Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It? The current version is v2024.12.27a [PDF] (single-column format [PDF], ebook format [PDF], change log). The default double-column format is easiest on both the trees and the eyes in paperback book form. The single-column format works well on large-format ebook readers. Smartphones and smaller ebook readers get better results with
C is a simple language. You’re only allowed to have one function with each name. C++, on the other hand, gives you much more flexibility: You can have multiple functions with the same name (overloading). You can overload built-in operators like + and ==. You can write function templates. Namespaces help you avoid naming conflicts. I like these C++ features. With these features, you can make str1 +
Urban Airship Published on 29 Sep 2010 Like the idea of working on large scale problems? We’re always looking for talented engineers, and would love to chat with you – check it out! Note: Concurrency, as defined in this article, is the same as it is for The C10k problem: concurrent clients (or sockets). At Urban Airship we recently published a blog post about scaling beyond 500,000 concurrent sock