re in a day and age where we need to simplify our stylesheets and lighten our page loads to be efficient across all devices on all connections.
In this short tutorial, we will be using the power of CSS3 effects and transitions, to build a JavaScript-free animated navigation menu which you can use to add a polished look to your website or template. We will be using some neat features such as the :target pseudo selector and :after elements. The HTML The first step is to define the HTML backbone of the website. We are using HTML5 tags extens
2D Transitions Grow Shrink Pulse Pulse Grow Pulse Shrink Push Pop Bounce In Bounce Out Rotate Grow Rotate Float Sink Bob Hang Skew Skew Forward Skew Backward Wobble Horizontal Wobble Vertical Wobble To Bottom Right Wobble To Top Right Wobble Top Wobble Bottom Wobble Skew Buzz Buzz Out Forward Backward Background Transitions Fade Back Pulse Sweep To Right Sweep To Left Sweep To Bottom Sweep To Top
This is a demo document related to the article Responsive drop shadows. Please see the article for context and information. This box has a shadow created with an image applied to an absolutely positioned pseudo-element and scaled to fill the available background positioning area. This box has a shadow created with an image applied to an absolutely positioned pseudo-element and scaled to fill the a
作成:2013/11/25 更新:2014/10/24 Webデザイン > 先週WordPressの自作テーマを作っていたときに、もっとCSSで効率化できないものかと、色々調べてたら結構使ってないものがありました。出来るだけ短縮できるところは短縮したいので、今回はCSSの中でもサイトを作る上で「知っておくと効率的」なものをまとめました。 エンジニア速報は Twitter の@commteで配信しています。 もくじ 知っておきたいプロパティ 1.カウント数を出力 2.要素の前後に文字や画像 3.カーニング 4.画像フィルタ 5.均等幅にレイアウト 6.アニメーション一覧 スマホサイト対策 7.viewport 8.改行削除 9.Webクリップアイコン 10.UIリセット/入力フィールド拡張 11.横並び 12.ボタンサンプル 13.画像を使わない矢印 14.自動改行 15.はみ出しを隠す 1
So, for a while I had noticed the nice sutble loader Google apps use and I was wondering if it would be easy to make with CSS and CSS animations: Yesterday, I realised that you can get this effect by increasing border size until about the middle of the element, as long as the total width stays the same (by using box-sizing: border-box): However, as you can see above, after the midpoint, the border
YouTube Fill from left Fill from down Expanding box 3D Bar Bottom Pie Timer Centered Expanding Line Fill Sides Surrounding Borders Corner indicator Big Counter Filling Title Flat Top Bar Loading animations don't have to be restricted to a tiny indicator. Here is some inspiration for some creative loading effects.* *Note that not all browsers support animated pseudo-elements (last four effects).
Today we’d like to share some experimental and creative link effects with you. The idea is to use pseudo-elements and animate them to create a subtle and modern effect. In the examples we are using hover transitions, but you could also imagine these effects on click or as an initial animation. Please note that pseudo-element transitions don’t work in every browser. Best viewed in Chrome and Firefo
Come sapete, amo molto il linguaggio CSS ed in particolare mi piace sempre andare oltre, in questo caso ho voluto creare un pacchetto di animazioni in CSS3 che potrete usare liberamente per i vostri scopi e quindi nei vostri progetti web, si chiama Magic! Il progetto è hostato anche su GitHub, questo per avere i migliori pareri dai migliori sviluppatori e quindi migliorare il codice, renderlo il p
DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit! It’s a common need in web apps: you click something and the text of the thing you just clicked changes. Perhaps something simple like a “Show” button that swaps to “Hide”, or “Expand Description” to “Collapse Description.” This is a fairly simple thing to do, but there are various considerat
Some inspiration for loading effects of grid items using CSS animations. Today we’d like to share some loading effects for grid items with you. The idea is to show items in a grid with an animation once they are in the viewport. The possibilities are infinite and we’d like to give you some inspiration. Some of the effects are from the awesome CSS3 scroll effects by Hakim El Hattab and the idea is
It seems like CSS has hit the top of its game. Web designers can do just about anything with CSS nowadays. Well, almost anything. Today, I’m going to talk about something truly awesome (and new), and that is CSS Custom Filters. These allow us to morph and warp regular HTML elements into shapes that were impossible before. Custom Filters? I saw a post a while ago about creating CSS Balls. That was
Combinators describe the relationship between CSS selectors, and they’re commonly used to combine two or more selectors into a more specific selector. Examples of combinators are the greater-than sign (>), plus sign (+), and tilde symbol (~). If you’ve ever worked with descendant selectors, then you’ve already used combinators because the whitespace between the selectors is also considered a combi
DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit! If you know the exact width/height of an element, you can center it smack dab in the middle of its parent element easily with this classic trick: top and left set to 50% and negative margins half the width and height of the element. That’s great if you know the width and height of the elemen
A tutorial on how to create some subtle and modern caption hover effects. Today we want to show you how to create some simple, yet stylish hover effects for image captions. The idea is to have a grid of figures and apply a hover effect to the items which will reveal a caption with the title, author and a link button. For some of the effects we will use 3D transforms. The aim is to keep the effects