Over the years I’ve made some popular playlists on Spotify as well as a bunch of Spring Awakening “mixtapes” (mostly live performances ripped off YouTube and compiled into zips) around different themes. I’m working on reuploading some of the mixes that are quite old now and this is a list of some of these things if you missed them the first time around.
i went to joann today to make ill advised impulse craft purchases for possibly the last time ever. one of those was this no-sew fleece throw kit that has colorful moths on one side and golden moths on the other.
however i am not a big fan of the whole no sew look with the ties so i guess i will just… sew it.
i got to rewatching the second part of the 1990 phantom miniseries last night and as a side note i just learned burt lancaster got an acting nom for this presumably because he’s burt lancaster, apologies to charles dance. i bet charles dance could get a nom for being charles dance today.
anyway even though this is the part where all the exciting stuff happens (we don’t even see the lair until after the chandelier drop in this version) and we get one of the all-time most heartbreaking unmasking scenes anyone has ever concocted, i do feel like the plotting is weaker as we reach the end.but rather than complain, i will say that i admire their intentions with raoul in this version. they’ve combined his character with his older brother philippe (who is in the novel but absent from many adaptations.) he is charming.
and he’s got this whole backstory where he comes to the opera mainly for the socializing and particularly the women. but we learn how he and christine were childhood friends (with lots of emphasis on their class differences) and the dynamic here is christine is so special that he’s giving up his womanizing ways for her. this is a romance trope as old as time and not one i really like but it is something. it gives some tension to that pairing.
also, for an adaptation that i associate with having a particularly sympathetic portrayal of the phantom, he sure as hell (albeit indirectly via traps and such) kills a lot of people in this one.
i love re-consuming media i used to love when i was younger. like wow! child me still is in me i am holding her hand and keeping her safe and doing her favorite things with her!!!!
What tumblr fails to grasp is that I’m not interested in community groups for the things I like because fans of my favorite things are often very wrong about them
I see this post all the time and I’m so confused. Most people throughout history were busier than your average resident of a developed country is now. My primary reaction to reading about the past since I was a child has been “I’m glad I don’t live then, I’m too weak for that, I could not do that much work all the time.”
In the past things took longer to do but they often required a waiting period. You had to chop wood, put it in your stove, and light it, but it took a few hours for it to get hot enough for baking and then another hour for the bread to fully cook. History books will say things like “It took 4 hours to make a loaf of bread” but they don’t mention that you only had to do actual work for a fraction of that time and the rest could be devoted to other tasks or relaxing for a while
Employee workload has doubled or tripled because of modern technology. It makes things faster but also creates less downtime which employers have filled with more responsibilities. You can do more work in a 10 minute period if all the files are on the computer but in the olden days you got to take a short walk to the filing cabinet and let your mind wander while you thumbed through folders, which means a modern 10 minutes of work is more mentally exhausting. The amount of work one employee has to do today used to be split between 2 or 3 people. We lost those moments of downtime we used to get by having to do things the slow way
i love the pokemon trading card game video game for game boy. it’s not even that i love it in a “this is so nostalgic :)” way, i love it like “in the year 2025 i have countless video games i can play but i can’t get enough of this card game.” imo there is a timelessness to any card game-based video game just as there is a timelessness to most card games. and this game had a sequel only released in japan, but now we have the internet and so i have acquired a bootleg cartridge with a fan english translation and it’s rough around the edges but now i have more trading card action!!!
you can even be a girl in this one
and i’m obsessed with this “kick” animation that looks like a disembodied human leg has come to smack that pokemon
people on reddit have told me the sequel is better than the first one so i’m pumped about this.