hello i am avocadomoon on ao3. my real name is meg. if you’re here to ask me if you can record a podfic the answer is yes, please just let me know that you’re doing it. same goes for fanart, translation, fanmixes, and other transformative fanworks based on my stuff.
if you’re here to ask me about binding one of my stories, please contact me to ask first. (i will probably say yes, provided you don’t plan to trade or sell it, or disseminate it in any way.) fair warning, if i ever find one of my fics out in the wild (or on mercari) i will start saying no very quickly
do NOT add my fic to goodreads or any other external site. (downloading and reading on a kindle sometimes does this automatically. please be aware of that. i’m not trying to police anyone’s use of ao3 but kindles are a big risk, in terms of keeping fandom communities separate and contained, so just please… don’t do that lol.) do NOT send my fic to anyone involved with the canons, such as actors or showrunners or whatever. thanks.
okay that’s it. thanks for visiting and hello