Link tags: sxsw



What was it like? (Phil Gyford’s website)

Congratulations and kudos to Phil for twenty years of blogging!

Here he describes what it was like online in the year 2000. Yes, it was very different to today, but…

Anyone who thinks blogging died at some point in the past twenty years presumably just lost interest themselves, because there have always been plenty of blogs to read. Some slow down, some die, new ones appear. It’s as easy as it’s ever been to write and read blogs.

Though Phil does note:

Some of the posts I read were very personal in a way that’s less common now, in general. … Even “personal” websites (like mine) often have an awareness about them, about what’s being shared, the impression it gives to strangers, presenting a public face, maybe a feeling of, “I’m just writing personal nonsense but, why, yes, I am available for hire”.

Maybe that’s why I’m enjoying Robin’s writing so much.

You Know What? Fuck Dropdowns

An entertaining presentation from South By Southwest on the UI element of last resort.

It’s funny because it’s true.

Andy Hume: CSS for Grownups, SXSW 2012 - YouTube

The slides and audio from Andy’s exceptional talk earlier this year at Southby, combined into one video.

It really is excellent, although he does make the mistake of pulling the “dogma” card on those who woud disagree with him, and he really doesn’t need to: his argument is strong enough to stand on its own.

Andy Hume: CSS for Grownups, SXSW 2012

An Essay on the New Aesthetic | Beyond The Beyond |

Bruce Sterling writes about the New Aesthetic in an article that’s half manifesto and half critique.

Grab a cup of tea or hit your “read it later” bookmarklet of choice for this one—it’s a lengthy but worthwhile read.

adactio : sxsw2012 on Huffduffer

I’ve been huffduffing some of the best talks from this year’s South by Southwest—some I saw, some I missed. Subscribe to the podcast feed if you want to catch up with them at your leisure.

Excessive Enhancement - SXSW2012 // Speaker Deck

The slides from Phil’s excellent South by Southwest presentation on URLs, JavaScript, and progressive enhancement.

Get Excited and Make Things with Science on Huffduffer

The audio from the panel I did at South by Southwest with Ariel and Matt all about science hacking.

Photo Booth - Annie Ray Photo

Pictures from the photo booth at Jeffrey’s Hall of Fame celebration party on the last night of South by Southwest.

Of Austin Fame and Marches | Dolls for Friends

I am the proud custodian of one of these cute Zeldolls …I may have even nabbed a second one.

russell davies: SXSW, the new aesthetic and writing

Russell was the final panelist to speak at the New Aesthetic South by Southwest tour-de-force, taking a look at how our relationship to text is being changed.

[this is aaronland] god help us if all we’re doing is building an internet of explore

Aaron explains why there was a handcrafted predator drone at the New Aesthetic panel at South by Southwest.

SXSW, the new aesthetic and commercial visual culture (Noisy Decent Graphics)

Ben took an insightful and amusing at the New Aesthetic in advertising.

New Aesthetic at SXSW 2012 : Joanne Mcneil

Joanne Mcneil was the first to speak at the New Aesthetic panel, giving a great historical perspective.

#sxaesthetic |

James summarises the excellent New Aesthetic panel he put together for South by Southwest.

Jeffrey Zeldman tribute video - on his induction into the SXSW Interactive Hall of Fame on Vimeo

The video that was played at Jeffrey’s inauguration into the South by Southwest Interactive Hall of Fame.

CSS for grown ups: maturing best practises // Speaker Deck

The slides from Andy’s tour-de-force presentation at South by Southwest on CSS best practices.

On South By Southwest 2012 « Evan Prodromou

Evan’s experiences of—and thoughts about—South by Southwest mirror my own to an uncanny degree.

Get Excited and Make Things with Science // Speaker Deck

The slides from the South by Southwest panel I was on with Ariel and Matt. It was lots of fun.

SXSW speakers: Promote your panel with free MOO MiniCards! | The Lanyrd Blog

Moo and Lanyrd sitting in a tree, helping promote my SXSW panel. Excellent!

IMG_3937 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

There’s a Kubrickian quality to this picture Tantek snapped of me asking a question during his microformats panel.
