12月8日実況から クリミア停電。露エネ省は今日、宇本土からクリミアへの電力供給が一部回復と発表。4本の内1本 The single 220 kV line can carry around 160 MW. Three 330 kV lines are still down. ウクルエネルゴ曰く現在作業中と。 ヘルソン(
9.23 RFE 実況から クリミアタタール主導境界封鎖関連。ヘルソン州警察副署長 Illya Kiva FB, 宇本土-クリミア境界をもはやトラックは通らない(後にしない)と “Starting from September 24, the protest is moved 10 km inland. The police will continue(
政治と経済 Ukrainian Forces Suffer Heavy Casualties After Village Just Outside Mariupol Shelled This Morning : Ukraine Live Day 554: Ukrainian Forces Suffer Heavy Casualties at Village Near Mariupol | The Interpreter
テクノロジー 『Russian-backed Militants Shell Stanitsa Luganskaya, Killing 1; Power, Water Out and Homes Damaged 18:04 (GMT) : Ukraine Live Day 495: Russian-backed Militants Shell Stanitsa Luganskaya, Killing 1 | The Interpreter』へのコメント
エンタメ With 3 Ukrainian Soldiers And 1 Civilian Killed, 'Ceasefire' Looks Tenuous 12:25 (GMT) : Ukraine Live Day 375: With 3 Ukrainian Soldiers And 1 Civilian Killed, ‘Ceasefire’ Looks Tenuous | The Interpreter