292 posts tagged with Latin.
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How to interpret the phrase “As Satan Would” in Latin?
A straight translation from Google seems insufficient, as usual.
I am looking for a way to say an equivalent of ‘Hail Satan,’ but I don’t like the “hail,” never have.
It’s really more a mirror of WWJD: “How to proceed? As Satan would.”
Translating an English phrase to Latin for a tagline to a research group
I have a pithy phrase in English I would like translating into Latin to use as a subtitle for an academic research group, but my latin is so rusty that I need to call in help! [more inside]
Correct Latin translation needed - "Innocent III is dead"
Question for well-versed MeFites - what is the most accurate translation of "Innocent III is dead." (as a statement of fact)? [more inside]
Job ideas for a former Latin teacher / current counseling student
My friend taught high school Latin but got overwhelmed with the public school stress. She's now in graduate school to become an art therapist. She's been staying home with their small children. Her husband lost his job (not my place to ask) and I'm trying to help her brainstorm ideas for income.I'm hoping the hive mind here can think of some specific suggestions rather than general things like "try tutoring." She lives in Salem, VA.
In Skunks We Trust
I'm wanting to make a flag for our backyard, where we get a lot of nocturnal visitors passing through - skunks, opossums, raccoons mostly. To make it super fancy I'd like to add a motto in Latin, or if not a motto, something like "Skunk Island" or "Critter Sanctuary." I don't know Latin. Can anyone help me?
Nihil dicit choco
What is this (perhaps faux/imitatio) Latin on a chocolate coin I am eating? One side reads "HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS" with his bust, which is obvious enough, but the other: "OXONIA BRITANNIA PRIORA TEMPORES" around a Roman centurion with spear and shield. What does it mean, if anything?
"But I Digress" in Latin, as a heraldic motto?
I've just been noticing that I use the phrase a lot, and I feel like, if I was a Knight of Chivalry, this would be my motto: such as "No One Attacks Me With Impunity" or 'I Shine But Burn Not". What would the correct Latin be, to say, basically, "I wander/wonder about and get distracted, but I am proud of this, not ashamed"? [more inside]
Latin medical filter
Please help me coin a new medical term. How would you say, "cat induced paralysis" in Latin?
The term describes the condition of being unable to move because a cat has reached a state of maximum comfort in your lap and, you know, you just can't move. So far I have felinitopic paralysis, but I know that's not right.
Latin -> Italian language learning
I've been studying Latin for the past couple of years, and am planning to continue doing so. I'm slowly reaching the point where I can more-or-less read original texts. It recently struck me that this might make it easier to learn Italian - do any classicists here have experience of learning Italian, and how did you find it? Did you do so in parallel, or one after the other, and if so, in what order? Did you find the different grammars muddled your understanding, or was the doubled-up vocabulary useful enough to compensate?
Help me brainstorm a domain name for a site offering Latin/Greek classes
Also, should I stick with .com, or go for a cheaper .net/.org/.ca/etc. domain? [more inside]
length of a loaned vocal in Latin?
In the Latin loanword “saccharomyces” is the y a long or short vowel (and how is that established?), and therefore would the reconstructed classical pronunciation put the stress on the penultimate syllable, or instead on the third-to-last? [more inside]
Help me brainstorm creating Greek and Latin language learning videos
I'm a classicist with lots of experience teaching Latin and ancient Greek at university level. I'm thinking about starting a series of videos aimed at intermediate learners, partly because I miss teaching languages and partly in the hope of eventually building a follower base which might bring in a bit of extra income though donations or subscriptions. Help me think about format, platform, how to get the word out etc.! More generally, if you know something about monetizing very niche subjects online, I'd love to hear non-classics-specific advice too. [more inside]
Translating the 1930's Latin and Dutch of an Escher emblematum...
In my work on fungal iconographies, I've stumbled on an image from a series of woodcuts made by M.C. Escher around 1930, which is accompanied by a motto in Latin and brief poem in Dutch by (apparently florid) Dutch author G.J. Hoogewerff (under the pseudonym A.E. Drijfhout). The only translation I've found does not seem entirely accurate, but my Latin is poor and I can only second-guess the Dutch notes via my German... might you be able to help me out? [more inside]
Latin translation: "courage in the face of fear"
If you're confident in your Latin fluency, please help! [more inside]
Latin language resources for the rusty
What's new in classics? What are your tried and true recommendations for Latin study for the experienced but rusty? [more inside]
Help me translate into Latin?
