生成元にはプログラミング向け英文フォント Hack と、Adobe 製作の源ノ角ゴシックに丸みを付けた派生フォント 源柔ゴシック を使用させていただきました。 白源の生成元である Hack、及び源柔ゴシックには、いずれも SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 という大らかなライセンスが適用されているため、改変及び配布が自由となっています。したがって、白源の生成済みフォントファイル (ttf ファイル) は GitHub からダウンロードして、すぐにご利用いただけます。 「白源 (はくげん/HackGen)」の特徴 プログラミングフォント「白源 (はくげん/HackGen)」には以下のような特徴があります。 文字幅 半角1:全角2 の正統派な等幅フォント (文字幅 半角3:全角5 バージョンも同梱) Hack 由来の読みやすく、しっとりとした印象の英字 源柔ゴシ
Size / ↑ ↓ Theme Language // Type some code -> console.log "oO08 iIlL1 g9qCGQ ~-+=>"; function updateGutters(cm) { var gutters = cm.display.gutters, __specs = cm.options.gutters; removeChildren(gutters); for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; ++i) { var gutterClass = __specs[i]; var gElt = gutters.appendChild( elt( "div", null, "CodeMirror-gutter " + gutterClass ) ); if (gutterClass == "CodeMirror-line
GNU Unifont is part of the GNU Project. This page contains the latest release of GNU Unifont, with glyphs for every printable code point in the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). The BMP occupies the first 65,536 code points of the Unicode space, denoted as U+0000..U+FFFF. There is also growing coverage of the Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP), in the range U+010000..U+01FFFF, and of Mic
�uTokyo-Font for Internet�v���܂܂����̏��̂̃R���Z�v�g�ƃo�b�N�O���E���h Mac�����̓���Ƃ��Ďg�p����Ă�����ɁA�֗��Ō��₷���A������ꂢ�ȁu�u���E�W���O�t�H���g�v��������Ƃ�����{�R���Z�v�g�Ő��삵�܂����B������A�f�B�X�v���[��̌��₷���ƁA����d�オ��̃o�����X���d�����ăf�U�C������Ă��܂��B ���̃f�U�C���͊��������Ɂu�^�C�v�o���N�S�V�b�NSL�v�A���������Ɂu�^�C�|�X�I�[���}�C�e�B56�v���̗p�B���ɉ����́AMac�p�t�H���g�Ƃ��Ă͓��{�������[�X�ł��B �
FONT INDEX: Select a font to see a detailed preview and try it out for yourself. All fonts include the full CP437 (DOS/US) character range; fonts labeled "Plus" have extended Unicode versions, too. Most of these fonts were made for CRT or LCD monitors that didn't necessarily have square pixels, unlike current displays. Alongside the simple square-pixel versions, these fonts have aspect-corrected v
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. Programming fonts are an often-overloo
Click on the size you want to see: Introduction Gohufont is a monospace bitmap font well suited for programming and terminal use. It is intended to be very legible and offers very discernable glyphs for all characters, including signs and symbols. Here is what it looks like : The small 11 px version is perfect for laptops and netbooks as it enables to fit more text into their small screens. The 14
UW ttyp0 – Monospace Bitmap Screen Fonts for X11 UW ttyp0 is a family of bitmap programmer's fonts in bdf format. It covers most of the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet, Greek, Armenian, Georgian (only Mkhedruli), Hebrew (without cantillation marks), Thai, most of IPA (but no UPA), standard punctuation, common symbols, some mathematics, line graphics, a few dingbats, and Powerline delimiter symbols. Fo
Introduction Dina is a monospace bitmap font, primarily aimed at programmers. It is relatively compact to allow a lot of code on screen, while (hopefully) clear enough to remain readable even at high resolutions. I made this font after having tried all the free programming fonts I could find. Somehow there was some detail in each of them that meant I couldn’t work with them in the long run. The cl
A monospace font, created by programmers, for programmers. MonteCarlo is a bitmap font suitable for code editors. All the characters have the same width, which is ideal for alignment. It is loosely derived from the look of the Monaco screen font that was available on the old MacOS systems. Some changes have been made to make it easier to differentiate certain symbols. There is a good site, with do