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A mashup is a song created by blending two or more other songs. The more complex a mashup gets, the harder it is to distinguish the parts that are being used to create what you're hearing. This visualisation of the song "Definitive Daft Punk" by Cameron Adams dissects a mashup in realtime to show you how each of the 23 parts contributes to the greater whole. Better performance in Chrome or Safari
よくあるやつです。ぼんやり眺めてると、とても癒されます。 2014/2/25 追記: 全面的に書き直しました。 // var helper = { range: function(min, max) { var res = []; for(var i = min; i < max; i++) { res.push(i); } return res; }, shuffle: function(ary) { for(var i = ary.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { var rnd = Math.random() * (i + 1) | 0; helper.swap(ary, i, rnd); } }, swap: function(ary, a, b) { if(a < 0 ||
Badass JavaScriptA showcase of awesome JavaScript that pushes the boundaries of what's possible on the web, by @devongovett. The Firefox team has been busy working on the HTML5 Audio Data API, which lets JavaScript code interact with the Audio tag in a bidirectional manner. Developers have been busy putting together some cool demos of what the API enables, including visualizations using the Canva
Sorting Visualizations Canvas visualizations of sorting algorithms. Dancing Scrollbars Scrollbars that dance dance dance to the music! JuicyDrop A partial JavaScript/Canvas port of the WinAmp Milkdrop music visualization plugin. Idioteque JavaScript/Canvas music visualization of Radiohead's Idioteque Canvas Cheat Sheet A cheat sheet for the HTML5 canvas element Evolving Images Experiments with evo