I want to translate the phrase "Bend, Don't Break" into Latin for a ring I'm designing. [more inside]
WordFilter: Word for an attorney speaking in the voice of her client?
What would the term be for the nature of an attorney's role in speaking to the court in place of her client? To pick something at random, in this SCOTUS dissent it says stuff like, “petitioner conceded at oral argument...” and “petitioner asserted an as-applied proportionality challenge to his sentence...” and “petitioner abandoned his as-applied claim...” but obviously it's not the non-lawyer petitioner himself saying these things, it's the petitioner's legal counsel. [more inside]
Alternatives to Duolingo for Latin and German
I've been using Duolingo to brush up on my German and start learning Latin, and it is . . . not optimal. Are there better apps for this? Or something besides apps? [more inside]
What is the best translation of this from Latin to English?
Robert Boyle quotes Paracelsus (in De Mineralibus Tractatus) as saying this about minerals:
"Sed et hoc verum est, in terra multa adhuc condi, quae mihi incognita sunt, sed eadem nec alii norunt. Certum siquidem est, progressu temporis tot tamque varia à Deo adhuc proditum iri, de quibus nemo nostrum nedum unquam somniavit." [image]
What is a good translation of this into English?
Mesoamerica for dummies
I'm looking for an accessible and fairly recently written history of Mesoamerica, in English. Any suggestions? [more inside]
Travel advice
Me and my teen want to take a trip together. So far our only criteria is a Spanish speaking country. [more inside]
Latin carries more weight
A powerlifiting podcast I'm listening to has a motto I'd like to translate into latin. Can the linguistic hive help out or know where to turn? [more inside]
How to get a classical education at 40 years old?
I realize this is broadly framed, but: If I wanted to acquire a classical education as an adult, what would be the best way to do so? What are the key texts, tools, etc.? [more inside]
Latin study for fun and profit
I took four years of Latin in high school using the hilarious, wry Cambridge Latin Course textbooks, then a few different Ovid and Catullus texts for students. Twenty years later I've forgotten just about everything. As a slacker student, what's the most engaging way to re-learn Latin over the next year? I'd especially love an all-in-one textbook, and one that pays attention to poetic devices and linguistic oddities would be especially welcome -- but so would any anecdotes, advice for dilettantes, or tales of your own Latin re/learning. Spero me?
Received Pronounciation or General American accent for LA Spanish?
I want to integrate some accent work into my Spanish language education. Unfortunately I live in the Yucatán and I’d rather not end up with that as my default.
Is there a neutral(ish) accent that is recognized across Latin America? Something that newsreaders and sportscasters use for international programming? Or if not for all of Latin America, at least for Mexico?
nerdfilter: Latin prefix question
Dear Latin Knowers: what is the deeper semantic difference between the morphemes "ab" (away, from) and "se" (away, apart.) [more inside]
Alternate term for "dinosaur" and alternate names for dinosaurs?
I'm writing a fiction piece that involves several characters (including a naturalist) encountering dinosaurs before the 1800s. I'd like to be able to have the naturalist come up with his own plausible scientific names for the creatures, as well as to coin a term that would be accepted by the scientific community had Richard Owen not come up with "dinosauria". Unfortunately, I do not speak either Greek or Latin, nor am I a scientist. [more inside]
How did Latin American national identities emerge?
Looking for books/your answers/other resources about how different Latin American national identities came to be and how the continent came to be divided into different countries.
Why, for example, is North America split into 3 countries and Central and South America are split into many more? What differences are there between Chilean and Argentinian national identity? Those sorts of questions.
I am mainly interested in the Spanish-speaking countries, not as interested in Brazil etc.
Thank you!
Could you help me translate a short sentence into Latin?
I need to translate a simple sentence into Latin as part of a mock Medieval tapestry, but Google Translate is throwing up weird results. [more inside]
Quick latin translation.
So, wondering if any of you wonderful people out there could help with a tattoo I'd like.. Could you give me a translation for "hold my avocado" in latin?
Amicus Curious (Latin-Translation Filter)
I'm getting married in September and will be giving my fellow-attorney Best Friend (this in lieu of "Best Man," as she's not the latter) a wristwatch. I'd like to have it engraved with something relevant to our shared profession that's sincere, but with a touch of whimsy. [more inside]
Where in the world should I live?
Requirements: cheap cost of living (this is the most important factor!); no need to learn a language beyond English (also crucial!); warm weather (75-90˚F/23-30˚C); fast internet; safe. Thoughts and advice? [more inside]
I can rule out "Romans go home..."
