127 posts tagged with formula.
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math this math
I need help building an efficient (1 step) excel formula to do a very specific piece of math. Please and thank you! [more inside]
Help with Excel formula: percent increase to 'x times as much'
I need to write an Excel formula that converts percentages to an 'x times as much' figure. It is breaking my brain. [more inside]
Excelled myself into a corner
This image shows the output of my google form, with some "clever" formulas I added. But I just realised they don't tell me what I need to know. Help me make use of this data please! [more inside]
Conditional formatting in excel
I'd like to have a spreadsheet highlight a row one color if the date is between the 1st-15th of a month, and another color for the 16th-31st of a month (there will be multiple rows with each date), but I can't figure out how to do it and google is failing me.
What's the difference between formulas?
Suplena is out of stock everywhere. Nepro is available. I consume Suplena because I have kidney failure. Nepro is also for people like me. But I haven't been consuming it and it's not listed an alternative for me. I need to know if Nepro is okay for me. [more inside]
make excel look up which cell to use in a formula
I want to write a formula in excel. THere is a sheet with rows that contain the text "a" "b" "c" "d". I want the formula to use column 2 from one of those rows. Which row? The row that matches the text in this other cell I'm going to point it to. I know this is a two step thing where I first make excel figure out which row and then write that formula into the larger formula. But I can't figure out the function to look up the right cell. The functions i find will tell me the the text is "third in the list" or whatever, not "Cell C2", (or better yet, Row 2) which is what I want.
Google Sheets: how to sort by text in a cell
I have a Google Sheet with multiple rows and columns and I want to sort by the text in one row but can't figure it out. [more inside]
Someone explain Formula One to Me
Where can I get a simplified view for a hardcore sports fan that knows little to nothing about formula one on what transpired today in the last race of the 2021 Formula 1 Season? I'm reading articles but don't totally understand. There was controversy? Why? A Vox Explainer or a Bill Simmons mid 2000s style piece explaining English Premier League would be nice. [more inside]
Google Sheets data: how to input, how to extract data.
How can I set up a Google Sheet in order to extract a certain data set? There are many more details inside... [more inside]
How to add an email address in Google Sheets/Excel?
I have a Google sheet with a column of data that contains a block of numbers and letters in each cell, like E4U8BN. There are hundreds of them, each representing a single person. I want to tag the same email address, as in "@email.com" at the end of each of those blocks. I could manually paste them on, but is there a way to automate this? A formula, perhaps? [more inside]
The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same...
Has either (or both) of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines formula changed over time. That is, if I got the vaccine tomorrow would I be getting the exact same formula as the person who got it first (once available to the public -- I think it was a nurse in NY)? Or, does the formula change slightly to take into account current data or current variants of the virus?
Add-on to a recent Excel question - am I breaking TEXTJOIN?
J.R. Hartley asked a question a few days ago about cobbling together a text string in Excel based on the contents of related cells. There were several excellent responses, including flabdablet's elegant use of TEXTJOIN. It solved half of a similar problem for me, and I'd like to see if it can handle the other half. [more inside]
Help with an excel formula
Need a little help inserting text in a cell based on the condition of another cell. Don't want to do giant nested IFs. Full question and visual aid inside. [more inside]
Happy medium between breastfeeding/pumping/formula?
Is there such a thing as happy medium between breastfeeding/pumping/formula? Or will breastfeeding get eventually better without driving me insane? [more inside]
Excel IF formula or something easier?
I can't seem to auto-fill this formula and there must be an easier way. [more inside]
“Winner take all.”
I’m looking for a delightfully preposterous scene from a 1970s or 1980s martial arts movie. Detailed (but almost certainly partially misremembered) recollections within. [more inside]
Weaning a toddler.
It's time to wean my healthy 1 year old baby, who's been breastfed on demand, was night-weaned around 9 months, and eats food well. Complication: I'm not sure what substance to bottle feed, and I feel sad/weird about weaning. Help? [more inside]
how calculate cost per home of road paving in private community
I live in community with about 60 houses, there are main roads and artery roads and capillary roads (to borrow an analogy).
