Kiwi.js is a fun and friendly Open Source HTML5 Game Engine. Some people call it the WordPress of HTML5 game engines…
Более 20 лет выводим сайты клиентов в топ Яндекса и Google, увеличиваем объем органического трафика, количество звонков и заявок. Выполняем весь комплекс работ по развитию и продвижению — от оптимизации посадочных страниц под требования поисковых систем до проработки коммерческих факторов.
QuakeJS is a port of ioquake3 to JavaScript with the help of Emscripten. This project started to demonstrate the feasibility of browser-based gaming, and what better way than with a classic game whose core gameplay revolves around the kind of responsive APIs that are available with HTML5 today. If you'd like to read more about the development of the project, check out my blog. The project is avail コードはこのへんにある。 いわゆる HTML5 っぽいプログラムで、File API 使ってローカルの画像ファイルを canvas 読み込んで編集するという練習課題的プログラム。 canvas をどうやってファイルに落とすかのやり方はいろいろ思案したのだけれども、 今のところ以下のような書き方をしている。 var type = 'image/png'; var url = $canvas[0].toDataURL(type); var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = url; = 'output.png'; var click = document.createEvent("Event"); click.initEve
Web Components are going to change everything you think you know about building for the web. For the first time, the web will have low level APIs allowing us to not only create our own HTML tags but also encapsulate logic and CSS. No more global stylesheet soup or boilerplate code! It’s a brave new world where everything is an element. In my talk from DotJS, I walk through what Web Components have
User timing API Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. High performance web applications are crucial to a great user experience. As web applications become more and more complex, understanding performance impact is vital to creating a compelling experience. Over the past few years, a number of different APIs have appeared in the browser to help analy
The Web Speech API adds voice recognition (speech to text) and speech synthesis (text to speech) to JavaScript. The post briefly covers the latter, as the API recently landed in Chrome 33 (mobile and desktop). If you're interested in speech recognition, Glen Shires had a great writeup a while back on the voice recognition feature, "Voice Driven Web Apps: Introduction to the Web Speech API". Basics
By default, only the files specified in the manifest are loaded. For example, if you forget to list an image, it will not be displayed on the page. Because of this, sometimes you need to add the magic * in the NETWORK section to instruct the browser to load all other resources which are not explicitly named in the file. The resources listed in the CACHE section always have priority over others. Th
A beginner's guide to using the application cache Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Introduction It's becoming increasingly important for web-based applications to be accessible offline. Yes, all browsers can cache pages and resources for long periods if told to do so, but the browser can kick individual items out of the cache at any point to ma
単純ではない、最新「クロスサイトスクリプティング」事情:HTML5時代の「新しいセキュリティ・エチケット」(2)(1/3 ページ) 連載目次 皆さんこんにちは。ネットエージェントのはせがわようすけです。第1回目は、Webアプリケーションセキュリティの境界条件であるオリジンという概念について説明しました。 現在のWebブラウザーでは、同一オリジンのリソースは同じ保護範囲にあるものとし、オリジンを超えたアクセスについてはリソースの提供元が明示的に許可しない限りはアクセスできないという、「同一オリジンポリシー(Same-Origin Policy)」に従ってリソースを保護しています。 その保護範囲であるオリジンを超え、リソースにアクセスする攻撃の代表事例であるクロスサイトスクリプティング(XSS)について、今回、および次回の2回に分け、HTML5においてより高度化された攻撃と、その対策を説明しま
Exploring canvas drawing techniques Table Of Contents (toggle) Basics Simple pencil Smooth connections Edge smoothing with shadows Storing points Storing points with shadow Edge smoothing with radial gradient Bezier curves Brush, Fur, Pen Fur (rotating strokes) Pen (variable segment width) Pen #2 (multiple strokes) Thick brush Sliced strokes Sliced strokes with opacity Multiple lines Multiple line
WebPlatform Docs welcomes all comments. If you want to comment, please register or log in. It is free. This tool helps to make and review comments inline. How to Use insert instructions, with images, here Welcome to Web Platform Docs Web Platform Docs is a new community-driven site that aims to become a comprehensive and authoritative source for web developer documentation. Even though Web Platf
heatmap.js Dynamic Heatmaps for the Web heatmap.js is a lightweight, easy to use JavaScript library to help you visualize your three dimensional data! Use it to add new value to your project, build a business based on it, study and visualize user behaviour, or why not build something completely crazy/awesome? Whether you want to have an aggregated overview of your users behaviour, or look at thous
HTML5でサイトを高速化─wri.peで学ぶ、イマドキのWebアプリの作りかた(後編) 増井 雄一郎(FrogApps, Inc.) 前回の記事では、 wri.peの紹介と、HTML5のApplication Cacheを使ったHTMLや画像などの読み込み高速化の話をしました。今回は、Web StorageのlocalStorage/sessionStorageを使い、Ajax通信部分と表示の高速化を行う手法を説明しましょう。 localStorageを用いた通信と表示の高速化 前回のApplication Cacheで、HTMLの読み込みが高速化されました。これでも十分速くはなったのですが、画面に全ての情報が表示されるまでには、ちょっと時間がかかります。 wri.peではメモの一覧や、メモ本体の読み込み・保存はXHR(XMLHttpRequestの略。Ajax通信で使うモジュール名)を