Official tumblr of Alexandra Rowland, author of 8+ books in the Chantiverse setting, including A TASTE OF GOLD AND IRON and RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND (out June 11, 2024, available worldwide and in all formats!)
~~"We spare no expense in the construction of a narrative which may be extravagant and unlikely."~~
Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor
You have been brought before the ORC BOYAR.
The ORC BOYAR seeks entertainment; perhaps this will be your chance to impress the ORC BOYAR?
Perform a dance for the ORC BOYAR by selecting two DESCRIPTORS of the ORC BOYAR’s liking.
You perform a BONE MUSHROOM dance.
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a CHEESE SPIKE dance.
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a FAST BROTH dance.
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a HOT CRUMB dance.
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a DESSERT STONE dance,
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a LAKE MUD dance.
You feel TIRED.
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a ROYAL PIG dance.
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a CAVE TROUT dance.
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a ANVIL BREAD dance.
Your POINTED JINGLE SHOES begins to show wear from use! Bring the item the TOWN SMITH to repair it.
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a DOG MOSS dance.
The ORC BOYAR seemed slightly interested.
You perform a DOG DOG dance.
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a MOSS MOSS dance.
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a MOSS DOG dance.
The ORC BOYAR was not impressed.
You perform a DOG MOSS dance.
The ORC BOYAR was sent into a rage.
ORC BOYAR: I have already seen DOG MOSS dance. Away with you!
A FERAL HOG appears to your LEFT.
A FERAL HOG appears to your RIGHT.
A FERAL HOG appears to your FRONT.
The FERAL HOG attacks you!
The FERAL HOG attacks you!
The FERAL HOG attacks you!
You have DIED. The world has been thrown into chaos.
Tip: The ORC BOYAR was once heard to have inscribed his favorite dance on a HIDDEN STONE in the DARK DWELLING.
guys … I think they’re in love ??? 🧐🧐
my head is full of armandaniel thoughts ngl
Ten years since he passed, but a man is not dead while his name is still spoken.
GNU Sir Terry Pratchett. May his words always remind of us who we are and who we could be.
do NOT generate an ugly ai drawing of yourself as an animal. do as god intended and commission a gayass trans furry or kill yourself peace and love on planet earth
I have a series of thoughts about The Return of the King.
- The Return of the King is a restoration fantasy: the one true king sits on his throne and that, in itself, causes the kingdom to flourish.
- The restoration is expressed, in addition to Aragorn’s coronation, by the finding and planting of a new sapling of the white three. (In the movie, the old tree flowers again, which is a sound adaptational decision, but a slightly different metaphor.)
- The White Tree of Gondor is descended, through various saplings over thousands of years, through Númenor and Tol Eressea and Valinor, from Telperion, one of the Two Trees of Valinor, shining with silver light. Saplings of the tree were passed from Valar to elves to men, losing their light, diminishing, but still containing a true trace of the original divinity.
- Replanting that tree is restoring light in the world.
- But there were two trees: the Silver and the Gold, Telperion and Laurelin. What’s happened to the other one? Doesn’t someone plant a golden tree at the end of the book?
- Galadriel, queen of the Golden Wood gifts a single mallorn seed to Samwise Gamgee, who carries it throughout his quest, and finally plants it in the Shire to replace the Party Tree that was cut down by Saruman’s cronies. Replanting trees, and specifically planting that one tree is a crucial part of rebuilding and restoring the Shire after all the damage done to it. Sam, the gardener represents the restoration of the Shire, and completes the restoration of the whole of Middle Earth by adding a Golden Tree to the White one.
- Pippin becomes the Thain, Merry becomes the Master of Buckland, but Sam is elected Mayor seven times, and runs the Shire for half a century.
- The last words of the book are “Well, I’m back.” The title is “Return of the King.” Perhaps he is also a king who returns and comes into power and restores the land.
- Which would make LOTR a surprisingly egalitarian book for all its faith in the divine right of kings. Tolkien was definitely conservative, but as far as he’s concerned Labour can run the country if they plant more trees.
who up deviling they minion
Devil’s minion my beloved