use ASUS Aura SDK
pip install pywin32
ffmpeg -v quiet -i "1080p.mp4" -vf scale=8:8 -c:v rawvideo -pix_fmt gray -f rawvideo - > 1.bin
gcc convert.c -o c.out && ./c.out
python # python3
Settings -> Privay -> Microphone:
- Change -> On;
- Allow desktop apps to access your microphone.
Right click speakers icon -> Sound -> Recording -> Stereo Mix:
- Right click -> Enable;
- Right click -> Properties -> Listen -> Listen to this device.
Settings -> System -> Sound:
- Input -> Choose your input device -> Stereo Mix (Realtek(R) Audio)
*Stereo Mix can be replaced with one that has the same function.
pip install pywin32 pyaudio
python # python3