Can you identify/translate this (likely contemporary/invented) Latin phrase?
Quod continue sugen / Et nome signum / Me anones ad me [more inside]
Family crest motto in Latin
My friend is designing her family crest and she would like to have the phrase "All or Nothing" in Latin. Is "Aut Omnia Aut Nihil" a good translation? If not, what would be better?
Logophiles Specializing in Latin; Please Hope Me
Please help me modify "cogito ergo sum" to use as the title of a sci-fi short story. [more inside]
Can one say 'Babylonian Encyclopedia' in Latin?
I want the meaning to be 'written by the Babylonians' rather than 'about the Babylonians', and google has left me thoroughly confused! (This is for a literary project rather than an historical one; the idea being that the Babylonians write a jolly good encyclopedia but have named it in Latin for some reason!)
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I wish for translation to be done, from Latin. [more inside]
Hurry up and wait for a latin translation (c.f. eels, hovercraft)
This week it occurred to me that the funniest thing ever would be to get a solid latin translation of the English/American idiom "Hurry up and wait." (that this occurred to me while spending the day with my son's school band is perhaps coincidence) [more inside]
Astronomy terms for nearest and furthest distances in established orbits
Is there a generic astronomy term for the least or greatest possible distance between two bodies orbiting the same mass? [more inside]
Italian last names, poop related, started as a joke?
I have a half-remembered anecdote from a Latin lecture about a number of (I beleive middle age or earlier) peasants being asked/made to have last names where they had not previously been allowed to/bothered with, and a lot of them chose really sophomoric names that mean "Poop-lover" or things of this nature. I recall it being regional, and I think I might be conflating multiple events. Details inside. [more inside]
Does anyone know the inscriptions on the doors of the Milan Cathedral?
I've read online that over the triple doorways of Milan Cathedral are three inscriptions spanning the arches. Above one is carved a wreath of roses, with the words, “All that pleases is but for a moment.” Over the second is a cross, with the words, “All that troubles is but for a moment.” Underneath the great central entrance to the main aisle is inscribed: “That only is important which is eternal.”
I presume the inscriptions are in latin or something. Can someone confirm, and provide the exact wording in latin? [more inside]
Harry Potter language question
The spells in the Harry Potter books are in a kind of Latin.
There is a Latin translation of the first Harry Potter book.
What language are the spells in that? (PLEASE SAY GREEK!)
What language are the spells in the Greek translation? (PLEASE SAY EGYPTIAN!)
Audio resources for language learning
I'd like to learn new languages - specifically French, German and Latin. The only significant time I have to do this is a daily ~2 hour commute. So, recommendations please for offline audio-based language resources (something that is, or can be put, on a CD). [more inside]
Classics nerds of MeFi! Name my dad's adorable Latin YouTube channel?
My dad (80, sharp as a tack) is the beloved, rumpled Latin teacher at a girls school in the NE. He wants to start a YouTube channel "like Bill Nye for Latin"-- a mix of light grammar lessons, history, etymology and trivia. I think it will be great and have offered to help--first, by naming it. But what should it be called? [more inside]
While the people who translate to Latin are around . .
My friend and I have a particular history and we want to get a buddy tattoo. Naturally I'm going to ask you to verify a translation. [more inside]
Translate "Deal from strength or get crushed every time" to Latin?
Title says it all. I tried the online translation, but even with my twenty-year-old-intro-Latin, I could tell they weren't great. How would you translate that into Latin? I'm really looking for two sorts of translations: one literal, and one short and "motto"-like.
Learning Latin, sans school
What are your suggestions/resources for learning Latin independently, outside of school? I am a beginner, with access to a well-resourced library and the Internet. I'll keep this question brief and general, since I am open to any and all suggestions. Thanks!
How would one say "slutty angels" in Latin?
A friend is hosting a horror movie night this Friday, and even though it's an otherwise Halloween-themed get-together, the invitation specified "Don't wear your slutty angel costume; this is not that kind of party." So my partner and I have decided we need to wear wings and get t-shirts made that say something approximating "slutty angels" in Latin. (Or "wanton" or "lascivious" or whatever is actually translatable.) I'd like it to be at least nominally grammatical. Help?
Help me find that song
I'm trying to locate a Latin/Spanish song from a few years back with almost nothing to go on. Here's what I remember... [more inside]
How to say "nature does make jumps" in latin?
As opposed to natura non facit saltus. Is it just natura facit saltus? I want to be emphatic that it does saltate. Google Translate and other translation systems are giving divergent answers.