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French paper artist Junior Fritz Jacquet created this fantastic series of weird masks made from toilet paper rolls. Inspired by the craft of origami, each mask is made from a single paper roll which is folded and squished into an expressive face. The pieces are then finished with a coat of shellac and different pigments. These masks are just one small facet of Jacquet’s artwork, you can see more o
When you come to step onto the first rung of the property ladder, there is a lot of information to take on board. If it is your first experience with mortgages, there are probably dozens of financial terms being bandied about that are new to you. Among these terms, you will almost certainly have heard the phrase ‘home equity’. It is commonly mentioned by mortgage advisors and financial planners as
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Watch Parts Spider No 123 Recycled Mechanical Clockwork Steampunk Sculpture 360 Product Video
The Wave Forest of Uncles Black Cherry The Congolesian Battlecruisin Herrerasaurus Portrait The Sacred and The Profane My Fish Battle of the River Wangshi Kaatedocus Portrait Mysterious Shantungosaurus Sauroposeidon Brontomerus Body Sailion Portrait of a Bug Gobbler The Great Oarfish Quetzalcoatlus lawsoni Mudlarks Sordes Caviramus Portrait The Woman with the Blue Face Anchibodies Dinodontosaurus
Books~~Illustrations~~Science~~History~~Visual Materia Obscura~~Eclectic Bookart. 1. Sternotomis Imperialis. Guinée; 2. Sternotomis cornutus. Madagascar; 3. Callipogon Lemoinei. Perou; 4. Palimna annulata. Cochinchine; 5. Sternodonta pulchra. Sénégal 1. Tacua speciosa. Indes; 2. Polyneura ducalis. Indes Or.; 3. Cicada saccata. Australie; 4. Cicada fascialis. Siam; 5. Tozena melanoptera. Indes Or.
フランス南西部ドルドーニュ(Dordogne)県ヴエセール峡谷(Vezere Valley)モンティニャック(Montignac)村近郊にあるラスコー洞窟(Lascaux Cave)の壁画(2010年9月16日撮影)。(c)AFP/PHILIPPE WOJAZER 【12月10日 AFP】先史時代の洞窟壁画の描き手たちは、近代の芸術家よりも四足歩行の動物の動きをとらえるのが上手だったとする研究が、5日の米科学誌「プロスワン(PLoS ONE)」に掲載された。 研究を発表したのはハンガリー、ブダペスト(Budapest)のエトベス大学(Eotvos University)の研究チーム。四足歩行の動物はそれぞれの脚を動かす方法に類似点があり、1880年代前半に英写真家エドワード・マイブリッジ(Eadweard Muybridge)がこの動きの流れを研究した。 研究チームは洞窟壁画に描かれたウシ