We need to pave the roads and am looking for a simple way to calculate the $ contribution of each household. [more inside]
Excel formula to return closest friday 30 days out.
Our accounting department wants us to put our invoice due date as the friday before the actual due date 30 days out and I would like to automate it. Please help [more inside]
How long does unmixed formula REALLY last?
We have a three-week-old baby who is mostly breastfed but occasionally requires a bit of formula to supplement. The formula container (Similac for supplementation) says to "Use opened container contents within 1 month". How seriously do we need to take this? At the rate we've been using formula we'd end up throwing most of it away. We are normally cavalier about expiration dates but wondering if we should reconsider all our priorities because baby.
Excel Help - Creating a List from a Master Table
Advanced (I think) excel question... example below. [more inside]
Everyday formulae
I'm reading that chapter in Daniel Kahneman's 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' about the surprising accuracy of equally weighted formulas. Looking for more examples. [more inside]
The case of the mystery baby formula delivery
Is this a case of crossed-analytics or just a coincidence? [more inside]
Nursing - Why Is Baby Snoozing at the Tap?
Little REH is a beautiful 5 week old boy. Breastfeeding is going pretty well, but there have been variations...regressions? [more inside]
Google Sheets: counts with multiply criteria within the same cells
my boss has asked for possibly the impossible....
I am trying to get a count of cells but need to weed out multiply criteria.
The basic setup of each cell is "model-serialnumber notes" with not all the cells having the notes [more inside]
Excel Help - How to Concatenate without all the extra decimals??
I'm working on a sheet where I have a summary box explaining the data in the spread sheet. Something like "With 80 guests per day and and average transaction size of $14.32, you can expect 61% margins. Concatenation is not working the way I hoped =/ [more inside]
Excel/Google Sheets Formula Help
I am not sure how to ask this, so it is probably easily available on Google and I just can't find it. However, I am trying to make a Google Sheet (or Excel Doc, it doesn't matter which) that does something specific. [more inside]
Excel Help - &if statements not formatting as accounting or currency?
I'm having trouble with some excel formatting when &if statements are used. [more inside]
How to transition from breastfeeding to formula.
My baby is breastfeeding 7 times a day, plus a bottle of formula. How do we transition to just 4 or 5 feeds of formula a day? [more inside]
Help with Excel formula to compare 1 column of numbers to other columns.
I have an excel sheet with 4 columns of numbers. The first column is a recent donation amount. The other three columns were the prompts of donation amounts, (the Reach, the Target, and the Anchor). Is there an excel formula that can compare these four columns? [more inside]
Help me figure out this number-of-combinations problem
Supposing you have a set of N number of questions to choose from for creating a test. Your test must have a minimum of 1 question but can have all N. How many unique tests could you create?
Am I correct to assume the formula is 64! (factorial)?
64 x 63 x 62 x 61...
Excel filter: How do I add only data for a given month?
I have an Excel worksheet that logs hikes. The columns are date, location, miles, notes. The rows are hikes. I have a summary worksheet in the same workbook that I use to track progression. Things like cumulative miles for the year, average miles per month. I'd like to add month by month totals. I want to write a formula that will sum the distance only for a particular month (for example, January). I need a formula that will test if the hike occurred in that month, then add the miles to the sum. What would this formula look like? [more inside]
Combo feeding, las dos.
Expecting baby no. 2 any day now and this time we'd like to split the workload of feeding the baby. What do we need to know to make this work? What worked for you? [more inside]
How many more months of formula are ahead with an 11-month-old?
Should I buy formula in bulk for an 11-month-old baby? I want to follow his lead on weaning, but I also don't want to waste money or formula. I'm looking for advice from parents who let their babies self-wean. [more inside]
How do you organize bottle feeding on the go?
