kuis-isle3sw/IoPLMaterials(の古いバージョン)を元にしている. 入出力部分,エラーメッセージはocaml/ocamlを参考にしている.
- 関数(再帰関数を含む),リスト,ヴァリアント(再帰が可能),参照
- パターンマッチング(変数の使用,ネストが可能)
- 型推論(let多相,value restriction)
- 丁寧なエラーメッセージ(エラー箇所の表示)
git clone https://github.com/samosica/miniml_interpreter.git
cd miniml_interpreter
dune exec miniml
でインタプリタが起動する.dune exec miniml x.ml
の中身が実行される.一方で,dune exec miniml < x.ml
AtCoder Beginner Contest 138 F - Coincidenceを解くコードが次のように書ける. ただし,入出力は実装していないので,ロジック部分だけを書いている.また,リンク先の入出力例だけしか試していない.
let eqn n m = (-1) < n + (-1) * m && n + (-1) * m < 1 ;;
(* tuple *)
type ('a, 'b) pair = Pair of 'a * 'b ;;
type ('a, 'b, 'c) triple = Triple of 'a * 'b * 'c ;;
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) quad = Quad of 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd ;;
let fst p =
match p with
Pair(f, _) -> f
let snd p =
match p with
Pair(_, s) -> s ;;
(* list *)
let rec mem = fun x -> fun l ->
match l with
[] -> false
| y :: l -> eqn x y || mem x l ;;
let rec fold_left = fun f -> fun acc -> fun l ->
match l with
[] -> acc
| x :: l -> fold_left f (f acc x) l ;;
let rec for_all2 = fun p -> fun l -> fun l' ->
match Pair(l, l') with
Pair([], []) -> true
| Pair(x :: l, y :: l') -> p x y && for_all2 p l l'
| _ -> false ;;
let rec map2 = fun f -> fun l -> fun l' ->
match Pair(l, l') with
Pair([], []) -> []
| Pair(x :: l, y :: l') -> f x y :: map2 f l l'
| _ -> [] ;;
(* tree *)
(* 配列がないので葉に参照を持たせた2分木で代用している *)
type 'a tree = B of 'a tree * 'a tree
| L of 'a ref ;;
let rec make_tree = fun d ->
if d < 1 then L (ref (-1)) else B(make_tree (d + (-1)), make_tree (d + (-1))) ;;
let make_tree d = Pair(d, make_tree d) ;;
let at k t =
let d = fst t in
let t = snd t in
let rec at' = fun l -> fun t ->
match t with
B(lt, rt) -> if eqn ((k lsr (l + (-1))) land 1) 0
then at' (l + (-1)) lt
else at' (l + (-1)) rt
| L r -> r in
at' d t ;;
let set k v t = at k t := v
let get k t = !(at k t) ;;
(* ---------------------------------------- *)
(* automaton *)
type 'a automaton = Automaton of ('a -> int -> int) * (int -> bool) ;;
let transition a =
match a with
Automaton(d, _) -> d
let is_accepted a =
match a with
Automaton(_, p) -> p ;;
let make_automaton d acs =
Automaton (d, fun s -> mem s acs) ;;
let a1 =
let d q s =
match q with
Quad(x, y, l, r) ->
(match Triple(x, y, s) with
Triple(1, 0, 0) -> 1
| Triple(0, 1, 0) -> 1
| Triple(1, 1, 0) -> 2
| Triple(_, _, _) -> s) in
let acs = [0; 2] in
make_automaton d acs ;;
let a2 =
let d q s =
match q with
Quad(x, y, l, r) ->
(match Triple(x, l, s) with
Triple(1, 0, 0) -> 1
| Triple(0, 1, 0) -> 2
| Triple(_, _, _) -> s) in
let acs = [0; 1] in
make_automaton d acs ;;
let a3 =
let d q s =
match q with
Quad(x, y, l, r) ->
(match Triple(y, r, s) with
Triple(1, 0, 0) -> 1
| Triple(0, 1, 0) -> 2
| Triple(_, _, _) -> s) in
let acs = [0; 2] in
make_automaton d acs ;;
let a4 =
let d q s =
match q with
Quad(x, y, l, r) ->
(match Triple(x, y, s) with
Triple(1, 0, 0) -> 1
| Triple(_, _, _) -> s) in
let acs = [0] in
make_automaton d acs ;;
let aus = [a1; a2; a3; a4] ;;
let mo = 1000000007 ;;
let solve l r =
let t = make_tree 13 in (* 2^13 > 60 * 81 *)
let rec f = fun i -> fun ss ->
let j = fold_left (fun x y -> x * 3 + y) 0 ss in
if i < 0
then if for_all2 (fun s au -> is_accepted au s) ss aus
then 1
else 0
else if eqn (get (i * 81 + j) t) (-1)
then (let v = fold_left (fun s p ->
let a = fst p in
let b = snd p in
let ss = map2 (fun s au -> (transition au) (Quad(a, b, (l lsr i) land 1, (r lsr i) land 1)) s) ss aus in
(s + f (i + (-1)) ss) mod mo) 0 [Pair(0, 0); Pair(0, 1); Pair(1, 0); Pair(1, 1)] in
let tmp = set (i * 81 + j) v t in
else get (i * 81 + j) t in
f 59 [0; 0; 0; 0] ;;
(* リンク先の入力例に対する出力 *)
let out1 = solve 2 3
let out2 = solve 10 100
let out3 = solve 1 1000000000000000000 ;;