32 posts tagged with cemetery.
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Headstone symbolism
What is the significance or meaning of the mouthless face and aureole (?) on these 18th-century headstones? Pictures can be found in this folder. [more inside]
How to determine ownership of burial plots.
Decades ago my grandfather purchased 2 spots for him and my grandmother. And according to family lore he also bought 6 or 8 more for the kids etc. [more inside]
How do I into headstones/gravestones/grave markers?
I'm in the NYC area, and my father's grave is in Parlin, NJ. He was buried in February of last year and we've yet to order a gravestone for the site. What would our process for getting one made and placed be? None of us have any experience with this. Specific requirements and questions below the fold. [more inside]
Selling the family plot...
My in-laws have asked me to dispense with three burial plots in a local cemetery. How do I do this with the best outcome? [more inside]
Research an abandoned burial ground
We may have found an abandoned "cemetery" just off our property in a rural area. Possibly from homesteaders or maybe earlier. How do we research this? [more inside]
Is it okay to bring tools to a cemetery to dig out a grave marker?
Is it okay to bring tools to a cemetery to dig out a grave marker? [more inside]
Tell me about old-timey gravestones
I've been spending Gothic-teenager amounts of time in old cemeteries lately (in the US). I have many spoopy questions about the old-timey headstones I've seen! [more inside]
Is it okay to walk my dog in the cemetery?
That's it really. I live near a large, park-like cemetery and I'm wondering about the etiquette of walking my dog there. It's a modern, suburban cemetery which is quite, um, active. If I were to take my dog there, he would be leashed at all times and if I saw a funeral actually occurring I would keep far away.
Would if be upsetting if a person was at the cemetery to visit the grave of a loved one and they saw me casually walking the dog as if it were any other place?
Cemeteries -- use of a period?
I was walking in an old cemetery last weekend, and I noticed that many of the tombstones dating from around the late 19th to the early 20th centuries used a period after the surname on the tombstone: "JONES." and not "JONES" by itself. Can anybody point me to any resources for learning about this particular style convention?
A TR by any name is just as sweet?
My father was a fan of Teddy Roosevelt; he moved to Oyster Bay in Long Island and got a big kick out of the fact that TR was co closely associated with the town.
He died a year ago. Because of this, I added the following on his footstone under his name &c.:
A light has gone out of our lives—TR.
The cemetery, though, says it doesn’t allow references by name (including initials) to anyone other than the deceased on the footstone. They’re asking me to tell them what TR stands for; if it stands for Teddy Roosevelt, it’s off. It apparently turns, absurdly, on my subjective intent of what TR means.
I’d like help from the MF community coming up things I can tell t I can tell the cemetery deciders that TR stands for.
Graveyard in the median of a divided highway in New England?
Somewhere in Vermont, I think, there's a graveyard in a wooded area between the north and south lanes of a divided highway. Where is it? [more inside]
Portuguese cemetery wall vaults?
I was recently in a small village cemetery in Portugal. In the cemetery there was a wall with coffins interred on shelves, with a modern lockable double glazed door over each vault so that you could look in at the contents. [more inside]
Tombstones: designing and purchasing a (Late 19th Century) period-appropriate cemetery monument.
Tombstone symbology and purchase: I'm tasked with designing, purchasing, and securing the installation of headstones for two men (a murderer and his victim) who died in the late 19th-century. What online resources exist that speak to the design and purchasing process and/or could help clarify period-appropriate symbology and appearance? [more inside]
Ain't no zombie crawlin' outta that!
What are the biggest tombstones around the US & Canada that are located in cemeteries rather than large tombs themselves? [more inside]
Death is away.
Hypothetical (I'm writing a story): is it okay/normal for someone to visit a cemetery and mourn, even if their loved-one wasn't buried there? [more inside]
Largest Civil War Cemetery
Is Vicksburg National Cemetery the largest Civil War cemetery?
Lots of photos of tombstones. I want to crowdsource the transcription. How?
I have lots and lots of photos of tombstones and I want to get the information into a machine-readable format - ideally a spreadsheet. I think I can find volunteers to transcribe them, but I need a way to do it efficiently. Can anyone suggest a way to do this online, perhaps using some sort of blogging or Wiki-like software?
Old fashion gravestrone
Where can one find someone to make an out-of-the-ordinary gravestone? One involving actual stone carving? [more inside]
Identify inscriptions on wood beams in a shogun cemetery?
Can you identify and/or translate the inscriptions on the vertical wooden beams in this picture? Or provide some historical background? [more inside]
Photo enhancement for old tombstones
Calling all Photoshop and photo enhancement experts, and/or people who can pick out Hebrew letters: help me digitally fiddle with these photos of old weathered Romanian-Jewish tombstones to make the inscriptions clearer, so that I can hopefully get the Hebrew writing on them translated. [more inside]
Can you help me identify what this is? (pic included)
I've been wondering about this for quite some time... [more inside]
How to sell/market cemetery plots?
Trying to sell four adjacent cemetery plots. Funeral home suggested Craigslist ads, which I am currently running with pictures and *very* competitive pricing. No nibbles. Unconvinced that people in the market for such things actually read Craigslist. Need brilliant ideas on how and where to reach potential customers for cemetery plots in greater Seattle area. (Skywriting is out.)
Cemeteries: What does PWI stand for?
What does P.W.I stand for at a cemetery? [more inside]
Do you know where this is?
Does anyone recognize this photo? It looks like a cemetary to me but I can't identify which one. [more inside]
What is this Jewish cemetery in Eastern Berlin?
Help me find a Jewish cemetery in Berlin. (No, it's not the one you're thinking of.) [more inside]
Cemetery Gardening Ideas Wanted
I am looking for ideas for planting around grave sites. [more inside]
Are people afraid of ghosts?
How much will my home's location across from a cemetery affect resale? [more inside]
Like something out of Scooby Doo...
Help me find a detailed spooky graveyard silhouette! [more inside]
How did the New Orleans cemeteries fare through Hurricane Katrina?
Amid the original concerns about a Cat 3 or higher hurricane hitting New Orleans was the above-ground cemetery circumstances in the city. I'm not sure this thread could be any more ghoulish than what the status quo is but, has anyone heard anything about the status of the cemeteries in New Orleans?
Anthony, wife of Henry?
Wandering a cemetery, I came across this gravestone. "Anthony, beloved wife of Henry"? I'm pretty sure there wasn't a lot of gay marriage up in northern Ontario during the late 19th Century, but I've never heard of Anthony being a woman's name... what gives?
How do cemeteries make money?
How do cemeteries make money? [more inside]
What is this statue at the Hollywood Forever cemetary?
Is there a sculpture of a "winged man sexually assaulting a woman" at the Hollywood Forever cemetary? [More inside] [more inside]