What is your setup for bottle-feeding your infant on the go? We are interested in things like - How do you keep the leftover formula from spoiling, what does your on-the-go kit look like, how do you keep things clean, how do you heat up the bottle (or do you?) when you are out for the day, or at the park, or wherever. We have a 3 week-old who needs to be partially bottle fed but we are struggling with how to get outside and not starve him out, and not end up throwing away most of a bottle of formula. [more inside]
Excel 2013 - Using data from two columns to identify a row in a third
I have data on one sheet of an Excel document with three columns. I want to extract this for use on another sheet as follows: If a row in Column A contains X (text string) and a row in column B contains Y (also a text string) then what does the row in column C (always a value) which matches these two criteria contain? With the data I have, this will always return a single result. [more inside]
How do I solve for a percentage of a total budget...
This will be easy for someone, but math is my second language so I'm at a loss.
How do I solve for the percentage of a TOTAL budget, when one line item is unknown (and is part of the total budget)? [more inside]
Excel formula: Letter to Number (and vice versa)
I'm working on a formula (not a macro) to convert a Letter (in this case, a column letter) to a Number, and vice versa.
So: A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, Z = 26, AA = 27, AB = 28, AC = 29, ZZ = 702, AAA = 703, AAB = 704, AAC = 705, BAA = 1379, etc...
Of my three part formula(s), I have the one-letter and two-letter columns working, but I run into issues with the three-letter columns (AAA and beyond). [more inside]
Is my baby eating too much? Am I doing something super wrong?
Well now I'm firmly in the camp of "anxious parent" but here goes.
How much food should my kid be eating? He's 7 months old, is about 20 pounds, on formula and some solids. Details below. [more inside]
How do I calculate combined percentages?
Mathfail: I'm considering supplementing my cat's food with plain meat. I'd like a rough idea of how much it would bump percentage of calories from protein and fat. [more inside]
Excel formula that hides results
I am drowning in Google results! Looking for help making a formula that will only show a value once data is entered into another cell. [more inside]
Conditional Excel formula to identify right-most column with a value?
I'm grappling with an Excel formula. Given a bunch of columns, I'd like to to (a) identify the right-most column that contains a value, then (b) fill a cell with that value and the value in the column heading. [more inside]
I want to Excel
I need some Excel assistance. [more inside]
I need to be able to memorize several formulas for a test next week
I'm taking a numerical methods class and there are all these discretization schemes of partial differential equations named after pairs of dudes and they all are kinda the same, maybe a bit different in indexes....
I'm trying to organize it all in my head, like a frat house, with the dudes that worked on the same scheme being roommates, but it seems to be taking a long time to actually "find" a place for each scheme in their "rooms" and keeping it there in a sort of visual arrangement.
Test is no books no notes, and everything kinda of just jumbles inside my head right now.
How many endings to stories are there?
Various writers and critics through the years have claimed that there are only X plots (with X being pretty variable) and at the end of the day, all stories boil down to one of those plots. But today I'm asking specifically about endings. How many different endings can there be, and what are the main ones? [more inside]
The kid is alright, but what about the parent?
Can you help me make peace with giving my baby formula when he's at daycare? [more inside]
Foolproof way to feed baby kittens?
I've got three new baby kittens with no mother, and I need to feed them. I don't have access to any good pet stores or veterinary clinics, but I do have lactose-free baby formula and a plastic syringe with the needle removed, which I've been using to feed them so far. But is there a foolproof method of holding them or something to get them to drink from it? I can usually get them to drink, but only about half of the amount recommended. More details inside. [more inside]
Need help with conditional lists in excel
I'm creating a workout training program in excel, and I want to show a range of data based on certain conditions. Using Excel 2010 More after the jump. [more inside]
If I Knew the Answer, I Could Probably Give the Question a Good Title
Is there a formula for determining (eg.) how many tracks would fit on a TT 79:57 CDR where the first track was one second, and subsequent tracks added 1 second each? (00:01, 00:02, 00:03, 00:04, &c) [more inside]
Turning user input into pie (charts)
WordPressFilter: I'm looking for a plugin/widget/codesnippet that will allow me to create a graph using input from the user. [more inside]